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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Your opinion, of course, is based on all the time you've spent on the ground over there.
  2. Too bad none of them bounced off Betteman's gnomeskull.
  3. Dallas currently has over 5000 high school kids playing hockey. Before the Stars moved there, they had ZERO. That's a huge number of people being drawn to the sport in a short period of time. If you have the All Star game on a school night, people are going to leave early. I don't have a problem with hockey being played in the South - it gives all the northerners who have fled the tax tyrrany of their home states something to be happy about.
  4. May I suggest reading a few books from the alternative point of view? You got Medicare right (it's a racket). The FDA is no different. There's plenty of information out there on how many lives have been lost waiting on drug approval, keeping Vioxx on the shelf while killing Ephedra (look up the stats on those two and figure out which one shoulda got the axe), the sheer economic impact of that process, the fact that there is truly no long term testing. The FDA essentially gives us cigarette warning labels while making Enron look like a responsible company. Whoo hoo.
  5. For every example you give, I can give contrary examples. At the end of the day, today's government is entirely too much like the one the American Revolution was fought against. Again, why do you liberals always cite infrastructure examples, which are clearly Constitutional? The things that have made this nation great have little to do with government "leadership." If the Constitution was actually being followed, the Jim Crow act wouldn't be necessary. Just as an amendment for/against Same Sex marriage wouldn't be. Absolutely. Is that the measure of effectiveness? Are you kidding? Do you honestly think if large banks were allowed to fail that the Fed wouldn't happily just continue to print even more baseless currency, as they do today? But thanks for naming an entity that receives no public funding. No. The taxation level in this country is criminal. Yes. And within a generation it's quite likely that health care costs would drop exponentially and the same percentage of people would be covered. No matter how much money is thrown the government's way, virtually the same percentage of citizens go without - regardless of endeavor, while the cost of the endeavor climbs at a rate far higher than inflation. The numbers don't lie. Read the book. I could care less what yet another lemming thinks about my politics. You've done nothing here other than regurgitate party speak or basically admit you have nothing more than cursory knowledge of subjects. You'll just have to forgive me for not giving a crap in your direction.
  6. For what he was explaining, his use of Mars fits. Your doesn't. In ANY way.
  7. Do you honestly have to ask? Read the Constitution. If it's not specifically included, the Federal Government ought not be doing it. That covers just about everything you Liberals love, which are causing the demise of this country right under your ignorant noses. Read Jim Powell's book on the subject. That pretty much covers it.
  8. Stop it. You're crushing my delicate psyche and you know how important it is to me to look good to everyone.
  9. Why do you big party lovers feel the need to try and pidgeon hole everyone? I'm a registered independant. No party affiliation whatsoever. My belief system is far too complex to fit under any single party. Does some of it fit the Libertarian ideal? Sure it does. Does any of it have any Liberal component to it? Not really, when it gets down to the fundamentals. Mostly, I'm a Constitutionalist - something neither your party or the other has cared about since FDR raped Liberty over 70 years ago. Thanks for parroting my historical reference. It's like you're a parody of yourself. Which is somehow different than the big government liberalism you're beholden to? You know, despite the overwhelming historical evidence that the absolute power you seek to give some faceless entity will corrupt it absolutely. But tell me some more about how little I know about history and how smart you and the rest of the Liberals are.
  10. Tuna on Texas wheat bread with sprouts, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, and lettuce plus a banana.
  11. I can't wait to party with you, cowboy.
  12. And you are the very definition of why Lenin coined the term "Useful idiot."
  13. It has nothing to do with your criticism of President Bush. It has to do with the blind support you throw to people who're doing the very same things. The reason America continues to spiral downward is people like you, regardless of which side of the aisle you support. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! You are such a parrot. What exactly did your party accomplish on any of these issues over their decades of leadership? You partisans act as though each of these things is some new issue that's facing the country for the first time and that because the other party is in charge we can somehow forget all the mistakes that led up to the current situation. The fact is, each is a perpetuation of terrible policy and the movement away from the very piece of paper this country was founded upon - brought to you by BOTH major political parties and people like you who regurgitate the things your masters tell you. Tell us again about the Electoral College.
  14. I think Global Warming is bull sh--. I also think we're doing a terrible job stewarding our planet.
  15. Which wouldn't be much different from the 2 previous elections, really.
  16. You're going to have a hard time convincing me we're not getting exactly what we deserve.
  17. Yeah, all the messes facing America are Bush's doing. There's no piss poor decision making currently affecting us from the nearly 5 decades the Democrats had almost total control of the Legislative. You parrots are at least consistant. Stupid, but consistant.
  18. So were the Seahawks. Alexander missed about half the season, Hasslebeck missed 4 starts, Jeremy Stevens missed 5 games, and their offensive line had starters miss multiple games at every position except LT. Thomas Smith was on the verge of the Pro Bowl. His only liability was his inability to hold onto interceptions. He was a very good cover corner. Regardless of that fact, 2 out of 5 in the first round is about average for the NFL draft was far as picking stars. A.Winfield certainly was that, regardless of his lack of turnovers. I'm not sure I've EVER seen a defensive back who was a better tackler. Except that ignores the fact that guards are RARELY taken in the first round or even on day one (5 first rounders in the last six YEARS and only 25 OLinemen in the first round total in that time frame). A fact I have pointed out a number of times. Also, it's doubtful that Ralph would have kept any offensive linemen who did develop (much like the cornerback situation). Let's face it, the dude is still pretty cheap.
  19. The Rooney's have a pretty good track record of picking coaches. I'm just saying.
  20. Translation: My ass is stinging from the spanking, so I'll attempt to take the high road. Thanks for playing.
  21. That's the "move where the food is" argument. Should we put a Wegman's in Hunt, NY because groceries there are more expensive with less selection than "insert favorite town here"? I don't think so. Giving rural areas high speed internet access is a panacea. It isn't going to create any noticeable change other than there'll be even more Traceylee's pirating crap.
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