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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It's necessary and when it's not scripted crap, it really adds to the sport.
  2. Is she hot? With a name like Sabrina Tavernise, she should be hot.
  3. You can thank the country's academia for most of this. They decided to agree posthaste with Ben Spock and the rest of the "spoil the child" liberals by taking any semblence of actual punishment from the school system. That ceded the power to children and made actual "teaching" virtually impossible. Then they got the government involved and "voila", a truly screwed crisis for which there is no easy answer. You just don't unpaint that wall. It's easy and convenient to blame today's parents but they're just part of the equation. Once again we're treating the symptoms instead of the problem.
  4. Sorry, I don't read the post quite that way. Nor do I see what you're accusing me of as being any different than how you generally respond when called out. So we can now add "hypocrite" to your "idiot" status.
  5. Ah, so when I use your EXACT words I'm being dishonest, but when you take something I type and put your retard spin on it (for military cuts under one party, against them under another, for example), that's somehow truthful? Gotcha.
  6. Why? You once said: So you're an idiot AND Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. Whoopie.
  7. I have a lot more heartache with cell phones and stuff still working after A NUCLEAR FUGGIN' BOMB went off.
  8. What? A government program doesn't drive down costs? Gee, that's odd.
  9. I got it the first time, which is why I brought up Iraq. You can call it sarcasm, I call it disingenuous bullschitt. The Republican apologists like to pretend Iraq isn't about oil. Their proof is to bring up Muslim Extremism in other countries and quotes by the Iranian "President" or something someone saw from some Al Qaeda "operative" on CNN. That doesn't change the fact that the only reason we care about Iraq (and Iran for that matter), is because THEY HAVE OIL. If that wasn't the case, we'd have left Iraq to the Germans, French, and Russians. Mostly because no one else probably cares. At the end of the day, Iraq was about oil. Pointing to other terrorist acts in countries that don't sell us black gold is never going to change that fact. No, it's rooted in the same things most "quests" are. Power over the masses. Not alot different than the current 2 parties that run the United States, just different in their execution. I'm not sure I've ever read a single thing that stated that Muslim Extremism itself was about oil, only that we're forced to find a way to deal with it because those factions are centered in the region that provides a pretty fair portion of the world's supply. Ooh, stop it. You're going to hurt my feelings. However will I get through the day without someone coming to PPP to type things like "Muslim Extremism isn't rooted in oil money"? I apologize for not noticing you weren't the original author of the thread. Doesn't change the fact that the title of the thread is all about what the left says about Iraq, whether you want that point in it or not.
  10. What's the title of the goddamn thread, sparky? Muslim extremism isn't rooted in oil. Our response to it is. For good reason. Otherwise we'd ignore it, like we do extremism in other parts of the world. Let's grow the military/industrial complex even further because there's a new boogieman to defeat. That isn't going to have any long term consequences... Let's keep pretending that we're on this patriotic venture to stamp out something that's been part of the human condition for all of recorded history. Are we also going to stamp out homelessness, poverty, etc? Or are the liberal Republican ventures somehow more worthy because they involve killing some people that look and speak differently?
  11. THE original post in the thread said "It's all about oil". Silly me, I assumed it was rebutting the age old liberal mantra about Iraq (on which they are correct). As I stated more than once earlier: Terrorism has been around since the dawn of man. It's a tool in the box. As far as the rest of it goes, I'm a hell of a lot more worried about our own government screwing us (and the Constitution) over to "protect" us from the Muslim extremists that their policies have given more credence to than I am about those same Muslim extremists taking over the planet (do you people know how laughable that is in the face of history?).
  12. Oooh. The righty fear mongering machine is at full RPM. It's probably time to declare martial law and start the internment camps. THEY'RE COMING! What website did we get these gems from? I'm sure we're gonna be speaking Arabic too. No way we're stopping the fundamentalist Islamic war machine. Time to get the Rosetta Stone cranked up. Their leaders are gonna need interpreters. Our very way of life (you know, the one we're currently voluntarily giving up to Homeland Security) is at stake! I wish Al Qaeda wouldn't set such high goals. It just makes them seem way more competent. IF YOU GUYS DON'T CONVERT, WE'RE GONNA BLOW UP SOME MORE OF YOUR CRAP! I'm just shaking.
  13. So? That doesn't change the fact that Iraq is all about oil, as anyone with half a friggin' clue should know. The left is being stupid when they say "no blood for oil", just as the right is being stupid by saying "it's not about oil." You're both ridiculously full of crap.
  14. Gee, I wonder why intelligent discussion is dead? What part of terrorism is everywhere/always has been were you having a problem with? Should I now link to a bunch of non-Muslim terrorist acts over the past 5 years to show that not all acts of terrorism are in the name of that religion? We live in the United States. Our foriegn policy at times pisses off some people who are more than willing to enlist people to commit terrorist acts. Are you actually debating this point? Do you think that pointing out terrorist acts against other countries by radical religious extremists (which we are in no short supply of here, either) somehow validates continuing to do these things? Does that mean every terrorist act is a direct result of US Foriegn policy? Uh, no. I'm not sure why you've brought that up, as I've never inferred it in the least. Do you Republican apologists EVER think anything through? Have you ever been to any part of Asia or Africa?
  15. Honestly, could you three get a room? I know Holcomb's Arm is quintessential idiot but even I'm tired of watching you two smash him while he whistles whatever melancholy melody that keeps him from reality.** **H.A. if you even respond to this post, I'm sending you on vacation.
  16. It's good to know you're easily flustered. Thanks for the info. Anyone else seeing Homer Simpson chasing a donut hooked to fish line?
  17. I didn't make it about Iraq. You made a statement about oil. Iraq is absolutely, unequivocally about oil. As I said, terrorism has always existed and it likely always will as long as the response is about killing more people. I fail to see how killing a bunch of people is going to make a bunch of other people not want to kill you. That doesn't mean ignore and the problem will go away. At the end of the day, US foriegn policy over the last 40 years has led to increased terrorism against us and our interests, not less of it. Continuing those same policies will not likely lead to a different conclusion.
  18. You're right, that's a completely foriegn concept to me. Uh, I was talking about the discussion between you and I. Only you could somehow make that into me propping the entire board. But I'm the complete moron. Yeah, I know. You ought to ask them how well I treat 'em when they're acting the way you normally do.
  19. Finally, something you're an expert in.
  20. The only person of ignorance here is you. There is nothing "knee jerk" about it. I appreciate your continued attempts to label me, you progressive guy, you. I love the fact that you think "shoes don't poop" is either intelligent or funny. Quick liberals, beg for more school funding.
  21. Terrorism has always existed. Doesn't matter what the religion is. The fervor it causes to "do something about it" guarantees it'll go on long into the future. BTW, it is about oil. If there wasn't oil over there, we'd give not a flying crap about Iraq.
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