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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm not a lawyer but somehow I doubt this hasn't been done before.
  2. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen a DB go for a "knockdown" and end up tipping the ball to a receiver for a big play. Then everyone would be all over McCree for not catching the damn thing. He was a victim of bad luck - nothing more.
  3. So you don't think JP in the same good system for 3 years, injury free, with better surrounding talent (just adding LT would do wonders) vs Rivers in the Mularkafukk with injury would have similiar results? Let's just say I don't agree. Right now, Losman could very well end up the class of his draft class (which you alluded to). This offseason could very well be the key.
  4. The most recent elections prove just how smart the Framers were for imposing the Electoral College in the first place. Nothing better than eliminating the lemmings and frankenstinian mobs. Thanks for another "intellectual" and "progressive" link.
  5. How many holding calls did they have and what was the game situation when they got them?
  6. Who? Which player drafted after Whitner would you have picked? There were FOUR linemen drafted before our 2nd selection. Ngata, Bunkley, Hali, and Joseph. Which of those guys do you really want?
  7. Yeah, that'd make kickball suck less. Where have you gone, Freddie Abughraib?
  8. I wouldn't say it was the same because of the time left in the Jax game, or the fact that the ball Nate went for wasn't the easy pick that McCree got.
  9. I don't blame him. If he'd been able to get past that one player, he may very well have put the final nail in the coffin. There's nothing that says SD wouldn't have lost the game anyway (they would have - Marty Schottenheimer is their coach). I'd be far more concerned with Schottenheimer's history of questionable decision making in the post season than what amounted to Troy Brown making a miracle play.
  10. It's not much different than this time last year when he was nothing more than a plumber with no worth to the team. The reality is, Mike Grier is very good at what he does and his value increases in the playoffs. Does that mean no one else on the team can fill that role? No. But someone is going to have to.
  11. Yeah, I know. It was a play on Tennessee's moniker. Sorry. I love the lawyer. "He was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing." I'm sorry, schill. Did someone hold him down and pour alcohol in his mouth and force him to swallow it, or was that voluntary? Piss off, you creeps. I hope you spend the next fifty years stuffing tampons up your asses to stop the bleeding.
  12. I'm sure they were just as shocked as the rest of the world that terrorists actually committed acts of terrorism.
  13. Ah, so because some scumbag Republican endorsed poor working conditions that means those people get minimum wage but those in the Pacific don't warrant the VERY SAME TREATMENT? Is there anything you partisans won't defend with your ridiculousness? I'm sure it has nothing to do with both major employers in American Samoa being headquartered in California or the fact that their representation is currently liberal lefties. Thanks for the article from 2 years ago, though. As if I didn't cover the working conditions.
  14. Plus, you'd get a lot of volunteers - especially in Tennesee.
  15. I had no idea who Carl Rowan was. Michael Moore is a lifetime NRA member. That particular title doesn't hold much meaning, really. I do. You'll just have to forgive me for not reading the Washington Post or giving a moment of time to an outspoken advocate of something I don't believe in. Politics as usual. Al Gore is supposedly an environmentalist but that hasn't stopped him from making millions with Occidental Petroleum and clearing hurdles for the company to rape environmentally sensitive land. The NRA will always lean to the Republicans because they know how Washington works. Democrats who are pro-gun can be marginalized by their own party if there's another hot button issue where that particular legislator actually needs party support (or cash for reelection).
  16. Looks like we're going to need a couple MORE lawyers to review stuff before it is approved.
  17. Congrats. Now point the ol' radar at your big government programs with the same skeptical eye. You'll see little difference. But you're somehow "progressive."
  18. Which means what, exactly? Is there some hidden agenda in the first post against the guy, other than showing his political affiliation? The last time I checked, there were plenty of Democrats who are pro gun and members of the NRA.
  19. The Bush Administration recently decided to RAISE the royalty rate on natural gas and oil from the Gulf of Mexico. The previous rate equated to one of every 8 barrels going to Uncle Sam. The new rate is one of every SIX barrels. When your gas prices continue to go up, I want you to keep blaming the oil companies. You know, instead of government who makes more money per barrel at the state and federal level than the companies who actually bring the product to market. The net result of this proposal will likely be less exploration and development in the region, meaning countries in the Middle East and Venezuela will continue to smack us around. Whoo hoo.
  20. Not so fast. The previous minimum wage law exempted two US territories. One was North Marianas and the other was the Pacific Enclave (American Samoa). The NEW law removes the exemption for Marianas and their burgeoning sweatshop clothing industry (which all bear "Made in the USA" labels) but leaves the exemption in place for the Pacific Enclave. The reason? Well, the Marianas representation to Congress is a non-voting Republican. So screw you little guys in American Samoa, because your politicans are non-voting Democrats! Remember, liberals don't need poor people to stay poor.
  21. We sucked tonight and Marty gave up his typical soft goal, which this time killed us. The Leafs were better pretty much all night (plus they got plenty of help from the striped jokers, which they didn't need) and should have won by another couple. .
  22. Apparently some of you will actually PAY to watch it!
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