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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. They don't fight in "cage matches", sporto. The kids (not the adults) fight on mats, just like they do in every other combat sport. And they wear protective gear (lots of it), and everything is VERY closely supervised, just like ever other sanctioned combat sport event. I don't have any scientific data, but to me it's a ton safer than youth football because your kid is never going to be facing someone who is significantly bigger, stronger, or more skilled because the rules simply don't allow it. But let's keep pushing the stereotype that the sport is about little kids "pounding the hell outta each other", as if there's even a grain of truth to it.
  2. Enough to know that you're basing your opinions on ignorance, emotion, and whatever the sensationalist media spoonfeeds you. But soldier on, lemming.
  3. Nice read on the subject (which is a continuing theme for you, apparently). Any mirrors in your world?
  4. What the hell do those two things have in common?
  5. I saw the Karate Kid, so I know at least 80% of the kids who learn martial arts are bullies.
  6. Yet you challenge me to "jump in there" instead? I seriously doubt you did much of anything combat sport related in your youth, at least with any seriousness. If you had, you'd know how ignorant what you're saying is. Nothing but fear mongering. You outta work in the media. You're ignorant enough for the job. I've been involved in combat sports pretty much my whole life. I train every day.
  7. Sure you are. Ooh, more baseless fear mongering. Big surprise there. Why are combat sports a cheap thrill? Because you're too much of a kitty to do them? Because you and the majority of critics don't understand them? Or how about because you're comparing the sport of today to 10 years ago, even though they are hardly similiar? Heaven forbid the poor kids get to channel their energy toward something honorable. Instead we'll wrap them in rubber and sit them in front of a game system where they can kill zombies and bang hookers for cash.
  8. Am I the only one who opened this thread hoping it was about boobs?
  9. Way to totally miss the point. But thanks for telling an Irish fan where Montana was drafted. I learn something new every day. There are way more examples of teams reaching for needs like Flowers and passing on studs like Keith Bullock because apparently they don't need to fill their teams with guys who can actually play football (and in the salary cap era puts such things even further under the scope). The wideouts in rounds 2-7 in this draft aren't significantly worse than the few who currently have "marginal" first round grades. If they spend 11 on a wideout, they better be damn sure they know something that virtually no one else in the country apparently does.
  10. "policy makers are making mistakes that will be apparent only in retrospect." A shocking take. Once again, not allowing the market to correct itself from artificial inflation pushes us further down the road to ruin.
  11. So you'd pass up Joe Montana and take Perry Tuttle? Drafting for need is generally a recipe for disaster. Eric Flowers anyone?
  12. Good. Maybe the next generation of kids won't be as big a buncha nancy boys as this one is.
  13. People should take the board more seriously. That's what I do. I don't care which of them is the starter. As long as they are players on the BILLS, I'll root for them. If they leave, I'll wish them luck. And I thought Drew Bledsoe sucked before, during, and after his tenure in Buffalo. But I still rooted for him. And Peerless Price. And Eddie Robinson. etc. That doesn't preclude me from doing a little dance when they're finally cut loose...
  14. Why is it when a single person does something stupid, people seem to automatically use it as a reflection on an entire group of people? Would you make the same statement about "insert favorite ethnicity here"? Dude was a moron. Whoopie. That's what you get when you force people's behaviour. Stupid people didn't wear seatbelts, helmets, not smoke, etc. They died. You libs want them to live. Welcome to getting your wish.
  15. **Yet I'm a big government liberal. Signed, Molson Another great post, hypocrite. I doubt anything will live up to the pearl you gave yesterday - though it won't be for lack of trying.
  16. Thanks for not disappointing. And there's absolutely nothing fascinating about your genitalia, with the exception that it's likely non-existant.
  17. Because he's a cancer in the dressing room. And why the hell would you give up a first when the price is going to be nowhere near that? You trying to outstupid Al Davis?
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