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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. There was no slew foot. Jaro put his stick between Nichol's feet, so when Nichol tried to avoid the net it ended up turning him awkwardly. If you're going to crash the net, that's one of the chances you take. The shot he gave to a guy who wasn't even looking at him was devastating. The officials should have given him a match penalty.
  2. You're right. I was more thinking all the penalties they didn't call on Biron (for using his blocker), the other goalie (for leaving his crease), and whoever jumped on Hecht.
  3. Makeup call so it wasn't a 5-on-3 for a month. Emotions tend to run high after that stuff and a long PP for the team with the big lead would likely have ended with even more garbage.
  4. That was a cheap play. You want to go, you let the guy turn around and face you. That kind of crap can end a guy's career. I hope Jaro is OK.
  5. Not because of AS. You can point a finger at anyone else on the line but your attempt to downgrade the guy by comparing him to one of the Top 3 players ever to line up at the position is bull schitt.
  6. Uh, 2 of those games he ran for nearly 100 yards and the third they trailed 21-0 at halftime. THEY WON EVERY GAME. Henry has been terrific for them this season.
  7. "It seems to you"? You mean because you know me so well? Yeah. Once. I had the predisposed notion that Kellerman was an idiot because of his boxing analysis. It took about 30 seconds of seeing him and whichever self important idiots were on the panel to know how bad it was. No offense, but the only even decent show that has sports reporters on it is the one that used to air on Sunday morning. And I could only take so much of that one. I could care less if it lasts. There are plenty of really stupid shows on television that have lasted for a long time. That doesn't mean they're good. It only means there are alot of stupid people who watch them. As if that's not evident by simply going to a mall.
  8. I saw it once in a sports bar for about 30 seconds back when Max "Marblemouth" Kellerman was the host. That's the amount of time it took for both me and the bartender to decide it was the worst show in the history of sports talk television. I've never seen a minute of Steven A. Smith's show and I KNOW it sucks. N'Sync sold a ton of albums to morons. That doesn't make them Led Zepplin, nor the people who watch them credible music critics.
  9. I'm sure that has something to do with it. No matter where I travel to, there are a ton of Packer fans. We share our bar here with their club. The waitresses hate them because they don't drink and they tip like sh--. They fight over who gets to wait on us because it's a guaranteed big cash day.
  10. I'm nothing if not consistant. Sorry man, not the least bit annoyed. Could care less, really. For some reason A LOT of you people just don't get the fact that this is my version of golf. You did lose serious style points by admitting you actually watch the worst show in the history of sports talk television. Let me know how much that bothers you.
  11. Uh, because they're really popular nationally? Yep, that's it.
  12. Duh. "Around the Horn"? Are you fuggin' kidding me? You might want to try this. I've found that it allows me to look at things I'm actually interested in and skip the chaff. Pretty cool. Try reading a book. Then you (and people like you) won't B word about seeing the same things over and over again. Diversification is REALLY, REALLY important in life.
  13. You tell me. I'm not the one who has a problem with it. I could care less because I don't watch any shows that aren't about what actually happens on the field.
  14. You mean the media buried a player before his career really started? That's a new one.
  15. And I was so looking forward to more of your knowledge...
  16. Gee, I hate when people don't make up their minds about their careers. I demand answers.
  17. Oh, I firmly believe that's it's done to line already rich people's pockets. Especially politicians. That's just not the bill of goods that's being sold.
  18. I'm telling you what I'd do, not what I'm doing now. BTW, I get all the local BUFFALO television on my DirectTV. Guess how I do that?
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