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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Care to tell me exactly where my analysis of the game existed in that post? Are you reading something that isn't there? Could that possibly be? Much like your ridiculous contention that BILLS fans can't be against the selection of Vince Young to the Pro Bowl. You know, because it's not at all possible that they've seen him play in games that didn't involve the BILLS. As far as Vince having his way with the BILLS, that isn't exactly news this season. There weren't too many guys running with the ball who didn't manage to fare pretty well. We gave up an average of SEVEN yards per carry to friggin' Samkon GADO. Jacksonville ran for over 200 yards against us. We should vote their whole OLine to the Pro Bowl. At least it means Texans fans will vote for JP Losman.
  2. You wanna crown 'em? Crown 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. I wouldn't call it the best game. It was horrible to watch for fans of each team for at least a half each.
  4. Do you think you're actually helping yourself here?
  5. Nah, it's books and newletters that the liberals are currently against - but just the ones with contrarian political ideals. Everything else is just fine.
  6. Does your breath always smell like vomitus or is that just my imagination?
  7. She's already toast. Government Health Care anyone? That single issue alone will end her campaign. All the compassion of the IRS. All the competence of the DMV. Welcome to government health care. Ask a veteran whether they'd go to a civilian doc or a base doc. Bet it's 90/10.
  8. It's my duty to point out folly, whether it's something like: We're going to impose democracy on someone, or: if we just had more money, this faceless bureaucracy could create heaven on earth. My most recent favorite was the "Majority should always rule" and because of that we should do away with the Electoral College. As if watching Iraq line up along religious boundries isn't enough "fact" to show how bad an idea that truly is.
  9. Both are exercises in the failures of imposing bureaucratic will. Not surprised you'd miss that connection. Just once, I'd love for you ideological liberals to turn your glaring eye on the crap you love so much. You'll find it eerily similiar it is to the crap you supposedly despise.
  10. Ooh, a sequel. Like "Jay and Not-so-silent Darin Strike Back"
  11. But "because his team won a game in Buffalo" (not Vince Young all by himself) actually holds merit?
  12. You mean like you libs favor raising the evidentiary bar for the next social program, based on the fiscal disasters you've already thrust upon us?
  13. Uh, wars have been fought for much less. Do you honestly expect to see "named sources"? That's not how the game has ever been played.
  14. Be very afraid if your wife wanted to name any of them Chloe.
  15. Buy Photoshop. You can do whatever the hell you want with that and it's relatively cheap.
  16. He's born and bread Hollywood. You'd expect his politics to be based in reality?
  17. That's what T-Bone's always said. I guess he's the catcher.
  18. Jack Bauer would have killed everyone at the gym, then flown to wherever "Cold Pizza" is filmed and used Skip Bayless as a javelin. I'm just sayin'
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