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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Right, because I didn't specifically state that the Republicans SHOULDN'T be doing the same thing. Oh wait, I did exactly that. I'm sorry, I can't come close to translating that. Suffice it to say, if any member of either party of Congress is off on a "fact finding" mission in a foriegn country and meeting with their head of state (especially one the executive doesn't like too much), the only people getting screwed will be the US taxpayer.
  2. They've already progressed a long way from Miller's era, since there are more than 2 or 3 teams every year with a chance to win the whole thing.
  3. The guy I was going with bailed for family reasons. Now I have an extra ticket for both games today. Just throwing it out there.
  4. I wouldn't say I never watched it. I remember Cheryl Miller's Trojans (how dated is that?), caught some of Taurasi at UConn, and actually went to a game at Stanford while Azzi was leading them (I lived out there) just to see what the hype was about. Not my cup. It's cool if you like it, just understand that I'm going to act like a neanderthal where it's concerned (and kickball as well) because it amuses me.
  5. I sure wish we had him for the eight games he was healthy this season.
  6. No. I also don't watch American Idol, yet I'm pretty sure that sucks too. She's likely a fine basketball player, just as "insert one named Brazilian kickballer here" is great at running around dodging urine bombs while diving at the first threat of contact, but that doesn't mean I'm going to waste one second of my life watching either of them do their "thing". I did see a highlight of one of the games as I was flipping. Some little chic tossed up a three using "set shot" form. Nothing but net. Hence the comment.
  7. I wonder what men would shoot if they played with a ball that's about the size of a kickball? I'll agree, that if you want to watch 1940s men's hoops, tune in to women's college ball. They got the set shot down, baby. Of course, I don't watch men's hoop anymore either. For obvious reasons.
  8. No what? No as in "one of MG2002's buffoons will never win the executive" or "No I wouldn't be saying the same thing if it were Gingrich or Lott doing the same thing Pelosi is doing?" You're right, man. Politicians talking has never screwed anything up. Ever. Back off the meds, huh?
  9. Was that under the last name you got suspended under or the one before that? Here's the thing, duh. You have "history" here. History of posting about your "faith" and all the cool "homosexuality is a choice", etc. stuff. From that, the lucid can "infer". Yet your defense is saying someone else is "pulling it from left field". That's the reason we call you "duh". You can't know how much I appreciate getting a "side note".
  10. "You sir, are an idiot." Larsen Wow, quoting dead guys is fun. That's your rationale? Because people who like sports turn on a sports network, the people who work at the network are smarter about individual players? Right. Now fans are too optimistic about their players because they are hardcore. RMPL.
  11. You're ignoring the very basic fact that it's just not that simple. Player personnel matters like this one tend to tear teams apart and the players ALWAYS side with the PLAYER in question. This situation is a huge distraction.
  12. Very much like me? But not me? Oh please, great duhquixote, put me directly in with the others. I can take it. Dude, you must have the life experience of a gnat. I've actually had the chance to meet a number of the very people you apparently worship for their "knowledge". Like about everything else, about 10% of the people really know their stuff and everyone else is either a moron or doing just enough to get along. One guy, who worked on a show that "breaks down game film" didn't know 3 major free agents who'd signed with our team over an offseason not so long ago. That was a whole week before TRAINING CAMP (but he was an excellent hunter, so I gave him a pass). To think they spend a ton of time breaking down actual "game film" of a team that hasn't made the playoffs in so long is simply ludicrous. All you have to do is watch an NFL game and spot the number of times the color "analyst" completely misses the reason a play is either successful or a failure, only to analyze the "shiny flashy" part of it. It's a ridiculously high number and those guys have an encyclopedia of football knowledge compared to John Clayton, etc.
  13. Perhaps your heroes will pass a program to help me.
  14. What are "Topics I Could Give a Flying Fugg About?" Your religion is the right one. It has to be. Your God said so. You just better hope you're not wrong, you know, like you are on almost everything else.
  15. I'm sure you'd be saying the same thing if we replaced replaced Pelosi's trip with one made by Gingrich or Lott, assuming one of your buffoons could actually win a Presidential election.
  16. Ooh, looky. Another partisan apologist. Newsflash, skippy: No one in America cares about second place. There's a reason the phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely" exists. Build it up, then tear it down. Don't worry, you'll still be there for them - along with the other 80% of voters who regularly ignore facts and simply pull the stick for the "D" or the "R". Just make sure you keep the critical eye on the other side of the aisle and ignore your party of choice, otherwise something might actually change in America. Lord knows we can't have that. You using big words is like attempting to put frosting on a turd and pass it off as birthday cake. I'm sorry the concept of the royal liberal socialist screwjob is so foriegn to you. Perhaps you should visit WNY and see what the liberal Utopia looks like. Don't worry, though. Elliot Spitzer will ride to the rescue. This time it's for sure!
  17. Perhaps because the news sites I read are not mass media and they don't report on things like "this group of thieves is visiting this third world country to find ways to spend more of the taxpayer's money on sh-- we don't need." Nah, couldn't be that. As I said in my first post, I'm subject to CNN at work. I saw a bit of the Pelosi story, as well as Mr. Bush stepping all over himself. Whoopie. The only reason the Dummycrats supposedly look like saints is because until January they've held virtually no power for six years. There's virtually ZERO difference between the two parties, other than the way the mass media spins the crap and the fact that so many low income people actually believe one over the other. I can at least understand why the rich support the Republicans... Don't care.
  18. Nah, they traded picks for Wes 'friggin'" Welker. Their offensive line is as good as Tom Brady makes them (which is enhanced by the fact that they're almost never called for a penalty, much less in a key situation with the game on the line). So lets ignore really good players who've played for our coach, know the system, and are proven NFL playmakers. You know, in favor of college players who're far more likely to bust. The Patriots have plenty of questions of their own - just like every other NFL team. Who advocated signing him? He's available for a trade. The question is what price? One first rounder? I'd say yes, but Briggs has made it clear he won't play for the Bears and that hurts their side. Flop first rounders? I think that's a fair scenario. Sure. That's why we physically slapped the crap out of New England in the season opener, despite the fact that they have a proven system, with little change, while we had essentially a rookie QB, a new offense for pretty much the third straight season, a completely new defense, etc. Because we have no talent. That's such a BS argument and I'm extraordinarily tired of it. BTW, if the game was "essentially won" in the trenches, no one would stop the Minnesota Vikings. Yet somehow that really talented team of high round draft choices with proven talent failed to even make the playoffs. That "argument" is oversimplification at its finest. No one is advocating either thing, nor have the BILLS shown any willingness to. Trust me, if they had offered the Chargers a first and third, Turner would already be a BILL.
  19. So a guy who was signed to a big dollar contract and guaranteed a starting slot isn't part of the core of the team? Was Cory Dillon when he signed there and subsequently became a big part of their championship team? What about Rodney Harrison? Yeah, that makes sense. What farm? The Bills have tons of cap room and no offense, but signing a big name free agent who has performed at a high level for years and is entering his athletic prime vs drafting an unproven/inexperienced first rounder who you'll also pay big money (remember Mike Williams?) is not that tough a decision. But don't worry. Ralph's historic cheapness all but assures we aren't in the Briggs' sweepstakes - as much as he'd help us. Horsecrap. The difference between teams in sports at the highest level is mostly about confidence. The Patriots have it. The BILLS are trying to get it. A player like Briggs automatically makes your "core" significantly better. Did bringing in JP Losman and handing him the starting job have a positive effect on the team, or were there calls of "he hasn't proven anything yet" from the "core"?
  20. It was fantastic. It's hard to believe it's going to be gone after one more season. It's really a cutting edge show.
  21. Which certainly explains Belichick signing Adalius Thomas this offseason. [Apparently he's a "second tier" free agent. There's no single formula for winning. Ignoring ANY avenue available is a recipe for disaster.
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