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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It is. That's why they make such a big deal out of playing in Prime Time. They know it's the only time the rest of the league will be able to watch them.
  2. Watched the entire team fall apart around him. But let's hate a Hall of Famer because the media in this country is filled with idiots.
  3. It's obvious that some people will believe anything.
  4. It works. Trust me. Have it billed directly to a credit card.
  5. Sure it does. Just make sure your address onfile with DTV is in a locale outside the blackout area...
  6. Repeat after me: Paint chips and salsa are not an appropriate appetizer.
  7. I'm not telling people not to wear them. I'm telling the government to stop mandating them. Let's let Darwin do his thing, please.
  8. I thought this thread was going to be about some Thumbtack's fan getting a new house.
  9. Why don't you point me in the direction of a libertarian pundit. Then we'll actually both know who one is. My thoughts are my own, thanks very much. As far as whether you know what you're talking about, you're not doing a whole lot to prove yourself. I see. So because the largest state in the union, with the most challenging climate, which is the second youngest, and has the third lowest population receives more money per citizen than anyone else, you have some kind of heartburn? I tell you what. You come on up here and take a look at the roads we drive on and the services we receive. Then you'll actually know just how little you actually know. From the most recent DOT survey of Alaska: 1. Fifty percent of Alaska’s major roads are in poor or mediocre condition. 2. Thirty-one percent of Alaska’s bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Let me be the first to say: Thanks for all the largess. Just for fun: Here's a Picture of the Parks Highway Today. This is about half way up the 360 mile "highway" between Alaska's two largest cities. How many Federal Highways you got in New York that are 320 miles long and need to be plowed six months a year? That's ONE of ours. Now I don't want you to get me wrong, I've never been enamored with the liberal amount of pork the current elected officials bring home. But you're not going to hear me complain about them funding necessary road and other CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED infrastructure projects (water and sewage treatment for example). Most of Alaska looks like a third world country and that's just not right when other states are getting money to research bug testicles or build edifices dedicated to their scumbag legislators.
  10. Settle down Travis, you'll get your chance Sunday.
  11. Shutup, Raleigh/Durham is falling apart and wrought with rapists.
  12. With more debt than any society has ever recorded. Someday that bill is going to come do. America didn't become great because of Socialist Programs. That's positively ridiculous. If that was actually the case, Europe would be kicking our ass. Right. Without government overspending, nothing would ever get done. Thanks for the typical "hate the rich" commentary too. The very idea that people should keep most of their own money instead of sending it off to guys like Ted Kennedy and Ted Stevens is just so ludicrous to you liberals. Hysterical. They don't follow it because it doesn't keep them rolling in riches at the expense of others. That, my misguided acquaintance, is the ONLY reason they don't cut government. Because the simple perception that they aren't bringing home the bacon to their constituants means a short stay at the top. I live in a city of 300,000 people, moron.
  13. Could you pocket protector wearing, giant cranium having, research book loving nerds keep your special education class to one thread, please? Thanks.
  14. Good call. Keep ignoring the fact that despite the trillions of dollars thrown at these problems that they're still there in all their glory - at virtually the same percentage as before we tried to solve them with money we don't have. But at least guys like Ted Turner are getting richer off them. Moron.
  15. Because you liberals keep mandating more safety gear - keeping the stupid around longer to ruin everyone else's good times. Take off your friggin' seatbelts, motorcycle and bike helmets, and off yourselves!
  16. The PFD is included in the Constitution of the State of Alaska. None of which are Constitutional. It is not the role of the Federal Government to provide such programs. In fact, that is one of the biggest reasons the settlers of this country fought for their freedom. You want that crap in your state, you pay for it. You're wrong. I'm strongly against pork. I'm strongly for Constitutional mandates like INFRASTRUCTURE - which the state of Alaska is woefully lacking. You're right, I'm firmly for terminating SS over term and installing the necessary (large) tax breaks for people willing to save their own money for retirement - including even larger breaks for people who invest their money in America (we're not talking savings bonds, either). Socialist Security will never be fixed. EVER.
  17. That'll work great. Passing the buck to some faceless bureaucracy usually does.
  18. You'll forgive me for not seeing that. What I see is simple regurgitation of mass media bullcrap. Which should be no surprise to anyone who understands the issue. You still haven't answered the question of whether or not you think each state should get back exactly what they pay in, or the pointlessness of that fact. How exactly do I benefit? I'm dying to have someone who has never set foot in Alaska explain that to me. The PFD is paid to all Alaska residents for royalties on Alaska's resources. The amount varies depending on a variety of factors. It's actually one of the few examples of smart government. Don't worry, eventually the liberals will take that away and spend it on boondoggles as well.
  19. I'd love to know how I'm one of the biggest beneficiaries of government programs. Feel free to explain that one to me. Keep in mind I actually know WTF I'm talking about.
  20. Be very afraid people. JSP is back on the bandwagon. Bad things.
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