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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. They'd have to pay me a million a week to watch that queer play kickball.
  2. I'm never going to understand that line of thinking. When something is wrong, continuing to follow the practice makes it more wrong. I think that "2 Wrongs don't make a Right" exists for a reason.
  3. Save the whales, harpoon a fatty, smelly, Spanglish-speaking Fishfan. Welcome.
  4. So which policies did Mr. Clinton or his Congress enact that spurred the information age or flattened global energy prices for all but the last six months of his term? This should be good.
  5. I've read the sabermetrics stuff. I know what it is. I get it. Like I said, I JUST DON'T CARE either way. Yeah, I wish I could be more useful debating things like whether some dude named Arky from 70 years ago was better than some dude named Cal because some mathmetician gave me all the tools I needed to validate me (like using a computer to match up boxers). That would make me wicked awesome and able to not step all over my dick on things like "Baseball Reference" as some kind of popularity contest. You're the winner, man. You called it. You're going to keep calling it. Good on ya.
  6. I wouldn't say that. Most of the time I'm just playing "Devil's Advocate". The "Pie in the Sky" idea that got this started was a 20 year situation - and there's no way in this political climate that was going to work. At the end of the day, any "support" you may think I'm giving is ONLY toward the guys in the shitt, because they are the ones getting killed - and failing in this endeavor all but guarantees even more will get killed by emboldened scumbag terrorists in the future (another huge reason to be against this undertaking in the first place). In my dreams. The Dummy's are in the pocket of the enviroterrorists and they're killing any chance we have of Nuclear Power.
  7. Wait until you have the money. By then the market will have changed. Just keep watching DealNews and the other watchdog sites and get the best deal. I got a top of the line Pioneer for about half of what it cost normally.
  8. Local sources are no different from CNN. You're proving MY point without even understanding you're doing it.
  9. Semantics, really. Someday, generations from now, we'll all live together in perfect harmony. Mostly because I'll buy the world a coke and keep it company.
  10. I'm not sure how you'd make the leap that I support things that have happened. I'm simply explaining them. Industrialized nations need oil and other natural resources with mostly uncivilized nations control them. There's bound to be conflict. I've said before, the best thing we can do is use all that crap up and force ourselves to alternative, clean energy. That seems to be the only thing that'll change the global political climate in relation to the subject.
  11. Japan wanted more of Manchuria's "RESOURCES" and didn't want to pay for them. Do you think those "RESOURCES" were hot chics or ramen noodles? That was 40 years earlier. The war of 1937 was a simple continuation of the bad blood (to put it simply), which ended with the Japanese declaring war on England and the US because we wouldn't sell them OIL. Welcome to WWII. I'd say the current situation in Iraq parallels that one quite nicely.
  12. I don't have to prove anything to you. There's plenty of information out there about this stuff. Do your own research. I'll even get you started: The Japanese military, deeply engaged in the seemingly endless war it had started against China in mid-1937, badly needed oil and other raw materials. Commercial access to these was gradually curtailed as the conquests continued. In July 1941 the Western powers effectively halted trade with Japan. From then on, as the desperate Japanese schemed to seize the oil and mineral-rich East Indies and Southeast Asia, a Pacific war was virtually inevitable. Oil runs the world. Countries fight for it. Sometimes they admit it, most times they don't. Global Policy.org
  13. You let me know when the Devils stop playing the trap and open up their rear the way the Sabres do every night. Miller is the best goalie in the game right now and he proves it every night because of his play, his team can play wide open hockey regardless of the situation. Brodeur is a great goalie who'd pass out from fright if he saw half as many quality scoring chances in a month as Miller sees in a week.
  14. That's the mantra of NYS politics. "On our way to prosperity, one regressive tax at a time."
  15. Virtually every war fought in the last century was about oil. Do any of you people actually know anything, or are you just going to continue regurgitating the same crap that your political parties feed you?
  16. You're just so fukkin' superior. Which explains why you didn't know what Baseball Reference was. What we get is that is your opinion based on whatever mathmatical dork you like. Period. Another mathmatical dork doesn't agree with you. Period.
  17. Poor GWB, he wasn't lucky enough to take office and have virtually every star (flat energy prices, the internet revolution, birth of the new investor class, etc) line up for him. Let's keep giving Mr. Clinton credit for stuff that politicians had almost nothing to do with.
  18. Is there any subject you're not prepared to show your ignorance on?
  19. Couldn't tell you. Never saw them play. I do know that they never faced pitchers like Mariano Rivera. I also know that the reason guys like Jeter, Nomar, Tejada, and ARod became shortstops was because of Cal Ripken. Period.
  20. I don't disagree with you that the Pats corners got away with bloody murder in that game. I fault the Colts for not doing EXACTLY the same thing. Was it poor officiating? Absolutely. Have I come to expect that in the NFL and sports in general? Sure.
  21. I like the head banging guy, especially when it's YOU who have no idea what I'm talking about. Baseball-Reference.com. HoF Monitor for batting. Ripken is 25th All Time. AV is 116. Wagner is 12th. But thanks for looping me in. 'Preciate that.
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