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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You mean because you were there? Or are you just another liberal parrot who, when exposed as a hypocrite, compares their adversary to a political movement that murdered countless millions of people? [/rhetorical]
  2. Because the release of the Cardinals' World Series title DVD is imminent...
  3. Who cares if any of them can sing? I'd rather find out how they hum.
  4. I know you can find his jockstrap at about the 13 yard line.
  5. Thanks for continuing to prove your ignorance, as if we needed further evidence. Care to tell us which country the US doesn't spy on? That'd be none. That's right, we gather intelligence on every country in the world. Guess where we concentrate most of our resources? ON COUNTRIES WHERE OUR ECONOMIC INTEREST IS HIGHEST. Are you really as stupid as the character you play here?
  6. And as usual said nothing. Finding an article by a politician from the other party who essentially agrees with your party's current political view on a particular subject doesn't somehow make you special. Thank goodness for your openmindedness...
  7. No offense, but I wouldn't expect anyone going to a US College to be getting much positive information on the Reagan Era - especially that quote. That list is a fuggin' joke. "Oh, my nose!" is on the list but "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" isn't? At the end of the day, it's actually pretty sad that the pervasiveness of partisanship filters all the way to stuff as stupid as a TVLand list.
  8. Yeah, that's really surprising. Who'd have thought the biggest recipient of US foriegn aid wouldn't hedge their bets by getting all the intel they can. You liberals are a hoot with your ignorance.
  9. The same things have been said about Bradshaw, Farve, and other QBs. Whoopie. Like I said, some of the passes I've seen JP throw are as hard as any from the past, to include the throw to Price. Mike Shanahan was mic'd during the preseason game last season and was quite complementary of Losman's arm after he threw a 20 yard out. I think Shanahan may know a little something about that subject.
  10. I'm sorry, I read on TBD that Losman doesn't look guys off. That means you're wrong, mister.
  11. Aikman is good and he doesn't step all over the game like so many of them do.
  12. I miss the great Curt Gowdy. Also, Jack Buck and Hank Stramm were a fabulous team.
  13. I don't know that Elway's arm is measurably better than JPs. That pass he threw to beat the Texans was an absolute rope that traveled about 35 yards from the spot he released it. That's a given, though I don't think he became a better player because his arm weakened. The game simply slowed down and the Broncos became a more balanced team on both sides of the football. I think losing his mobility helped him more than the couple feet he lost off his fastball. Nope. Just that some of the things he can do remind me of those guys - and he obviously has a long way to go to reach the lofty heights. I think Young was a far superior runner in the open field and throwing stuff underneath but Losman is far better throwing down the field. We'll likely never know how close the two are talent wise because Losman will never have the helm of a team as stacked as those Young played on, simply because of the cap.
  14. Dude, his third season they were 11-5 (didn't make the playoffs). He threw more interceptions than TDs. His fourth year, despite his very pedestrian numbers they went to the Super Bowl. His fifth season, they lost again in the Super Bowl. His completion percentage was 54.6. His seventh season, they lost their 3rd Super Bowl in 4 seasons. His completion percentage was 53.6 and he threw 18 TDs and 19 Interceptions. That's three Super Bowls despite having a QB who completed about 55% of his passes and had nearly as many interceptions as TDs. As far as it removing most of the above players, you're wrong. Dennis Smith, Rulon Jones, Mecklenburg, Steve Watson, Butch Johnson, Louis Wright, Keith Bishop, Mark Haynes, Greg Kragen, Gary Zimmerman, Vance Johnson, Mark Jackson, and Ricky Nattiel were all part of those teams. Shannon Sharp, Bobby Humphrey, and Michael Brooks were all around before he hit his tenth season.
  15. Cool. I'd say I'll go out of my way to better explain myself, but we both know that'd be a line of crap.
  16. Yeah, that's why if we hadn't picked him Green Bay would have. Because he wasn't worth the first rounder. I'm absolutely shocked that a guy that played his college football at Tulane would struggle with the nuances of the NFL, you know, with that schools track record of developing professional football players. How's the most ready, football intelligent QB in the last 10 years, Matt Leinhart looking?
  17. Dude, I'm agreeing with you. At the beginning of the year I posted that I expected the BILLS to struggle the first half of the season and hoped we'd see progress the second half (which is exactly how it's gone to this point). There are alot of stupid people out there who simply don't understand what a difficult transition it is for quarterbacks at the NFL level and attempt to use exceptions to the rule to prove their retardia. When guys like Steve Young and John Elway have such difficult adjustment periods, there's no way a guy like Losman (whose skill set lies within those two great players) doesn't deserve to grow along with the continued building of a talented team around him.
  18. You mean like Losman has around him? No offense, but Denver had a hell of alot more talent (Dennis Smith, Rulon Jones, Mecklenburg, Louis Wright, Keith Bishop, Mark Haynes, Greg Kragen, Bobby Humphrey, Michael Brooks, Shannon Sharp, Gary Zimmerman (one of the best Olineman I've ever seen), Tom Nalen, Ted Washington, Mark Schlereth, Michael Dean Perry, Romo, Tyrone Braxton, Terrell Davis, Rod Smith, Vance Johnson, Mark Jackson, Ricky Nattiel) than you're giving them credit for. Did Elway elevate the team? Absolutely. But they were a very talented football team.
  19. Another set of stats for you all: Games: 27 Attempts: 570 Completions: 304 Percentage: 53.3 TDs: 21 Ints: 21 Guess who?
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