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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That explains the low turnout at VABills' parties...
  2. Friggin' rookies. Sing me your fight songs.
  3. You'll forgive me for not putting that particular cart before my horse. As far as that goes, you'll never see me in anything with Sluggalo on it. So? Doesn't change the fact that the uniform sucks.
  4. Nothing is so ardantely defended as that which cannot be proven.
  5. I see people every day wearing ridiculous crap. No one exhibits any of the behaviors you're apparently expecting, which doesn't change the fact that what they're wearing is ridiculous. The Slug is like parachute pants. 20 years from now you're going to see a picture of yourself wearing that garbage and wonder what the hell you were thinking.
  6. The content more than showed he has no military experience. Do we really need to make this into some kind of "Holcomb's Armesque" thing?
  7. You mean because I deleted his post, rather than give it all the response it deserved?
  8. Yes it is. And the argument that it isn't the worst is like frosting a steaming turd. It's still a turd, not the cake you wished for. The color scheme isn't great. It's just marginally better than the previous abortion. Uh, could that be because his stuff was so much better than what we actually ended up with? Yep, that's actually it. See, you and others like you are willing to settle for mediocre when there are OBVIOUSLY MUCH better choices that were available. It's funny how now that the team on the ice is really good, a pass can be given to the marketing department (who've been incompetent for a DECADE). Ridiculous. I'm sure the current management appreciates you regurgitating the same ridiculous argument for them. It keeps them from looking stupid and puts that onus on you. At the end of the day, they'd have made a hell of alot more money if they'd done the right thing. I have zero guilt over not owning a single piece of "sluggalo" and if the team has to move because of THAT, I'll sleep just fine. It won't be my fault, it'll be squarely on them. Much like the reason the American carmakers have been losing marketshare. You mean like adopting a needy family at Christmas time? Because I'm not sure that tossing more money at people who're ridiculously overpaid already quite fits the bill...
  9. This based on your vast military experience? Yeah, thought so.
  10. I'd wager my next paycheck that the average college coach knows LESS about teams outside their own conference than the average poster on this board.
  11. Uh, the Ducks play in Anaheim. It's not a traditional hockey market, nor are their fans at all passionate. To top that off, they aren't starved for a winner like Buffalo is. I'd be shocked if one in every 1000 possible fans there could name 3 players that have EVER played for them Buffalo fans live the success/failure of their sports teams. LA fans could give a rat's ass. The ultimate bandwagon city - a bunch of guys like Ed. The only time you hear a peep from them is if they're having a lot of success. Hence the reason they don't have a football team.
  12. You'll have to excuse Ed, he went to Rutgers. He has no concept of what a rivalry game is. You see, in order to have a rivalry game your team has to occassionally win a game they aren't supposed to against a superior ranked opponent, rather than get waxed year after year after year. I'm sure that traditional football power Louisville considers Rutgers a rival now. They're probably going to bring Scooter McCray, Darryl Griffith, and Lancaster Gordon back to fire up the troops for next season's "big game".
  13. I walked into the Flight Surgeon one time and the dude was 6'5" tall and about 300 pounds with nary an ounce of fat on him. He started pulling on the gloves and I said "Doc, I respect you and all that, but there's no way in hell this is happening." He said, "Oh, you're still too young for that test. Another five years." I said "Good, because I was going out swinging. It'd have been quick, but there'd have definitely been a fight." He laughed his ass off. And mine stayed "exit only" for awhile longer.
  14. How exactly is she going to be too injured to give head? It's not like she needs teeth for that particular skill...
  15. I wouldn't put the Ducks in the "exciting" category. They're a good team but most of the time they are not fun to watch.
  16. Uh, using that "lahjik", Rutgers is perhaps the worst program in the history of Division I college football. You know, since virtually everyone has had more success than they have...
  17. The cool part is, you partisan idiots still keep missing the big picture. They love that. It keeps them in power.
  18. Or missed blocking assignments, poor play calling, dropped passes, unread keys, bad route running...
  19. Both deserve their shot and once again the BCS proves its worth.
  20. That's not at all what I meant and you know it.
  21. You mean like "When was that last Cup win?"
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