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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Not according to Baseball Reference's HoF Monitor for batting...
  2. It doesn't matter how long you keep shoveling it, it's still bull schit.
  3. Yet defenses are faster, more athletic, and intricate than ever. You act as though Montana played in the head slap era. He didn't. His era was even more offensive oriented than this one and the WCO spawned Bill Belichick, not the other way around. Perhaps I'm missing the point, but were there somehow more Pro Bowlers back then? As I said before, the top 3 or 4 teams back then were more stacked, but the rest of each conference was more mediocre. I'm sorry, I see the same great coaches still around. How's Joe Gibbs managing now? He was pretty fuggin' good back then. Ruben Brown is the greatest guard ever to lace them up. When did football not become a team game? I don't know. I think the Colts were more individually talented every time the two teams faced off. The Patriots certainly had the better defense but the reality of the situation tells me that CONFIDENCE was the biggest difference between the two teams. The Pats KNEW they were going to win, the Colts hoped they would. Much of that has to do with the differences between the two QBs. There's a reason Peyton Manning has never won anything. Phil Simms was a great QB - and he only played in one SB. Simms would have put up ridiculous numbers if he switched places with Montana and got to throw to Rice and Taylor instead of Odessa Turner and Steven Baker. BTW, Belichick didn't have DICK to do with the Giants' offense being able to move the ball at will in both their SB wins.
  4. Isn't Tennesee in the SEC? Bowl games ARE NOT the best measure - there is simply too long between games. It's hard for me to believe that there are actually Buffalo BILLS' fans who have a hard time understanding that this was ONE GAME.
  5. He had the same thing that Steve Deberg and Dave Kraig had the season's prior - and ended up with virtually the same set stats/record. Oh, and Marcus Allen MADE THE PROBOWL in Montana's first (and most accomplished) season in KC. Yeah, Dwight Clark and Freddie Solomon sucked. I'll give you that they didn't have much of a running game, but their defense was terrific. They finished rated second in scoring defense in the NFL that season.
  6. Nothing better than politicians taking credit for essentially doing nothing. The best thing that happened for Mr. Clinton was the fact that the Democratic Congress couldn't organize themselves to pass anything they got elected for (and that Rubin's ridiculous "BTU Tax" was killed before it got off the grount). Once the Republicans finally took over Congress, we had beautiful, sweet gridlock - ensuring American ingenuity could prosper in the private sector. Most of that article is utter BS, not that this Administration has done much right.
  7. I agree. For whatever reason OSU was very slow to adjust, especially their underneath coverage. On the other side of the ball, it looked like Florida was getting the play out of the OSU huddle. I can't tell you the number of times they were in the exact perfect coverage/rush for the play that was called. Florida looked even faster as the game went on because OSU was mentally beaten. Kudos to Meyer for whipping Tressle's ass. That doesn't happen too often.
  8. No offense man, but Jack Ham was a terrific coverage linebacker - the prototype for that kind of player in today's game.
  9. Right. Brady wouldn't have been able to QB Montana's Niners to success, but IS able to take a team with markedly less talent to 3 SB wins. The game wasn't played at a higher level, other than there were 2 REALLY good teams per conference every season and the gap between the bottom and top was more noticeable than it is today (this is despite the ridiculous arguments from the idiots who, before the season even started, stated the BILLS had almost no talent). Montana in Foxboro in December = disaster. Joe Montana is the example for players who were put in the absolute perfect situation to showcase themselves. He almost never had to play on the road in the playoffs, meaning he ducked the difficult weather conditions that he COULD NOT PLAY IN. Montana's playoff record (excluding Super Bowls): Home: 10 wins, 2 losses. Road: 2 wins (one of them over the STEVE FULLER QB'd Bears, the other over the the 1988 Bears with Jim McMahon starting his first game in a month), 5 losses. Team averaged 11 PPG in those losses.
  10. You mean other than the technology doesn't exist to make it economically viable?
  11. Like Montana didn't have Rice, Taylor, Clark, Solomon, Craig, Tyler, Rathman, Sapolu, Barton, Lott, Davis, Holt, Dean, Board, Reynolds, McIntyre, Rominowski, Wallace, Washington, Haley, Millen, Smerlass, Turner, Wright, Burt, Cross, Williamson, etc? Great teams mean great players. Tom Brady is a great player and has won no matter what's been thrown his direction. He's never had offensive talent around him even close to what Montana had, nor has weather bothered him like it did Montana. Go back and look at the Niners' success. They shutout the Bears in the NFC Championship game and gave up only 3 points to "Chris" Everett's Rams in another NFC Championship game. Their defensive ranks for points allowed during the "Montana Era" were: 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 8, 3, and 2. Ask Peyton Manning how cool it is to actually have your defense show up once in awhile. I'm sick of this ridiculous fukkin argument. Tom Brady is a great fukkin football player and if he was on our team, we'd have likely won the division. Yeah, his changing teams would mean THAT MUCH to each team.
  12. Me too. I was petrified the NFL was going to take away the 22 point ass whipping we laid on them at their house late in the season. The Jets. Too funny.
  13. I'll bet you your rent check that you've wasted more of your time tuned in to Hannity and Fox News than I have. But thanks for looping me in because I despise liberalism (one of the few things Sean Hannity and I have in common politically). As far as backing it up, it's way to early to have any kind of numbers on such things anyway. The repercussions of this will be seen down the road and the likely result will be fewer qualified minority candidates applying. Talk to me in 3 years.
  14. You and I may not - and I'll just go ahead and assume that you aren't a person of color thinking of sending your child to the university. If you think they aren't given pause, you're not thinking much at all.
  15. Uh, you forgot: 1a. Spend billions more on their infrastructure while ignoring our own. 2a. Profit
  16. Ever heard the term "the pen is mightier than the sword"? You think that was coined for a reason? You ever been on the ground in a third world country during any kind of strife? CNN and the liberal news outlets are the very opinion you regurgitate here every day. Agreed. My opinion comes from being on the ground and doesn't have any close parallels to what politicians are saying. If you think that the media doesn't embolden and shape public opinion, you're a bigger idiot than I thought (and that's quite a leap, really). That tells the rest of us all we need to know about you. I can see how you'd get that from anything I've typed. Perhaps you should pretend I'm not me, and read my posts in a less adversarial manner - that'd at least keep you from looking like as big an idiot as you likely are. Blockhead, you were questioning ME, not the topic. I could give a flying rat's ass about your opinion on that topic - hence the reason YOU haven't earned the right to discuss it with ME. Try and use some logic, instead of the estrogen that is coursing through your veins by the keg full.
  17. Rarely has such a short post told us so much about the poster: Admitted ignorance. Hypocritical irony. If you actually KNEW what was going on in the Duke Lacrosse case, you'd UNDERSTAND that people like you got in a tizzy over something that had virtually NO factual knowledge of (instead believing everything they heard). That ended up costing the head coach his job, ruined the reputation of three kids and a prestigious university, caused racial tension, and got A POLITICIAL RE-ELECTED.
  18. Thanks Joe. I'd be totally lost without you.
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