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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It's not their pay that's the problem. Trust me on that. Smallest part of the equation by far. In fact, for what would be required I'd venture a guess that a civilian crew would get 2 to 3 times as much. That's because "DoD get's paid for duty time whether they sit around playing solitaire". The difference is, you can also work them 24 hours a day for 30 days and their pay at the end of the month is EXACTLY the same as it would be if they worked one hour, one day. $300K sounds right to me.
  2. You mean we both don't think you're an idiot?
  3. No way - by a factor so large it'd make your head spin.
  4. Plus, we've already got plenty of drunks who pass out in ditches to play the lead role...
  5. Wow. You're a stable dude. Ever dine on fried noodles and the juice of the pickle?
  6. 1. No. 2. Too? Too many "o"s. Let's just say there isn't implied consent on the statement. 3. Fragged or no?
  7. But did anyone throw a urine bomb or kill someone rooting for the other team? You know, because the games are so damn boring people gotta do something to pass the time. Hey! I think someone just got a ketchup card waved in their face! BAD MAN! BAD!
  8. Mostly because I haven't said it lately: You're an idiot. I have this criteria for how much I give a crap about what people think about me: 1. Do you sign my paycheck? 2. Do you give me oral pleasure? 3. Have you ever had my six in a difficult situation? Since you meet none of the above, I could give a flying crap about any name you call me, or where you "think" (just using that term in reference to you makes me laugh) I get my information. You're just another piece of human bacteria that requires chlorine. The best part of the whole deal is, you are what you supposedly despise. The second anyone gives you contrarian information to the mass produced cholera that you've been swallowing, you accuse them of getting their information from the exact same sources you use (though from a different political perspective). I'd link about 30 of your posts, but you're so stupid you'd probably print them out and eat them for the fiber content. I've never advocated "Laissez-Faire", either.
  9. You simply have no concept. Thinking the government is creating more jobs than the same amount of money left in the hands of the citizens is pure folly. Just the multiple layers taking their piece off the top via the MIPR process guarantees that just having that money either invested or as spending capital by the private sector would be more effective. That doesn't take into account literally dozens of other factors. Read a GAO study sometime. One of the ones I've seen recently stated that one "Job Creation" bill spawned 35K jobs at the cost of $257,000+ PER JOB. Gee, I wonder why there's a budget deficit? It's just hilarious how much you clowns hate big business but embrace the biggest most corrupt business in human history as your saviour.
  10. To summarize: Once again, you spew the rhetoric without any fact. Do your own research. Try staying away from your partisan sites when you do it. There's a possibility you could learn something. I love the fall back of "the wealthy are gaining more of the nation's wealth." I can think of about thirty reasons that would happen just based off the fundamentals. Nothing evil about any of them. In what other nation can you be born poor and end up rich as easily as it happens here?
  11. The last time I checked, you weren't in charge around here. The next time I send you packing, you won't be creating a new user name. It wouldn't be the IRS web site, either. The information is available from the CBO. The top quintile in the United States, which includes households earning above $84000.00 annually, provides nearly EIGHTY THREE PERCENT of all income tax and 66% of ALL federal receipts. The bottom quintile pays about 1.1% of federal receipts and virtually no income tax. The top quintile also provides about 33% of all productivity. Unlike you, he actually understands what's going on.
  12. You're wrong. The Pope has his own Secret Service. We'd need very special forces.
  13. More people are coming on to the idea? Doubtful. That train will lose any steam it has when the opposition is able to state a case (they don't have to right now). That says nothing of how it'd play out in Congress, where the Republicans have more than enough power to filibuster whatever they want. Sorry folks, I had "Government Health Care" in the military. If you think the Great Satan is going to "fix" something that multi-faceted, especially given that the majority of the cost increase in the last 20 years can be directly attributed to them, you're crazy. The climate hasn't changed at all from 1993. It'll still cost too much and be a bureacratic nightmare. The rich will still go to the head of the line. The poor will still be essentially left out. Be very afraid.
  14. Which is somehow different than the left propping him up as some kind of environmental saint? Right.
  15. You don't have 10 minutes to type up some more of your moronic bull sh--? You mean because you're going to be instead surfing moveon or some other pasture for some more gems?
  16. That's OK, they probably feel sort of bad and frustrated that you're so damn ignorant. Also tough sh--. I guess.
  17. It's surprising that the opposition would use the media against us. That's new.
  18. I SAID: "Pay NO attention to the man behind the curtain!"
  19. Mock: 1. to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. 2. to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively. 3. to mimic, imitate, or counterfeit. 4. to challenge; defy: His actions mock convention. 5. to deceive, delude, or disappoint. –verb (used without object) 6. to use ridicule or derision; scoff; jeer (often fol. by at). But you warned me. Oooh.
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