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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Elway completed over 60% of his passes in only 3 of his 16 seasons. The first TEN YEARS of his career, he threw 158 TDs and 157 interceptions. The last six years he had 132 TDs and 69 INTs. Elway was one of the 2 or 3 best QBs I've ever seen, but only if we're talking about when the game is on the line. One of the reasons he had so many great comebacks is he tended to suck much of the first 3 quarters of games.
  2. Time to outlaw microwaves, freezers, and toilets. For the children.
  3. You'll have to forgive me. I don't watch the news and only occasionally listen to it. I didn't read the rest of this thread after the last time I posted in it.
  4. You mean a media outlet is full of crap? I had no idea.
  5. Fear the government that fears free speech. I'd be a hell of alot more worried about driving such things underground than it being out in the open where it can be easily refuted. You know, like the idea that you can stamp out pedophilia by getting rid of homosexuality.
  6. I'd like to thank the troll over there pretending to be me. I feel so damn famous.
  7. Yeah, it's great. If you're a brainwashed lemming troll.
  8. Now apparently the "victims" have hired a lawyer and expect compensation.
  9. Ah, fundamentals. I guess understanding that it takes leadership to both win a campaign AND govern effectively is too much to ask.
  10. I've been waiting for this post, as it was inevitable. It has it all. Ridiculous explanations, cries of victimization, plus all the internet rules required to justify your lemmingdom. NAMBLA uses pretty much the same lahjik to explain what they do, so they thank you personally for coming to their aid. It's not pedophilia, it's a homosexual act because they're adolecents. Do you also aim to stamp out heterosexuality because there are currently so many "adolecent" girls and boys being molested by the opposite sex? But you "just can't have an "intellectual" conversation." Dude, you're just awesome. As far as why you stopped, we figured our stormtroopers finally caged or killed you. You know, since you gave out your name, made it so damn easy, and our organized movement has had that as a goal since we got together. I'm sure the church more than appreciates you regurgitating their propaganda verbatim and with such zeal. You're very likely on the short list of the first people to get their mansion in heaven.
  11. Don't you know, he's a 1980s man? And his kids, they just don't understand him at all...
  12. They're right to think about the slippery slope. The next step is someone breaking into your house, putting some child porn on your PC, and doing the same thing. It's not so much about protecting pedophiles. There's a delicate balance where freedom is concerned.
  13. Uh, I'm not much of a pecker checker. I leave that to dudes who drive, you know, Honda Fits and those really queer Volkswagon Convertibles.
  14. Says the guy whose party of choice nominated TWO men who weren't smart enough to beat him. THINK.
  15. Nice try. And therein lies the difference between you and I. You see, you immediately attempted to turn this into some kind of partisan ramble. It is no such thing. There would be just as many of your lemmings as their would be lemmings from the other side. That's what your party counts on and that's what they get. Year after year. It's the ignorance they prey on and you and your kind buy into it in much the same way a salmon instinctively swims against the current to reach the spawning ground. Salon.com. Laughable.
  16. If you think Texas women look like men, you've obviously never set foot in the state. It's a wretched place, but the women are world class.
  17. Let me know when he wins a big game against good competition.
  18. Anyone have a tester kit available? I'm pretty sure the gene pool is low on chlorine.
  19. Legitimate at what? Having the shortest Top 10 stay in college football history after the longest wait to get there?
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