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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That's enough of that. Let's let our resident military experts like "Jimmy in North Town" tell us what they'd do. It's wicked funny.
  2. No. Move to the Bay Area where you have all that, plus the added fun of the FBomb being hurled in about 200 different languages.
  3. Yep, virtual mirror images of each other. When the military becomes a democracy, that'll actually be a salient point. I served. For a long time. I never wanted to fight for anyone else's piece of grass, regardless of whether I liked them or not. You mean because they're part of the "for profit" media? I'm just shocked. Mostly about the fact that you libs continue to waste such effort on what is a miniscule part of the picture. Liberalism at it's finest. I know you'll have a tough time making the connection, as always. I have no idea, nor do I care. The ones who ran as Democrats are simply serving the other master, not offering any viable solution. That's going to be tough for you to get, but over the next eight years it'll play out exactly that way.
  4. Minnesota is 4th in the NFL in Yards Allowed Per Game, third in turnovers forced, and are better than SD is virtually every discernible defensive stat.
  5. How long did the resistance last in Haiti? How does Haiti compare to Iraq? I don't care if you agree. If you don't, you'd simply be wrong. Here's a newsflash: the vast majority of people in the military aren't teenagers. Ah, so when a conservative is doing interviews they only use the ones that favor their position. Do you use the same critical eye with the other 97% of news organizations who do EXACTLY THE SAME THING? Here's another newsflash: Unless you fight a war for a Caribbean Island and guarantee each of the troops an acre of beachfront when it's over, no one is going to want to leave their nice home and family in America. Trust me, I served. Thanks for regurgitating the mass media speak. I'll leave the response to this drivel to the guys who've fought there this time. What say you, brothers? Do all Iraqis hate American troops?
  6. That's my contribution to the campaign against Global Warming. I'm eating as many herded animals as I can. But I'm only one man.
  7. I don't think it says much of anything, to be honest. About 1% of Americans that I've met are able to both see through the charade of the big parties and refuse to be a part of the apparatchik that keeps them in power. You're certainly not one of them. Make sure you let everyone know how much you support the troops, though. No, I'm not a fan of Hannity. Or Colmes. Or anyone else at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. I like Tim Russert, despite the fact that he leans to the left because he's not beholden to anything. But thanks for trying. Really. To let you know how much a fan I am, I didn't watch the link. About the only time I see televised news is when my wife turns on Robin in the morning for 10 seconds (Tivo likes Headline News, for some reason), then flips to the local to see what traffic looks like.
  8. How long have we been in Japan and Germany? Nice lahjik. Of course Hannity was talking to his fans. I know it'll freak you lefties out, but the vast majority of military people are staunchly conservative (though not necessarily Republican but definitely not Democrats). I doubt Hannity had to look very far to find a ton of folks more than willing to join him. I do agree with you that we shouldn't be there for 30 years. Of course, we shouldn't be paying Social Security in 30 years either.
  9. He's not wrong that we need someone who is actually willing to extend their arms and run routes over the middle. A real threat inside would make LE even more deadly (assuming JP didn't get the guy killed with one of his high howitzers).
  10. Dropped? His arms were completely extended and that pass barely grazed his fingertips.
  11. Still can't block and takes about 40% of plays off. WTG, Gutless.
  12. You mean because so much of the talent he's had to work with has gone on to other NFL cities and flourished? I seriously doubt Marv Levy would fire Jim McNally for issues that CLEARLY are not his fault.
  13. Yeah, the economy of WNY and the political mafia that runs the place would completely change with a sports' championship.
  14. Too bad his man purse is so heavy from his 3 Super Bowl Rings.
  15. I didn't hear it. Probably because the noise from beating my head against the wall was distracting me.
  16. Not for nothing but when I was a young man that was nothing more than a challenge. One of the greatest feelings in the world is the smug thought going through the ol' bean when dad asks "where are you two going tonight?" Nakedland. Population: Your beautiful daughter.
  17. We should try getting to the redzone. You know, to take advantage of such an important stat.
  18. Congress doesn't do anything? There's news.
  19. Nor should we allow liberals to attempt same. The consequences are ALWAYS disasterous given enough time.
  20. Yeah, I hate the very reasons America was founded too. No, the initial military part had nothing liberal to it. That's why it worked. The aftermath of it is pretty much liberal doctrine to the letter. Still having a tough time with that question, huh?
  21. Thanks for the standard Righty response. Just what this thread was missing.
  22. This relationship is heading toward divorce already.
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