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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It has nothing to do with who started it or why, Sparky. Try looking at the world through something other than your "liberal love" glasses. It's still just another "program" that you end up with when you so readily cede power to a faceless bureaucracy. One of the byproducts, if you will. I don't expect you to get it because liberals just don't understand the term "consequences". Only idealism. Loser.
  2. Where, oh where, are the liberal champions of individual rights? You know, the ones I always hear about when something like "free speech" is being violated. Quick, let's use some specious "word play" argument to toss out the 2nd Amendment. We're all VERY lucky that these idiots weren't around when people were taking up their own arms against England...
  3. Really? Why don't you explain exactly what you mean. Do you have a point? Or just regurgitating something in an attempt to deflect from the issue at hand? I'm gonna guess "B". Why should it be any different over there than it is over here?
  4. Really? What are the long term ramifications of the decision? What were the symptoms that led up to the bailout? Further proof that you have almost no clue what you're talking about.
  5. Translation: Hi! I don't understand the issue, nor the resolution so I'm gonna give credit to my ideal! Welcome to why you're a hypocrite.
  6. Wait, you mean big government liberal programs don't worK?
  7. Or you could try living in reality, where it's ALWAYS going to matter and because of it, there are always going to be bribes, positions for people who aren't qualified, contracts given to vendors who don't deserve them, etc. But your idea is possible.
  8. The question is: Why would you want to? In reality, this kind of stuff is where smart people make a ton of money because there are bargains galore. It's funny to watch people throw money at a red hot market and then act surprised when stuff like this happens and the lose their asses. Would you go to the store if they advertised: EVERYTHING MUST GO! MARKED UP 40%! That's pretty much what continually goes on in the financial markets. Now is a great time to buy.
  9. What if your head was as big as your front door? Would it still fit up your ass? So you're citing illegal behavior as a reason not to legalize something? That's really smart. Way to go, Reverend Swaggart. How's (sic) come you're blaming the hooker and not the alcohol? Oh, because you're a hypocrite.
  10. Worst injury? That Lawrence Taylor broke Joe Theismann's leg instead of his mouth.
  11. Yeah, being a total screw off in your personal life rarely affects your professionalism. Do you work in a cave? It's also highly unlikely that a powerful public official can be bribed into doing things not in the best interests of the populous because of unscrupulous behavior away (or in Clinton's case at) from his desk. Stop being such a damn simpleton.
  12. Congrats, NY. Continuing to get exactly what you deserve.
  13. I think the first one sucked out loud.
  14. Well, at least you got that simple concept. What exactly is a smaller majority? I'm breathlessly awaiting your explanation of that gem. When exactly did I state or even infer that? Or is that another strawman? [/rhetorical] Nice leap there. Jesus Christ, can anyone actually think for themselves anymore, or is everything automatically equal to the worst possible thing you can think of? That's right folks, if you believe it's a waste of resources to arrest and prosecute whores and their customers, you obviously believe pedophiles are swell. How fuggin' stupid are you? Your attempt at insult is as pedestrian as your position defense. Why the hell would I care what you'd "bet"?
  15. Are we not talking about legalizing it? Are you someone who is opposed to changing laws that have outlived their usefulness or should we simply continue to make the same stupid mistakes and pretend somehow that we're making progress? You mean like victims of real crime who never get their due because we're wasting valuable resources on "vice" type crimes that will continue until our species is wiped out? Prostitution predates Christianity and will outlast it, you heard it here first. And having them oppose it certainly hasn't slowed it one bit. sh--, they oppose pedophilia too but that hasn't stopped their leaders from systematically performing it/covering it up. What a line of crap. Ever travel outside the U.S.? You think families in Amsterdam are weaker than ours because they have a red light district? Most of them are elected.
  16. Who's actually advocating a society without laws? Or is that one of those fear mongering tactics to keep sheeple in line? Prostitution is legal in many countries and the downsides are minimal. The upsides are the serious cutdown of peripheral crime associated with it, and a significant reduction in STDs. sh--, you can't advertise tobacco legally why would you be able to advertise prostitution? As far as "taxing the !@#$ out of it", you just can't. You can tax it some but raise the tax to a certain point and you all but guarantee the creation of a black market.
  17. One of the guys I work with has one. He just had to replace his batteries. Cost somewhere around $7k. He's not quite so happy with his purchase. That had to be painful.
  18. I know that dude. He's less liberal than any of the Republicans you're slobbering over.
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