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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Can anyone tell me what version of Retard Translator software I'll need to decrypt this paragraph? Thanks in advance. The best part about this paragraph is you believing it's both credible and relevant. Try staying linear for 10 minutes and not bringing up a Moveon.org talking point in a discussion that's CLEARLY non-partisan. I know it'll be hard, but I'm trying to be a "glass is half full" kinda guy here. I really don't understand the need for you libs to continue down this road, other than as an explanation for why the hell you can't win a Southern state in a Presidential election. "STATES RIGHTS!" "BUNCH OF REDNECKS!" "KKK!" I'd have to care.
  2. Hey Molson, that right there ought to be enough evidence that you were being an idiot.
  3. I'll take the point. Miller had a rough night in the shootout, which is pretty abnormal.
  4. Are all of you retarded? Or is it that you just can't read? Let me RECAP: I want you to read that again and understand that HIS post is COMPLETELY CONTRARY to the link you posted. To which I replied: Now you come in with a post that CLEARY states my position but say I'M wrong and he's right? I want you to concentrate on his reply to me, specifically the word "JUST." You see, I never said that population density was the ONLY reason for poor driving, rather implied that it IS a very large factor (just like slavery was a large factor in "States' Rights, but not the ONLY factor, as you libertards continue to trumpet). Now is a really good time for you to apologize because your need to win an argument against me has ONCE AGAIN made you look like a complete idiot.
  5. These last 2 episodes pissed me off. Jack is a professional bad ass. There's no way he'd have walked toward that door after finishing his interrogation. He'd have kept that perp between him and the bad guys and made his call to CTU. I've suspended my reality to keep watching this show but this is ridiculous.
  6. You're like a parody of a really bad pop song. No matter how many ways you try to remix it, it still ends up being "you're an idiot." Care to guess my background, "Top 50" University guy? You know, so scared of Tom and Ramius and their obviously broad hiring "powers" that you don't have the balls to give the Top Secret locale? Try military. Many years. That also means LIVING in MANY places. U.S. and abroad, as well as temporary duty of weeks to months in countless others. Go ahead and give me ALL of your "living" places. I'd be shocked if I couldn't minimum double or triple it. I'd spend more time on the "it's not just a function of population density" but that's not what I said so there's little reason to rebutt it. Nice to see your reading "comprehension" is just as acute as always, though. I don't need to "buy" anything from anyone. You've been proven over and over again to be wrong about virtually everything. The burning question of this moment is just how much longer your stay is going to be. Care to venture a guess, so you can be wrong about at least one more thing? And don't bother whining to me in a PM. You've continued to make this bed.
  7. Butler wanted Leeland McElroy and Marv talked him into Moulds.
  8. Because you live in California and the effect of drinking water going through 8 people before it gets to you is finally showing its effect.
  9. You know, I've driven in virtually every state - about 10 of them in the last year alone. Everywhere I've been, it's "the worst place" the locals have ever been and regardless of where, overall it gets worse every year. Newsflash: there are bad drivers everywhere, with the number of bad ones correlating to the size of the population. I'd try to explain that further, but I'm sick of watching you try and swallow your own ass from the inside whenever there's even the possibility math may be done. It's kinda like the scene in "Dice: Undisputed" where he and his "Road Manager" were parked in the middle of the street having a conversation while a dude was waiting behind them. After a minute or two, the dude behind them finally started honking his horn. The response from the Diceman? "Another California ASS Hole! What, I can't have a conversation?" That's right, Andrew. They're your streets, we'll all just adapt to your habits.
  10. What exactly does this have to do with Holcomb's Arm, Ramius, and Tom?
  11. Do you have a mirror in your house that shows Tom's reflection or something? You're either some kind of diabolical genius or the least intelligent educated person I've ever "met" on a message board. It's just uncanny.
  12. I can't decide if you're being a fag or a dork.
  13. You do know how funny that is coming from you, right?
  14. I didn't read your post. I was typing mine. Ya assclown.
  15. 1. Right click on your desktop. 2. Select Properties 3. Select the Screen Saver Tab 4. In the "Screen Saver" dropdown box, select "Marquee" 5. Click the Settings button. 6. Type in your quotes.
  16. I'm hoping eventually they'll tire of it, though Holcomb's Arm's special brand of retardia doesn't seem to know any limits. I am enjoying him regularly trying to declare victory and superiority with both feet slammed firmly in his gullet.
  17. Translation: This public ass raping is starting to hurt. Would you mind stopping?
  18. I agree. Damn funny. On a side note: I was reading an article on Teddy Nolan yesterday afternoon and he made mention of Simon because of their similiar upbringing and Nolan's influence on Chris' career. I remember thinking to myself: "Boy, it's been awhile since the Chief did something really stupid." Whoops.
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