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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I was more impressed with Rose Namajunis. That was a great win and there's nothing better than watching someone talk a buncha **** all week and then get wrecked on Saturday night by an enormous underdog. I also really enjoyed watching TJ turn out CG's lights. It's a good thing for Dillashaw that first round wasn't 30 seconds longer because he might not have survived. Georges' stay at 185 needs to be brief because that win might be against the only guy at that weight he can handle. It's very satisfying because Bisping didn't even deserve the title shot he got. All in all, one of the best UFC PPVs ever.
  2. The secondary isn't missing many tackles/giving up much YAC. That's quite a departure from last season and when you add in the turnovers, it's been the most pleasant surprise in a season that's been filled with them.
  3. It's a pretty normal historical NFL matchup. If Oakland limits their turnovers and gets a few big plays, they'll win. If the BILLS can control the clock, score TDs in the red zone, and win the turnover battle by two or more, they'll win.
  4. Agreed. Dareus showed his talent for a very short period and that was a loooooooooooooong time ago. If he was on pace for a career year and caving in OLine interiors, this trade probably still happens but the return is better. Let someone else take the risk on a guy who has had MULTIPLE off the field problems and is one hot piss test away from being suspended for at least a season. These are not the players you give top dollar to.
  5. I'm sure it's going to be just as easy to lose without Dareus as it has been to do with him. Maybe the next time we sign a player to a contract worth nearly $100,000,000.00 that guy will actually give a **** about playing football.
  6. Absence of proof doesn't mean that, no matter how hard Snopes tries.
  7. Which is only part of the larger problem. Hospitals and medical providers shouldn't be treated differently than any other service industry. They should be forced to publish their prices.
  8. Those are both tough injuries to heal completely from. You feel fine and do the things you normally do hundreds of times and then they just happen again.
  9. Andy Dalton is still terrible - except when he plays against us.
  10. The BILLS have long been one of the dumbest strategic teams in the NFL. That call may very well be the worst one ever - right on par with some of Marrone's biggest gaffes.
  11. Single payer won't lower costs. That's a fallacy
  12. What a great group they have. Papi, Keith Hernandez, Big Hurt, and ARod. I pretty much hate ARod and everything he stands for but that group together is tremendous. They put football analysts to shame.
  13. Frazier is basically Brosius. He's a good dude and he's been a critical addition to the team.
  14. "Shakespeare in Love" over "Saving Private Ryan"? I'd say so.
  15. Congratulations on being able to analyze one of the two terrible parties that have ruined health care (and just about everything else they've touched) over the last 50 years. You want a cookie?
  16. This is typical misinformation/retardedness of the lefties. For whatever reason, they believe that "subsidies" don't get passed on to the American taxpayer. It's basically magic. That's one of the reasons we're $20,000,000,000,000.00+ in debt and the cost of health care continues to rise at levels that significantly outpace inflation.
  17. America was broke long before Trump took office. Try again.
  18. Dick Durbin: “What we are seeing in global warming is the evaporation of our Great Lakes.” In the world of climate “science,” there is no penalty for being wrong. It would be nice, however, if reporters were to notice now and then. Lake levels fluctuating is clearly the result of climate change. #liberalmindset
  19. Yes, because further government intervention obviously leads to affordability. Overwhelming historical track record be damned.
  20. Because in the liberal mindset "fact" and "assumption" are interchangeable.
  21. 2/3rds of gun deaths are suicides and half of those are committed by men over the age of 45. The vast majority of homicides by firearms are committed by people who are regularly involved in felonius activities. Those two factors account almost all US firearm fatalities. Our suicide rate isn't high - it's barely above the global average. The only people who think America has a serious gun problem are the uninformed who are programmed by the electronic idiot box. Good luck on your quest to further erode individual liberty in favor of government benevolence. Moron.
  22. My answer is: It depends. If he bought 33 different kinds of guns with different calibers, it would raise an eyebrow but not nearly as much as many of the same kind of gun/same caliber. I'm not going to lie, I haven't read any details of the story. I also don't know the law(s) that governs the ATF. Theoretically there is some retention period for legal purchases and it wouldn't be difficult to get a red flag in place for someone who was buying multiple guns of the same caliber during a prescribed time period (implying it doesn't already exist). I do know that strawman purchases are illegal, so there should be some algorithm in place for a single person buying a large number of guns during any time frame. Call me a natural skeptic but I would all but guarantee that we will find out later that more than one ball got dropped. My favorite "argument" is the ones that uses numbers, as if gun crimes in working neighborhoods in America are somehow different than they are in other developed countries. Newsflash: if you're not regularly involved in felonious activities, your chances of being a victim of a gun crime aren't statistically worse in America than they are anywhere else in the world.
  23. I think the only team in the AL that has a shot at the Tribe is Houston. Cleveland is terrific this year.
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