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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Hey Willis. What down is it? The reason the "team" doesn't have a winning attitude is BECAUSE of guys like you, not in spite of it.
  2. Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Mother's Maiden Name: Pin Number: Bank Account Number: Bank's Routing Number Where Your Check Goes: Wife's Maiden Name: Place of Birth: Employer: Address: Phone Number: Au Natural/Landing Strip/Barren: You know, just because I'm curious and we're all friends here.
  3. Let me guess: The big offseason winners are the Patriots.
  4. Uh, I don't think they were referencing the guns. "The vehicle also had flashing emergency headlights, a siren and a public address system, the Patrol said" And I don't disagree the reporting sucks. Were I the reporter, I'd certainly have asked him where the hell he was going with all that stuff. I'd also have asked whether there was ANY ammunition in the car. There's one gun bag there with ammo pockets, but no visible ammunition. When I was in the military we were allowed to open the base range during certain hours if we took the class and adhered to all the rules. It wasn't abnormal for my entire shop to show up with a combined arsenal that could shame a third world army. As far as being paranoid, anyone worth their salt doesn't carry multiple weapons that each have different ammunition requirements. From what I saw there were only 2 weapons there that could use the same ammo.
  5. YEA! My stalker is back. You noticed the police haven't charged him with anything related to the guns, huh?
  6. Why does he have to be paranoid? Perhaps he just went to a gun show and was bringing his bounty home. A lot of rich guys buy multiple similiar weapons because they have personal ranges and friends who come over to shoot. It's easy to sit back and talk crap about things when you don't know much about them. Much like the "why do you need so many shotguns" thread that kicked around here awhile back. Different shotguns for different purposes. Skeet, trap, fowl, marine, etc.
  7. Zak DeOssie's combine numbers are pretty good, plus he's obviously a smart dude (Ivy League school and all). Add to that his dad was a terrific special teamer during his decade + in the NFL and I think you have a guy to look at. Not that I know anything about him, because I don't watch a lot of college football. Just throwing it out there.
  8. Capitan? You've been living in Habana Norte to damn long. Fag.
  9. The media doesn't have a big effect on shaping people's attitudes. [/molton_goldfish]
  10. I can see how you'd come up with Justin Griffith. You know, given that he got TWO first downs rushing for them last season and THREE the year before. He's obviously a stud. Yeah, I know. He had a decent second half in a meaningless late season game against Tampa because Norwood and Dunn got hurt. That definitely translates. I'm sure the plan was to use Vick more often in that situation, since he's not at all injury prone.
  11. Perhaps he feels the leadership on his team will be more effective at keeping Willis in line. It's not like the guy is without talent. He's just missing the toolbox.
  12. Her standup is hysterically funny. Personally, I love it when comedians take on the establishment.
  13. So they have Warrick Dunn and Jerious Norwood but they don't need a short yardage back? Uh, OK.
  14. Why not just type "Hi, I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about - but I hate immigrants and need to link virtually every problem back to them."?
  15. Yeah Jerry, you're smarter than Marv Levy. You know, since you are a Pulitzer Prize winner, er a decorated journalist, er... Well, at least he's not an accomplished individual with multiple degrees and a pedigree like "Inducted into the Hall of Fame" for his chosen endeavor.
  16. Hello pot, this is kettle. I am proud of you for your use of "sardonic", however. I guess the library group of trained monkeys you hang with finally found the thesaurus. You mean like inviting Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson and the "Reverend" Al Sharpton to the DNC? Please. The only differences between the two parties is the interests they cater to. Luckily for all of us, the idiocy level of the partisans is remarkably similiar. That at least gives good fodder for "sardonic" humor.
  17. Way to take the high ground. Your circle jerk has to be in an absolute frenzy.
  18. Pretty much with respect to anything. Don't worry, I get the fact that you're lonely and this attention helps you get through the day. "A Top 50 University" - that remind anyone else of BF's high school in the "Retatta thread"?
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