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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm sure he's well aware that most hunting rifles are semi-automatic and chambered with virtually the same calibers of the weapons the "intellectual elite" are so deathly afraid of.
  2. Gee, really? Do they all have their hands out too (for good reason, as the endeavor is important)? Nah, it's 2000 different locations (it used to be 6000), most of which used to be far away from civilization, but that's no longer the case. Add to that a whole bunch of different data that when really analyzed tells us we pretty much know dick, so we're depending on skewed computer modeling and "sky is falling" type theories. Probably not a big money grab, as science is noted for being so far above that. "The recent (globally averaged) warming by 0.5 degrees C is partly attributable to such anthropogenic emissions." Gee, that "partly" is super-scientific and seems so very concrete. I wonder why they didn't say "mostly?" Oh, because they don't really know. It's not science, it's SPECULATION based on very selective data groupings by people whose research depends on there being big problems. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why NYC's temperatures are significantly warmer while Albany's are slightly cooler. Are they not sharing virtually the same atmosphere, being that they're what, 130 miles apart? I'm sure climate change will have health affects. Some will be positive. Some will be negative. That's pretty much the nature of nature. You know, since the climate has been in constant flux since we've been smart enough to try and figure it out.
  3. People who use drugs are not in control of their own actions. They often hurt or kill innocent people while using, coming down, or to get more money for more drugs. It's not anywhere as simple as you're pretending it is. And I'm pro-legalization. Do your own research. Google is your friend and I'm not in the business of "giving the man a fish". You'll then find out that you don't know nearly what you think you do. You're FAR more likely to be killed by medical malpractice (something like 5 times) than by a firearm. Perhaps the "intellectual elite" and media should be focusing on that little problem (or a slew of others) instead of attempting to rape the Constitution.
  4. Are you advocating man attempting to control nature? How many examples would you like of us screwing that up?
  5. Don't you work for big pharma? I'm sorry, I'm going to go ahead and completely discount your opinion on anything scientific because you work for an industry that screws the little guy for money (to say nothing of your specialty not being climatology - not a dig, just a fact as I'm not a scientist at all). Sound familiar? I don't have an suck-ups, nor do I need anyone to help me point out how hypocritical you are. You know it.
  6. Really? So once we legalize it, people on drugs will stop killing other people because they don't control their own actions? The majority of firearm deaths in this country are SUICIDES. Does that fit your definition of what people do to themselves?
  7. Statistically, citizens who fire their weapons in self defense are far less likely than law enforcement to injure anyone outside their intended target. Also, in nearly 90% of cases, simply brandishing a weapon is enough to completely stop the situation. If your "scenario" rang true, I imagine we'd have already seen numerous such incidents. You know, since like 37 states already allow people to carry concealed and all 50 allow people to own firearms. On your other "point", in every state but Alaska and Vermont, every person who legally carries a firearm must pass a course, including range time with a weapon up to their caliber of choice. No hitty target, no getty permit. Honestly, could you non-gun owners who have almost zero life experience please STFU. The Second Amerndment is the reason America is free and will continue to remain so. The continued demonizing of inanimate objects is the reason bad old men like Hillary Clinton are able to gain and hold more and more power.
  8. "We weren't sure whether we were supposed to draft Warren Sapp, Ruben Brown, Mark Fields, or Ellis Johnson. In the end, we had to guess - Marv Levy
  9. Statistics on their own don't tell the story. They never do. That's the point. I love the European attitude that America is somehow available for comparison, as if our being the wealthiest country in the world with individual states that are far larger than any European country doesn't have any meaning or can be easily discounted. We're not the same. We're never going to be. Thank God for that.
  10. Sure he would. I'm sure he'd trust the people who brought us the completely fallacious "Hockey Stick Graph" and garner more and more public money with every panic inducing, "sky is falling" proclamation. "We don't trust big oil or big business, but we embrace the biggest, most corrupt business on the planet." Sincerely, Liberals Now go back to the basement, toss on some punk rock, and pretend you actually stand up to the man.
  11. I'm busily preparing for the inevitable melting of my igloo. Fuggin' Global Warming.
  12. Yet one is already pretty much completely illegal and the other is ridiculously regulated.
  13. Horsecrap. The CDC statistics are garbage and it doesn't take much digging to find out why. As a history person, you don't seem to know much about the 2nd Amendment of its intention.
  14. How's the drug war going? Nearly 45,000 motorcyclists and pedestrians are killed in America every year. Oh the humanity. People die. Sometimes for reasons that suck. No amount of government is EVER going to change that.
  15. Shutup! No one is interested in contrarian evidence. We have consensus among the "non-agenda despite their funding depending on it" science community. It's not a Frankenstein mob. Really it isn't.
  16. It's nice that you can say that with such certainty. It's also pretty much pure bunk. Allowing grown, law abiding adults to carry concealed firearms on that campus could very well have saved a whole bunch of lives that day - and sent yet another message to these assclowns that not everyone is willing to be a victim for some "perceived" security. Adding more laws certainly won't change a damn thing. The government will keep guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals at about the same time the keep heroin off playgrounds.
  17. Yet that's exactly what you just did. Let's just say I disagree. Which makes your statement that much more ludicrous.
  18. I don't know that I'd look at it that way. Dude survived one of the worst things in recorded history, then went to the top of his field in the greatest country in the world. Then, in his 70s, paid the ultimate price so others could live. Not tragic. Heroic.
  19. Apparently the older teacher who was killed protecting his students, was a Holocaust survivor.
  20. That was my first thought too - until I realized it was the engineering building that got shot up. No way in hell Marcus Vick would know where that was.
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