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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Facts is facts. Aw, someone feels small. But my life is sad. I'm not you. That's pretty damn great. More feelings? Tom's right. You should seek therapy. Got some issues...
  2. Not once has anyone on this board stated you are not allowed to have an opinion. Continuing to repeat that lie does not make it true. I don't blame you for trying to pull it off, since you're a liberal and that's about the only tool in their box. I also find it fascinating that because you are forced to rely on the internet that you think everyone else is doing the same thing. The internet can be an excellent source if used properly, of course. That doesn't mean that ANYONE here uses it as their only source.
  3. I think the Democrats are staring down that barrel regardless of which "candidate" wins.
  4. At least we know you can read numbers. It's a ton of fun than watching you hypocritically blather on while thinking you're actually accomplishing something. Ooh, more judgement from the guy who hates being judged by people who don't know him. Figured I'd help you relive the glory days of your pecker checking.
  5. Now if you could just get the "your posts here don't exist in a vacuum and are actually subject to being pointed out as the retarded drivel they usually are" concept. Apparently that one is really hard.
  6. Oh look, another hypocritical judgement. At least all of your REALLY pathetic posts have been lost, so you won't have to live them down. Of course, you're not smart enough not to repeat exactly the same behavior. This fact is being made brutally obvious right here in this thread. Yep, I live for dudes like you to keep sniffing my jock.
  7. Kelly = this season's Mike Nugent You think it's bad now? Wait 'til we pass on him. He's gonna be Jerry Rice, Fred Bilitnekoff, Andre Reed, and Randy Moss all rolled into one.
  8. The only person infatuated with post counts around here is you. Undoubtedly because you've been a pecker checker all your life. It's cool man. Everyone has to have a thing. That's obviously yours. Soldier on!
  9. Uh, I was speaking as you. Your opinion is not respected because it's quite obvious to a growing number of people that it's not based on anything more than regurgitation. There's a reason a number of people have taken to smacking you around on this board and it has nothing to do with me taking it up as sport. It has nothing to do with whether they agree/disagree. Perhaps politics or discourse just ain't your thing. BTW, we believe in baptism by fire over here. If you can't deal, then move on. Cuz the place ain't changing. Your judgements of me are so painful to my delicate psyche.
  10. Can you rephrase that sentence? I left my "potatohead to American" translator on my laptop. Taking up space in your head is a lonely endeavor.
  11. I'm pretty sure they just charge you 10% over the price. Adds up quick.
  12. their Then go somewhere else where people base their opinions on ignorance and others laud them for it. There are a number of sheeple here who can certainly help you find that "paradise". "I want my opinion respected even when it's obviously based on virtually no actual information!
  13. Looks like he didn't get any serious offers because teams are not sure if he's actually good. If he has a great year, he's gonna break the bank next season.
  14. Lack of substance abuse. I'm pretty sure chemicals are the only reason James and Lars were able to co-exist. It's funny. They did exactly whatever they wanted when they were making great music. Then they decided to try and be like everyone else and the results were predictable...
  15. Man, I'm just glad my post count is intact. HEY!
  16. Can't wait to hear the judge's explanation of why a multiple offender got a suspended sentence on a GUN CHARGE. Gee, I wonder why criminals don't obey the laws that the liberals work so hard to put in place (only to screw the law abiding).
  17. Yeah, that's what I said. I'm shocked you buy the global warming thing, since your ability to get super emotional on the issue is exactly what the chicken littles are counting on. Yep, that's a great analogy. There's little difference between killing a few groups of humans and screwing up the only planet we have. Again, I'm not against sensible things where the environment in concerned and I wholeheartedly agree that our water, air, and land are too dirty and we need to change that immediately with the long term global economy AND the planet in mind. I just don't buy global warming or the draconian bull sh-- that goes with it. Yep, in only ten years it'll be too late. Nevermind that the medieval period was warmer and we somehow managed to get throught it. Never mind that there are SIGNIFICANT unanswered questions and SERIOUS political issues behind this movement. Never mind that Mother Nature is going to do whatever the hell she wants, regardless of what we do. If we only did something right now, we could stave off the elimination that's right around the corner - except that virtually NONE of the predictions or modeling has been correct to date (don't worry, you have faith that one day it will be). Yep, the sky is falling. Only it isn't. The one thing I've learned in this life is if it smells like a Frankenstein mob with political backing, it probably is.
  18. You confuse preparation with paranoia. Confusion does seem to be genetic for ya, so there's that. Everytime I hear someone say "no guns needed", I wonder what they'll be thinking when they actually need one. Better to have and not need than need and not have.
  19. Apparently Timothy McVeigh legally purchased both the fertilizer AND the diesel fuel he used to blow up the Murrah building. I don't know why any of this matters. The only place human beings will stop killing each other is the movies. No amount of legislation is going to chlorinate the gene pool. I'm simply amazed that so many people are so willing to be victimized.
  20. Insert "the earth's climate" for "human behavior". Amazing how this stuff goes.
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