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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yeah, they suck. I wonder if anyone over there publically wished for Ralph to die?
  2. You don't keep it "up there" anymore? Finally become uncomfortable?
  3. Yeah, I cash my PFD check every year. I also pay more than my share of taxes, thank you very much. If you're not paying $8K per person in your household annually to Uncle Sam, then you're a debtor. About 85% of taxpayers fit that category and I'm not one of them - haven't been for more than a handful of years of my adult life. Of course, during that time I was living on the poverty line while serving in the military. The same can't be said of most Alaskans - in large part because the Fed has created a giant welfare state, but we'll just pretend it's because the people who lived here before statehood weren't hearty and just needed a little help to get by. You know, since all you're actually doing is regurgitating soundbytes. Alaska is a prime example of handouts gone haywire over span. As far as the other lame part of your argument: Alaska has been a state for fewer than 50 years. It also contains fewer than 700,000 people. It only stands to reason that a state that's nearly 200 years younger, is 12 TIMES larger, yet has about one/thirtieth the population of New York would get some assistance on Constitutionally mandated infrastructure (which, if you must know, the Fed hasn't lived up to it's end of the statehood agreement). You know, since we are supplying 88 THOUSAND barrels of oil AN HOUR. I guess we could completely do away with the Fed, since apparently you think every state should get back what they pay in. If that was the case, what would actually be the point of having them?
  4. That's where you're wrong. You immediately played the "at least our crap helps some people," which is contrary to virtually all evidence. Now I know a couple of you lemmings are going to start throwing "Social Security" and other buzzwords around, but the reality is, statistically, despite the astronomical amount of money being tossed around, virtually the same percentage of people are still impoverished, unemployed, without healthcare, <insert other pet cause here>. There's no way to argue it. Does that mean there shouldn't be short term help available? No. But that's never what you people advocate. Nor should anyone else, short of the people of that particular society.
  5. I hate the Pro Bowl and the crap that goes with it. There is no worse measure of how good a player is than whether or not they are selected to that meaningless game.
  6. Another loudmouth liberal pretending that the Republican version of wasting taxpayer money is somehow different than their own.
  7. I thought about taking up having a cocktail while driving, if only to get on Aussie's short list of "dateables."
  8. I'm glad he's not going. 1. It's going to motivate him even further to get better. 2. He's not going to get hurt playing a meaningless game.
  9. That was one of the worst decisions I've ever seen. I agreed with it because I'm a BILLS' fan and it gave us the best chance to win.
  10. I'd be more worried about walking back to the ride after the game than anything that'd happen in that part of the stadium during. That's when the drunks are generally at their worst.
  11. I agree with you but am not surprised so many people here don't. That's the rub of being brought up to always respect authority. The problem with "authority" today is too often they are allowed to disrespect the citizenry in the name of "security", which is a gigantic crock of crap. The biggest problem I have with this is the money and time wasted. This stuff is happening every day and the likelyhood that eventually an actual criminal will get away because they're off playing "Billy Badass" increases exponentially. At some point we're all going to realize demonizing average Joe is contrary to what America was founded on.
  12. Holy fuggin' hypocrisy Batman! I see you're deep in the spirit of the season.
  13. He started it? Really? So if that flagrant foul hadn't happened then Anthony would have just walked up and punched the Knick guy? Somehow I don't think so. Just one more reason hockey is superior to basketball.
  14. I think the lawn gnome (Kucinich) is planning another fall on the sword. That dude is hilarious.
  15. That's actually the answer the Church is looking for.
  16. 12 gauge with birdshot. I call it the "Kurt Cobain Extermination" method.
  17. Interesting. Your "8" looks remarkably like a "3". How'd you do that?
  18. So there is at least one heterosexual in the Pats' org. Allegedly.
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