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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Perhaps that's because of the sheer number of young kids who emulate NBA players - mostly off the court. We don't generally see the same things from the small percentage of kids who play hockey. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Virtually everyone has posted that Nichol should receive a nice long suspension and that 9 games is far too little. When someone asks "15 games?", it's probably because the NHL is known for being far too lenient, especially when there's a name player involved. Personally, I don't see the big deal with what Anthony did. In fact, I think it's great because one of the best players looked like a complete pansy when he tried to fight someone. There have probably been more Portland Trailblazers arrested in the last 5 years than in the entire history of the NHL. Let me know when they start playing basketball at thirty miles an hour on ice. As far as the Bertuzzi/Moore thing, that is absolutely the exception to the rule and you know it. You won't see much of anything on ESPN because ESPN barely acknowledges that hockey even exists or that any of their viewers even care about it. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with money and ESPN's audience. There were tons of stories all over ESPN about Bertuzzi/Moore, including many of the talking heads who wished the game would simply go away, because they'd never watched it anyway. I'm actually kind of surprised they aren't ripping the NHL because since the lost the deal, they've rarely missed a chance to throw the league under the bus. Virtually none of my hockey buddies ever watch ESPN if there isn't a football game being broadcast. Think about it.
  2. That's exactly right. There were a variety of things FDR could have done differently, far in advance of Yalta. Signing that mess was just the icing on the cake. Getting into bed with Stalin ranks close to the top of the "Mother of All Blunders". That's pointless when they're so brainwashed. Frankly, I'm sick of wasting the time with people who are just so damn clueless as not to understand basic finance, but instead parrot the very people who are stealing from them. "Thank you, mister burgler. Oh, but you forgot to take the family jewels from the false drawer in the refridgerator."
  3. I know nothing about history and have to explain how Roosevelt's blunders started the Cold War? Oh, hell no. How about signing the incredibly vague Yalta Agreement, which was so poorly written that his own chief advisor told him the Soviets could imperialize all they wanted without technically breaking it? "I know Bill, but it's the best I can do for Poland at this time." How about turning over "dealing with Stalin" to the fledgling United Nations, after ensuring that the Soviets would have enough power in the body to stifle any actual reform? FDR was as good with Stalin as Chamberlain was with Hitler.
  4. Ooh, more buzzwords. "Living wage". You're right. Every non-skilled employee should live in a mansion with a new Caddy.
  5. Sure. Giving money back to the individual is always a recipe for disaster. We just need to give all our money to Washington and we'll have a chicken in every pot, a roof over every head, and an education for all who desire them. Hilarious. It mostly created short term debt and long term insolvence. But it did give idiots something to hold on to for 60 years as a shining beacon - as long as you don't pull back the covers. FWIW, I don't have a problem with TVA because it was at least Constitutional (infrastructure clause). Propaganda? You mean the way Roosevelt deftly handled the Soviet Union by giving them everything they asked for didn't lead to the Cold War? Newsflash, Sparky: Big business is smarter than big government, and with the added support of the ignorant it will continue to line the pockets of the immoral and corrupt. The more money big government poors into big business, the more money big business will demand (and get). It has nothing to do with "insert your favorite cause". Everything the government gets it's fingers into, from education to health care, is certain to grow in cost at a rate that absolutely pummels inflation. The statistics are available everywhere. Last time I checked, China runs on the liberal playbook - with virtually all the wealth controlled by the government. That has nothing to do with a market economy or limited government, Jimbo. In fact, it's pretty much what your party wishes for - without the bad headlines about human rights.
  6. Cyclical argument based on the money laundering principle. Your way is always going to end badly. I'd try and explain it to you but for whatever reason you liberal lemmings just can't understand that giving gigantic amounts of cash to a faceless entity with no accountability has never worked in history and it never will. No, I'm saying the New Deal was a virtual bust. You're correct that massive government spending on infrastructure (factories, etc) is what actually ended the depression in the short term (it also plunged us into the record deficits of the Cold War, but no liberal will ever admit what a Geopolitical buffoon the great FDR was). Roosevelt's socialistic fiscal policies had almost no positive effect at the end of the day, and their long term affects have been disasterous, despite the inability of you liberals to get the correlation of perhaps the worst President in US history. Which has been shot all to hell. Wait until the next wave of drug price markups because of the brilliant "Prescription Drug Benefit" leftislation. Is it really hard to understand that Buffalo is exactly the kind of place you liberals will end up with if you actually get what you're pining for? Yeah, I'm in the political wilderness. Enjoy your taxation and 95% incumbent rate with with a worse standard of living than was available in the same area 30 years ago - all with complete liberal government control.
  7. How the fug do you point the finger at "today's military" over a couple of clowns among over a million that pull this crap? Like this stuff hasn't been happening forever?
  8. Sure. Government receipts are virtually the same percentage of GDP as they were before the tax cuts. The problem, as it always has been, is spending. But keep regurgitating the same WRONG slogans. No, they didn't. WWII did. Welcome to the great liberal lie. In the short term, government overspending does boost the economy (we're seeing some of that fruit right now). There is a very delicate balance that is being shot all to hell. I don't expect you to understand this very simple point. Sure. Right. I wish I could live in that Political Utopia that is North Buffalo. Setting the standard by losing every private enterprise, one tax at a time.
  9. With many of those companies moving to more business friendly states.
  10. Yeah, that's the spirit. Let's screw ourselves out of the best shot we've had at the Cup in thirty years!!!
  11. Never mind the fact that once you start pulling that crap it gives the other teams license to do it and the referees start screwing you with tons of marginal calls. You got that right. Joe would make ICE look lucid. Correct all the way around.
  12. Sure Joe. Nah. You should jump down there and exact some justice. Tough guy. None. Because the NHL sucks at this stuff. They pretty much always have. I'd ask you if there are any mirrors in your world, but I'm not sure you'd understand that. You're so full of crap. Gaustad was on his horse the second he hit the ice and Mair absolutely pummeled his guy. There was NOTHING positive to be gained from sending Peters out last night with under 5 to go in a blowout. I don't care if you agree with me. You're wrong so many times that it's a shock when you're right.
  13. You're right Joe. We should take isolated incidents and blow them all out of proportion. Nice liberal thinking there. Welcome to why the welfare state was created. You're right. I will guarantee he'd do something if the Sabres pulled what you're wishing for and it'd very likely screw us out of any chance at the Stanley Cup. Don't worry, you've never been able to get the big picture, so today won't be any different. Not alot of good because the NHL has essentially taken away that facet of the game, which allows guys like Nichols to go off. It's not a good situation but there's not a damn thing your solution would do to solve it that would be in the Sabres' favor long term. Newsflash: the lack of respect between players happens in virtually ever game, virtually every night. Has nothing to do with how many tough guys a team has.
  14. You have no idea what you're talking about and I can virtually guarantee that your "solution" would have the opposite affect. Not only that, it'd very likely derail the actual goal of the season. Please STFU or go root for the Flyers.
  15. First guy off the bench is an automatic 10 games. I guarantee Peters would get double that. Lindy gets five if Peters goes. Good idea, Deluca.
  16. Sure Joe. Let's send Pom, Briere, or Hecht over to kick some ass. Maybe one of them breaks a bone trying to exact "justice" on a fourth line scrub from the other conference in a mostly meaningless midseason game and we lose them for the season. Brilliant. Stick to being a weathervane.
  17. I wouldn't go that far. I saw Jacque Mailhot attack a guy who was already on a stretcher in the old Colonial League. Mailhot also touched off a melee that caused so much bad blood that the return matchup melee ended up on ESPN. He went blueline-to-blueline, left his feet and crosschecked defensemen Dean Trboyevich in the face, while the puck was on the opposite wing going into the offensive zone. There are others that were worse but those are the two that stick in my mind. The minors and juniors have always had worse stuff.
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