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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You're just not used to being in the catbird's seat. Our team is THAT DAMN GOOD. Enjoy it - it doesn't happen very often. I had a similiar experience last season with my Alaska Aces. Second team ever in ECHL history to win both the regular season and postseason titles. A spectacular year from start to finish. I cried like a baby when the final seconds ticked off while the puck was sliding harmlessly down the ice in Gwinnett, Georgia. From the depths of EBay to an ECHL Championship. Of course, my next memory was some preteen kid yelling "go back to Alaska and shovel snow". Welcome back to reality, A.D.
  2. Time to unbunch the ol' panties there, Karen.
  3. You're right. We should leave it between the UN and Al Gore. Are you kidding me? It's not fertile ground to just hand over so much power to something that is being driven by an entity and a person that are so disgustingly untrustworthy. I'm sorry that the counterpoints mean so little to you. Sorry, can't say as I agree with you. You know, since virtually nothing they've predicted to date has come even close to true. As far as the science being compelling, it just isn't. There is so much estimation going on and being passed as science that it's frightening how easily so many people are buying.
  4. Had some trouble with the whole "I do not begrudge that as a species we absolutely suck at taking care of the environment and should be doing a hell of a lot more where that is concerned. That much is completely clear." thing, huh? I know, I know. You just can't help but put some smileys in a post. It's that "wry sense of humor thing" coupled with your aluminum foil diet. It's all good.
  5. The best part is you're actually serious. I know, I know. The science is compelling. I'm sure the science was compelling back in the "world is flat" days. I'm sure your ancestors were all over that one too. It's compelling. You know, except when it isn't.
  6. Well, there's a standard I'd use to dismiss something... What if an ACTUAL conservative, like Ron Paul, proposed the same thing before Congress? Would you be so quick to kick in your "partisan parrot" gene, continuing to give the pathetic masters you worship your ridiculous unwavering support? Paul may have more actual conservatism in his big toe than the rest of the Republican Party combined.
  7. Imus deserves to be fired simply for validating Al Sharpton by going on his program. Imus deserves to be fired for not retorting with "Hypocritical Ass-holes" when Sharpton confrontationally asked him "What do you mean by 'you people'?" But mostly Imus deserves to be fired for criticizing how anyone else looks, when he's the only rich man on this planet who actually looks like he's partied harder than Keith Fukkin' Richards.
  8. Both. I'm not convinced it's occuring due to the things I've read and the inconsistancies in both measurement and "what I like to refer to as "accepted guestimation". I'm FAR less convinced that the CAUSES are within our control. As far as the effects go, I'll believe the voodoo when the climatologists can accurately predict an El Nino based on their god forsaken computer modeling (they can't today and won't for a LONG time). If they can't predict a weather pattern that takes place between 20 and 25 times a century, there's no way I'm going to buy into the rest of the scare tactic (never mind that virtually none of it is occuring today). I do not begrudge that as a species we absolutely suck at taking care of the environment and should be doing a hell of a lot more where that is concerned. That much is completely clear. At the end of the day, my overwhelming point is to be skeptical of anything that's being sold to the public on this scale.
  9. Cooter called. You need a complete "frame up" resto.
  10. Why, so you can turn this into a 20 page thread based on your inability to process information? GG isn't a liberal. No amount of you restating it is going to make it true. It will, however, add to your moronic legacy. As if that requires any further validation.
  11. Gee, I wonder who knows GG better? You or me? Hmmmmm. Your judgement of anyone here is laughable - but that's certainly not going to stop you from deepening the crevasse you reside in.
  12. That's just so cool. Now GG is a liberal. Keep 'em coming, man. Keep 'em coming.
  13. Monckton's Analysis of the IPCC Report Last month he challenged Al Gore to an internationally televised debate on Global Warming. Gore has yet to acknowledge the challenge (big surprise). Now, ask yourself why the "Mass" Media here in the U.S. hasn't reported a single word on the challenge (yeah, I know Pasta Joe - it's because they're only interested in the truth )? Climate Chaos? Don't Believe It The Sun is Warmer Now than it Was 11,400 Years Ago More Contrarian Global Warming Information
  14. The worst part of the entire thing was that the Devils HAD the talent to play a more up tempo game but instead locked it down. Detroit was also somewhat guilty with their "Left Wing Lock" system that basically meant if they got the lead there was no chance any team was coming back. There have been 4 teams in NHL history that have had 10 or more 2 goal deficit comebacks in a season. 2 have happened over the last 2 seasons. None happened while the Devils and Wings were ruling the roost.
  15. I'm sure that plays to it, but it's not as black and white as that.
  16. Bitching about Imus and his racism on "Federally Protected Airwaves". Way to hate on the Constitution, "Reverend".
  17. Nope. It's just easier to take potshots at Fox because they're the only "Conservative" news station. Meanwhile, on the Liberal Left, they like to pretend that all the other news media isn't biased in their direction.
  18. The Museum of Science and Trucking, baby! - Tony Soprano
  19. The truth doesn't have to be original. It's timeless. You're a bandwaggoner. You know it. We know it. As far as originality goes, I called YOU a douchebag in this thread. You regurgitated that insult back. Another moment of your continued hypocrisy, played out in a very short space of time. You're also not only A hypocritical douchebag, but THE hypocritical douchebag. Any supposed BILLS' fan who has the nuts to call another team "chokers" or say they don't have "history" because they haven't won a championship can't be explained any other way. Your douchebaggery is seemingly boundless. And as far as history goes, the Devils success will be remembered as the thing that nearly killed the NHL. Luckily for all of us, owners are seeing the BUFFALO SABRES have tremendous success and want to emulate that. I have little doubt that means more fans flocking to arenas around the NHL, as opposed to those in Jersey staying away because the barn sucks and there's just so many friggin' cool things to do in the Garden State (that's so goddamn funny that there's no reason to go any further).
  20. He was the best player for MSU in the Championship. All over the place, hitting everything in sight and creating chances at the offensive end. Just terrific. Gerbe, another Sabres' choice who plays for BC looks a bit like Martin St Louis size wise and is chippy as hell. I don't know if he can make the show, but he'll give every ounce of effort to do it. MSU's goalie was fantastic in the finals. He kept them in it with some amazing saves when they were on their heels for most of the first two periods.
  21. Yeah, a bandwaggoner. You're a friggin' BILLS fan because when you started paying attention to football, the BILLS were a great team. It's just as likely that you started paying attention to the Devils when they won their first Stanley Cup and not a moment before. You're closer to the Jets than the BILLS, so proximity apparently only matters in hockey, right? Sure. Yeah, I'm a Notre Dame fan. In my "formative years", they pretty much sucked (much like the Yankees and BILLS) but they were on the radio every week. I guess I'll apologize for following the family tradition where that's concerned (though my father and grandfather are NY Giants (football) fans because the BILLS didn't exist during their formative years). And there's nothing better than a supposed BILLS fan gloating about the success of another sports team. No hypocrisy there. You're such a douche bag.
  22. Please tell me this is going to end soon. I'm not sure I could take another "chasing each other around every thread" thing. Although it did give us "3.5".
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