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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That's what happens when estrogen takes over and you don't think things through. That's pretty normal for the media.
  2. Yet you clowns still want the government in charge of all health care. THINK ABOUT IT.
  3. Common sense. I wanted to see what it was like to be the average TBD poster for a fortnight.
  4. Uh dude, so far the only one who looks like a troll in this thread is you. You don't tell someone you don't like personal attacks in one post and then in the NEXT POST accuse them of committing a felony sex crime against a child. Do yourself a favor and STFU. Better yet, be a man and apologize for going WAY too far.
  5. You need to train your dog before he/she gets seriously hurt or worse, hurts some kid.
  6. They'd be crying like bitches if the situation was reversed. I agree with them that the hit wasn't all that bad but anyone who knows ANYTHING about hockey knows you HAVE to respond to it. That's one of the reasons Lindy was so pissed. We score 2 goals in 37 seconds. You know there's going to be a physical response to that in a rivalry game. Lindy sent out Peters, Mair and Kaleta for a shift to give the Sens the chance and Ottawa did nothing. Not long after, Neil runs Drury. Murray can pretend he doesn't know the code, but that's total BS.
  7. I love this game. Neil? DEAD McGratton? DEAD Volturnyourheadandcough? DEAD Have I mentioned I love this game?
  8. I think it'd worked out the same either way. It certainly made for better theater to do it all at once. I'm just concerned about what the NHL's response is going to be with Peters. Hey NHL, you were number one on SportsCenter. But let's keep trying to leftislate fighting from the game.
  9. Van Massenhoven officiated the rest of the game (post fight) with his head up his ass. That was a terrible performance.
  10. Nice game by the baby Sabres. Ryan with an assist, Kaleta with some big hits early, Clark Mac with a goal, and Stafford with the shootout winner.
  11. I would have spelled "fined" "pummeled".
  12. Now they don't call Briere getting tackled but they call a hook on US? I'm sorry, is this game not in Buffalo?
  13. What an embarrassing no call on Vanek being tripped. Ridiculous.
  14. That's because she has thicker ankles and bigger calves.
  15. Damn. Kalinin finally puts one on net and it ends up a goal. Imagine that!
  16. I won't be surprised if Drury has a concussion.
  17. Honestly, I wish they hadn't done it in "line brawl" fashion (as much as I enjoyed it). It'd have been better to pick them off one at a time. I have a feeling Peters is going to get a decent (3-5 games) suspension.
  18. In fairness, they didn't have much choice but to call it that way. Brian Murray can kiss my ass.
  19. One of my favorite things in the world is seeing a kid score his first professional goal at each level. The look of pure joy when they realize they've accomplished something they've been dreaming about their whole life is really cool. Love the baby Sabres. These kids are hockey players.
  20. Personally, I won't be satisfied until there's fighting in the All Star game like there used to be.
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