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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Worst call I've ever seen. Form tackles are not roughing the passer. The NFL should be ashamed.
  2. Whoo Hoo! This season isn't even over yet and NEXT season's retard rollercoaster is FLYING down the tracks.
  3. Horse crap. BILLS' fans had ass to do with Flutie being run out of town. The ridiculous argument that Flutie "just won" gets funnier every year. He was a mediocre QB whose efforts throughout most games nearly wasted the efforts of perhaps the most underrated defense in NFL history.
  4. Works for me. Newsflash: He was one more first down from losing to a pedestrian BILLS' defense.
  5. "Profile Options" in the right corner of your profile. "View member's posts". Or: Click on your name on this thread. "Find Member's posts"
  6. I would prefer to get OLinemen from free agency, preferably top tier guys - even if they cost a fortune. Go look at the last 10 years of guards being drafted in the top 50 of the draft. It's a short list of production. Drafting for need only is a recipe for disaster. I don't know that Freeney is the right answer, either. I'd prefer a couple of tackles who can play so we can end the "Tim Anderson experiment."
  7. I'd be shocked to see him go in the first.
  8. I think they probably do. The Fish are a disaster and the AFC East is going to be even tougher for them over the next couple of years - especially with their best players getting even longer in the tooth. It won't surprise me at all if he takes the job. Good luck rebuilding THAT program, though.
  9. Remind me to call you when I need something destroyed overnight.
  10. I wouldn't get rattled against our defense, either. The VY of last week looked much different against the more physical and aggressive Jaguar's defense. But let's give him some MVP awards down the line because he managed to do just enough to beat our amazingly pedestrian defense. Hey wait, we did shut down Joey Harrington.
  11. I'm honest with my wife and she's honest with me. 16 years, and unlike most people our age we're actually happy to be with each other.
  12. Are you fuggin' kidding me? Your example is getting rid of barracks inspections?
  13. That can't be it. I'm sure he didn't run for a 40+ yard TD with 2 seconds left in the first half.
  14. Are you kidding me? Individuals will always make bad choices. There's more discipline in today's military than ever before - actually too much in many cases. I've seen guys have their careers ended over sh-- that wouldn't have warranted a memo when I first joined. The biggest difference is now we're fighting a public war, which means virtually everything negative gets reported.
  15. I love you man, but Louis is/was better. Dude was a lion.
  16. Marciano's fight record makes Tyson's look like he actually beat someone. There are 4 "names" on the list and all of them are literally from the previous generation. Archie Moore, Ezzard Charles, Walcott, and Louis. Charles was 33 (and like Marciano not a true heavyweight), Louis was 37, Walcott was 38, and Moore was 42. Marciano beat everyone who was around, unfortunately that doesn't really amount to much.
  17. The best of all time doesn't get knocked out in the second round while at the prime of his career. A case can be made that there are 10 HEAVYWEIGHTS better than Frazier. Joltin' Joe had a ton of character and heart but at under 6' tall, he'd have had a hell of a time against a bevy of the heavyweights before or since.
  18. Joe Louis would have wiped the canvas with Ali. If Ali tried the "rope-a-dope", Louis would have broken his arms. Louis, in his prime, was a better finisher than Tyson. Best heavyweight of all time. The best of all time period is Ray Robinson - and it's not even close.
  19. I'm guessing because he gets the automatic game for the instigator in the last 5. That makes it 10.
  20. My own broadcast partner did the same thing when we were going through a far worse game. The other team was running around all over the ice cheapshotting our players and there were tons of fights and hits that were attempts to injure. Finally our coach loses it and sends one of our goons out with instructions to "run one of their guys". He picks his target, skates about sixty feet full bore, leaves his feet, and drives the point of his elbow into the guy's face. Blood and chicklets everywhere and the guy is literally making snow angels while quivering. One of the worst things I've ever seen in sports. My broadcast partner, who is one of the most level-headed guys you'd ever want to meet starts talking about "turnabout being fair play" and stuff like that. I'm flabberghasted because this guy on the ice could literally be fighting for his life. We had a pretty spirited argument about it right on the air - and I'm big on hockey teams sticking up for themselves (but only if they do it the right way). Sometimes emotion just gets the best of people - especially when they don't have time to think about it. Let's face it, Terry Crisp would need about a week.
  21. No news as to length of time, just that it is a serious knee/leg injury.
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