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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Add to that the popularity of the breed. That ensures there will be plenty of people breeding them who have no business doing it. They don't care about the temperment or physical issues of their animals, only the money they can make. The same thing has happened with every large working breed that's been popular at one time or another in America (Rotts, Pits, Dobes, German Shepards).
  2. These guys just never cease to amaze me. They have every reason to fold their tents tonight, yet the exact opposite has happened.
  3. Without knowing all the facts? Sorry, I'm not silly enough to try and venture a guess. There are a ton of possible variables. I do know it isn't the breed.
  4. Mistype on my part. Plus, I was agreeing with you. I'm glad you actually take the time to explain things because I get so sick of the stupidity that I'm not wasting my time with it.
  5. Now explain HTF that compares to Vietnam? BTW, I'm pretty sure the guy at commondreams kiped one of my posts.
  6. Jack Bauer doesn't learn lessons. He writes the books everyone else learns from.
  7. Good post. Couldn't have said it better myself. Especially the part about Kotalik, who is the most underrated Sabre on the roster. It amazes me how many people are willing to ship him off for nothing.
  8. Because they got 80 year old Gary Roberts and a guy who won't skate a shift in the playoffs? I'm quaking at the thought. Roberts will blow a tendon eating a hotdog.
  9. I don't see how it's any different than the Liberals comparing it to Vietnam within a week or two of invasion.
  10. I don't. It was a CNN Radio blurb on one of the local radio shows that uses them for their breaks. I was listening to Bob & Tom when it came on. That's pretty much verbatim what was said - and the story was about the 200lb 8 year old and his retarded family.
  11. That is so stupid. Unbelievably stupid. This is why I hate the fukking media and refer to most people as lemmings. Here's the deal: The Air Force isn't more "willing" to attack Iraq, they simply have fewer things to worry about. Iraq has virtually NO capability to stop the United States Air Force, as Tom pretty much already stated. The "article" is simply sh(i)tty journalism. As if the Air Force is somehow consulted on their "willingness" to engage targets. It doesn't work that way and it NEVER has. Would the Army have more to worry about? Duh. See Iraq. And any other conflict where the objective is to simply hold ground while minimizing collateral damage. The Army knows they've been screwing up for the last 3 decades in how they prepare. What they don't know is how to fix it in any sort of short order.
  12. Look up where his money comes from. His house is a pitance compared to his OIL WEALTH from Occidental PETROLEUM. Al Gore is the ultimate hypocrite - but the partisans will continue to lap up his drool as if it came from a deity.
  13. Yeah, there's news. Dissenting opinions over strategy/policy amongst high ranking military guys? That's just never happened before. [/sarcasm] More piss poor reporting of pretty much nothing.
  14. Which proves only that stats don't show everything. For my money, Bailey may be the best football player currently in uniform.
  15. According to the radio, they can now be "convicted" if their pets are obese. Nice to know they have so little crime they can tie up the legal system (and those wicked cool wigs) with Pet Court. "I just can't get Sparky off his ass to exercise." BTW, they have no such laws on the books for CHILDREN. So civilized. More government please.
  16. You mean in your experience, right? I have plenty of Canadian friends and there are plenty of stories they could tell you that don't jibe with what you're saying. One of them is still on the waiting list for back surgery - and it's been THREE YEARS. He can't work and is barely getting by - he's already given up his house. Whoo-hoo. Free!
  17. It'll never happen. DoD is a bloated beast and until that changes, there's no way medical care ever gets to the top of the list. I'll give them a ton of credit for money well spent on battlefield medical care, but at the end of the day the majority of it is still a government program, so it's ripe for being totally screwed.
  18. Welcome to page 1 of "Democrat Party Tactics and Strategy".
  19. To what? The United Negro College Fund? Newsflash: There are more poor white people in this country than any other minority. Apparently, poverty knows no race, creed, or religion.
  20. It doesn't mean that at all, though I'm not surprised that's what YOU'D conclude.
  21. I really like the part under "Doberman" that stated "a miniature pinscher joined two pitbulls in a mauling". Miniature Pinschers have nothing to do with Dobermans, they existed LONG before the Doberman breed was created. The problem is the word "Pinscher", which is German for "terrier". I'm pretty tired of the ridiculous "turn on their owner" thing, as well as "their brains continue to grow and later in life it outgrows their skull, causing them to go crazy". Urban legends.
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