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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Satire - it's not in your trunk waiting for that inevitable flat.
  2. I don't see the Blues trading Guerin. In fact, today's STL paper said they are trying to re-sign him.
  3. That sounds about right, though I'd rather have Trane. I'd check into them installing a whole house humidifier at the same time - mine cost a smidgen over $200 installed and is worth every penny. It's cheaper to have in installed WITH the furnace, because they give you the right controller.
  4. Desperately trying to care about mainstream corporate radio and their censorship of the Dixie Chicks. Sorry, can't pull it off.
  5. It has nothing to do with research, for goodness sake. It has to do with POLICY. POLICY.
  6. As they should be. Do you care to give me any other obvious pearls? I guess you do want to give other pearls. Would you expect any less from a Representative Republic that's about 100 years ahead of what is basically a totalitarian regime? A combination of weak leadership and NIMBY folks running amok. You do know I live in Alaska, a resource economy state, right? Not exactly news. If you go back and read some of my posts on ANWR, you'll see exactly the same things being stated. You'll have to forgive me for not giving a moment of my life to USA Today. I'm not at all pointing at China as a world leader in environmentalism, simply telling you that they aren't as bass-ackwards as you seem to believe. So you're going to have to put your right-rhetoric away for awhile, I'm afraid. They have done some things recently to point in the right direction. That was my point.
  7. Nah, it was the tax increase. Had nothing to do with the dawn of the Information Age, the emergence of a new investor class, or the flattening of global energy prices for an unprecedented SEVEN years. Because there are plenty of clear examples throughout history of governments taxing their way to properity. In fact, taxes are so great that I'm shocked Mr. Clinton didn't implement Rubin's "BTU Tax" just to make sure America ended up with ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!
  8. Actually, China is doing quite a bit in that area. You should probably do a little research. On the private side, one of their richest industrialists is leading the charge toward solar power. The US is hoping he's able to pull it off, because China's gigantic population may lead to an economy of scale that would make it affordable to US consumers.
  9. Meanwhile, Occidental Petroleum is up about 300% since January 2003. WTG, Al.
  10. I'm just shocked that giving huge amounts of money and power to a really small group of people ends up not working out so well. You libs ready to cut and run on any of the social programs you've implemented? They're working about as well as Iraq.
  11. Translation: I like being punched in the face. Do it again.
  12. I'm sorry, what was your argument? I'm not at all fluent in "potato head."** **Special shout out to Dexter.
  13. I can't help but ask: "Why is a guy who attacked a woman and a teenage girl classified with the highest risk level but only given ONE YEAR in COUNTY?" Nice system. Perhaps one of you local lawyer types can explain this a little better. How much discretion does a judge have in these matters?
  14. I'm sure if I lost a child to drugs, that I'd try to be a better druggie. That just makes sense to me.
  15. Pardon me while I take this personally. -Holcomb's Arm
  16. The cool part is, we were all sitting around wondering how long it was going to take you to show up with this exact post. I think I won the pool.
  17. You mean there's a butterfly effect to all this "feel good" crap?
  18. What, don't have the ability to answer the question?
  19. Translation: I just got my ass whipped and don't have the intellectual capacity for an actually witty retort.
  20. Good thing the "international community" was so active in Saddam-era Iraq - because that was a sunshiny example of how people can live together in harmony.
  21. Another guaranteed rule of internet debating: When looking like a total A-Hole, declare yourself the winner of the argument.
  22. Note to Self: Avoid diets that celebrities endorse...
  23. You mean because they're ready to develop a rookie QB, unlike the last time they spent a pick there?
  24. Because we know how much it bothers you kickballers. Not after April...
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