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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That based on your extensive experience as a planner in asymmetrical warfare or are you just regurgitating the party line?[/rhetorical]
  2. See, but that's exactly what you did. And here I am calling for your head. I wonder if there's a parallel to be made here. Try and figure it out. See, he didn't say "immigrants" are parasites. He specifically used the term "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS". Illegal meaning committing a crime. Are you honestly saying that a judge shouldn't have a problem with people who break the law? This is simply another case of the media stirring up retards like you over NOTHING. As usual, they are ridiculously successful at pandering to the weak minded. No. I was born here. I wouldn't mind pulling a few weeds.
  3. I'm twisting a simple "argument" but you comparing something a guy says to a regime that murdered over 20,000,000 people is valid? That's just awesome. There's just no level you clowns won't try to chip away to in a desperate attempt to validate your ridiculous ideology. BTW, freedom of speech applies to conservative judges too. I know how much you liberal wackos think that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of this country are yours to pick and choose as far as who gets them and just how much of each one is doled out, but that's not at all the case.
  4. You mean the American political system is for sale? Wow. I had no idea. [/born yesterday] Is it time for me to link one of the various "Fortune 500" environmental groups and their payola schemes, you know, to prove the point that both sides are crooked and in it for the money?
  5. So you're saying Jews and ILLEGAL immigrants should be considered the same in the legal system? That's brilliant stuff there.
  6. Jackson may be the third best TB in the NFL after LTD and LJ. He's got a very bright future.
  7. He's going to have to overcome the reputation of being a problem child who lacks leadership. I'm not saying it's true, but that's what's currently being leveled at him from the pro scouts.
  8. Does it count that I hate cheesesteak because John LeClair scored through the side of the net in the playoffs?
  9. Nice to see NOTHING changing in New York. Save us, Eliot (from you). I'm sure he'll make sure the good people of the state are protected from these drunk drivers with the same zeal he goes after big business.
  10. Way to lie to yourself. Now you're seeing why liberalism doesn't work. Try and make the connections. The answer? Good luck with finding that pearl at this point.
  11. Are YOU kidding me? Last time I checked, you were a liberal. You've always been a big government advocate. Now you're bitching because big government is biting you in the ass? Seriously, are you kidding me?
  12. You should actually know something about history before you make such statements. Love the passion, though.
  13. What a load. Newsflash: The majority of the money in the medical industry isn't going to the people who provide care. Oh, and the average American wouldn't need to spend as much on health insurance or care if they took even mediocre care of themselves on a daily basis. Drink your cokes and eat your fast food. Then wonder why at 35 you have diabetes and can't walk a mile without needing an O2 mask. But I hate rich people too - especially the ones who get blamed for pretty much everything under the sun.
  14. GREAT POST. Perhaps enough people will actually realize this is the case and we could possibly save this country.
  15. He who stands in front of the Retard Rodeo gets stomped by the bull. Back away slowly.
  16. Why? You an Auburn fan? I don't think Mularkey ends up in Alabama (if only because I think Saban's seen enough of Mularkey's mediocrity). Regardless, I'm not sure Saban's going to retain MM even if he stays.
  17. Eddie George was a warrior who could be counted on when the going got tough. Willis McGahee has perhaps the quickest folding tent of any player with his skillset that I've ever seen.
  18. We could probably just tell Willis we are. He's shown that he's likely not smart enough to know we're lying.
  19. There's no way a roster with that much talent should come down to having to make one play to make the playoffs.
  20. Our justice system could seriously use a lesson in expediency taught by those back-assward fuktards. Good job, Iraqi government!
  21. Not to mention the difference in timing in the season. It's a hell of alot easier to play a bad team in the final week when they're planning their vacation...
  22. The only thing either of them has proved in Buffalo is that we can regularly lose with them on the field.
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