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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You're correct. And I am furious about it, just as I was furious about many portions of the "Patriot" Act, the Iraq War, etc. Right, because Kerry is just so damn competent there's no way he'd have stepped all over his dick if EVERYTHING was stacked in his favor. You know, as opposed to ALMOST everything. Keep apologizing for the imcompetence. It never gets old. To be honest I haven't heard a single member of the Republican "delegation" speak, nor do I know why they were there. Since I am subjected to CNN at work, I've seen Pelosi strut her "stuff" on the subject. If they are attempting to do the same thing Pelosi is doing, then they absolutely are subjugating the Constitution. For me it has nothing to do with who belongs to which group who's stealing our money. I doubt seriously you can say the same. I was in High School, so no I wasn't outraged. I didn't really understand the entire picture at the time. Would I have been outraged had I? Absolutely. It's just so great to have ANOTHER partisan parrot on the board. The ol' "the other side is worse!" mantra just never gets dated.
  2. I just love when you partisans apologize when your group basically subjugates the Constitution. You wanna run foriegn policy? Win the executive. Until then, sit your ass in Washington and do your goddamn job. There's nothing worse than a "leader" who tries to everyone's job but their own, except the assclowns who keep making excuses for their incompetence. Care to go back through the last 10 administrations to find which countries each one didn't have public relationships with? Or are you just going to continue regurgitating Salon.com BS? [/rhetorical]
  3. You've posted so many stupid things on this board, it's generally hard to pick which one takes the cake. Not anymore. Thanks for that.
  4. If I kept one it'd be Drury - he just has the intangible around him. The issue with Briere is little guys tend to fall off quickly once they hit 30. I know someone out there is going to offer him a "max" or close to "max" contract but it won't be Buffalo, unfortunately. As far as what Danny's kid said, I've seen his house. If he gets a new long term contract in Buffalo, he's going to build something bigger in a neighborhood with more space. I guarantee that.
  5. The privacy thing sucks bigtime. The cost increases at FAT Food stores don't bother me. Make your own damn sandwich, you lazy bastards.
  6. That was my boss. Prime example. He and his wife each had one and I think they put about 500 miles on them total in 5 years. I asked him if the thing needed a skirt.
  7. Oh, I know it's old. One of my bosses was flipping me crap at a meeting in front of a bunch of my underlings about my bike not being a HD. I pulled that one out and he went totally blank. It was a LONG time ago. It's also not true anymore because it's now the Yuppie bike of choice. I get the Fatboy thing - that's pretty much what I have only in the Yamaha. There was no way I was paying over $20k for it (after customizing). Shoot, I could get a nice bike and half a C5 Corvette for that price (which is eventually what I'll do).
  8. My wife and the rest of my neighbors can hear me just fine too - when they're in their houses. I'm not too worried about people cutting me off or pulling out in front of me when they're sitting on the couch. No offense man, but there is tons of ambient noise in a car (radio, people talking, cell phones, windage, etc). I can't hear crap sitting in my truck or my wife's SUV, unless I'm at a dead stop, the bike is passing me, or I'm directly behind it. The simple fact is, most people detune from their surroundings when they are in their car, so unless you're really close to them, they can't/won't hear you. Like I said, when you're right next to them you've got a better chance of them hearing you, but that's about it. I could care less what anyone rides. I've met great people on all different makes/kinds of bikes. There are more wanna be riders on HD than anything else. You know the difference between an HD and a vacuum? On a vacuum, the dirtbag's on the inside.
  9. I've never bought that argument. Pipes exhaust to the rear. Unless you're "BEHIND" me, it's unlikely that you'll hear me and my pipes are plenty loud. In my experience, it's not often the idiot behind you that's as big a problem as those around you, or cross traffic. I'd say that if I'm even with your driver's window, you may be able to hear me but if that's the case, I'm moving forward or falling back anyway to get out of your blind spot.
  10. The vicious circle of man attempting to control something so beyond our grasp.
  11. 99% of today's "bikers" wouldn't be able to tell me who makes my bike (there's not a single logo/decal on it). As far as "sound" goes, virtually everyone who buys ANY cruiser motorcycle puts on aftermarket pipes. If I meet anyone who doesn't like me because I refuse to pay what amounts to 100% markup for something, I think I've made out just fine. My best friend rides a Harley. I'll have my house paid off before he finishes the bill for that thing. Over 3X what I paid for mine before he started customizing.
  12. Boy, I heard that. It's unbelievable how beloved HD is at the same time Microsoft is hated, yet both work almost exactly the same. Marketing, marketing, marketing.
  13. Every friggin' day, man. Thank God the Framers understood and went "Representative Republic". A small amount of chlorine in the gene pool, that.
  14. Correct. Wrong, though cats are more like "little women in cheap fur coats" than pets.
  15. "Which prime time spot do we give her at the next DNC?" - Howard Dean
  16. 1. Cats suck. 2. People who own cats suck. 3. You suck. I hate cats.
  17. You mean a role player played a role? That's so unheard of in team sports. Any other gems? You know, like "it's important to score more goals than your opponents?" I'd spend time disagreeing with the point on going into corners but it's like screaming at a fence post. And the fencepost would be in a place where apparently they know dick about hockey. See previous quote. Gee, great players make other players better? Does it take more than one of them to win in a team sport, too? What team regularly wins in the postseason with injuries to their best player? Answer: NONE. Stevens' fall had anything to do with Lemieux's Hodgkins or injury. Unless Mario was giving Stevens cash for drugs and prostitutes. Defensemen who used to pile up points? You mean Hall of Famers like Coffey and Murphy, who were going to Toronto no matter whether they stopped in Pittsburgh or not? Newsflash, skippy: Players the caliber of "guys like Coffey" are named ORR. Cups before Trottier: ZERO Cups with Trottier: TWO Cups after Trottier: ZERO I never said he was key, that's just a garbage point because you've been caught with your pants down. You have the typical fan's perspective, like you never laced the bones. Lockeroom presence is just as important as on ice contributions. Guys like Trots have unmeasurable credit, which is why the Sabres went out and got Chris Drury, the Pens this season traded for Roberts, andthe Sharks overpaid for Guerin. In fact, the Penguins discounted Trottier's contribution much the same way you did. They certainly didn't hire him to be an assistant coach the minute he retired. Oh wait, that's EXACTLY what they did. I never said Barrasso was a great goaltender. He was above average and at times spectacular. Much like the overabundance of credit that Brodeur gets in New Jersey, Barrasso gets roasted because his team wasn't very responsible in their own zone. It was a choice that was made because of the team they had.
  18. How many historic examples would you like of talented teams "knocking at the door" and never getting it done, BILLS fan? It's good that you know that. Any other crystal ball things on your mind, like growth stocks? You're right. Staal has won a Cup. I was referring to one of either Malkin or Staal. Again, you simply don't understand the salary cap. There's no way to keep multiple highly paid players in the this era and field a dynastic team. Eventually the Penguins will be in the position of other successful teams with superstars. They'll have to decide which guys to keep and what each is worth. Crosby is going to get max money. That's only going to leave 80-85% for the entire rest of the team. No, you could. I wouldn't say that at all. They're on a nice run here at the end of the year and alot of it has to do with the fact that they're healthy at a time when most teams aren't. A valid argument if games were played on paper. Thanks for making my point. But tell me again how they're going to add guys like Coffey in the salary cap era (ignoring the fact that there isn't a single guy in the NHL who compares, and offensive defensemen like Neidermeyer get close to max contracts). Right. Let's minimize the contribution of arguably the greatest American hockey player ever. I wonder why Mario retired the first time, with points being so easy to get?
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