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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Now try watching every other team in the Eastern Conference. You'll see EXACTLY the same thing. It's hockey and most of the time it's a cruel sport.
  2. It's a little early to whine about "gutting" the scouting department". And it's gonna be real interesting to see what Drury and especially Briere look like from years 3 on in their new deals. And it's awfully tough to argue that Brian Campbell is worth as much to any team as Chris Pronger or Scott Neidermeyer, which is likely how much he's going to get paid. The long time rule of thumb in the NHL is you don't give big long term contracts to little guys over the age of 30. The Sabres have had an up/down year for a variety of reasons but your "doom and gloom" isn't based on substance, it's based on emotion. This season looks a whole lot like last year, without the big win streak to start the year and the OT/shootout success.
  3. He probably gave the waitress a big tip. I know I would have. The only difference is, I'd have sent an empty champagne glass...
  4. Because referees are retards. I'm much more worried that guys are going to "get their money's worth" and rip the guy to the ground because of the guaranteed 15.
  5. Keep in mind, Global Warming isn't about big money.
  6. Countless? The Sabres outshot the Leafs nearly 2-to-1 and outchanced them by a wider margin than that.
  7. I follow the NHL and I don't think the team is ruined at all. They're young and they suffered some pretty key injuries at the time they could least afford them, made worse by the fact that they floudered outta the gate (which was predictable). Your "take" is simply more Chicken Littledom.
  8. How could he possibly make NYS government worse?
  9. It's not a coincidence that the BILLS most successful era occurred at a time when they were blessed with very good tight end play. It's also not a coincidence that the offense has struggled in the redzone for the better part of a decade because of extremely mediocre tight end play. No one is looking for Tony Gonzalez. We just don't want Robert Royal or any of the other pretenders. Thanks very much.
  10. Boy, you're not kidding. I didn't even know who Dane Cook was until they started advertising the special on CC. I Tivo'd it and when he came out, it was like he was the second coming of Lenny Bruce. Worst standup I've heard since Dice's "The Day the Laughter Died". Absolutely terrible. I'm still amazed that apparently upwards of 15 grand actually paid AND stayed through it. That dude is a train wreck with a microphone.
  11. Holy hypocritical posts, Batman. I guess I should've taken the "Our offense still sucks!" and "another year of 3 and outs" as an overwhelmingly positive look at a season that actually starts in FIVE MONTHS. It's certainly can't be criticism... Chicken Little is crowing early this year.
  12. It's nice to know we're writing off this season BEFORE the draft even takes place. That's definitely a new record.
  13. At least we know what Janice Soprano is up to now...
  14. Again, do you let your kids ride a bike? Or are they strapped front and back with mattresses with little neon helmets in case an acorn falls from the sky that might damage their precious little noggins while they accomplish whatever "feats" they're actually allowed to attempt? ALL sports carry the risk of injury. sh--, you can end up dead or crippled walking down the stairs. You obviously don't let your kids walk up and down stairs until they're what, 30? It's for the children, after all. Think of them, won't you? Someone's estrogen meter is pegged. And I'm glad you don't care about him. That way I don't have to worry about you staring at his ass. Fag.
  15. No. I have a 22 year old who was in Kenpo at six. If there were actually MMA facilities back then with good instructors and he'd wanted to try it, I'd have let him. I would not have let him box under any circumstances. I already said I don't have any data. But I played youth football and wasn't anywhere near the biggest kid. Combat sports pair kids based on size and ability. The only limitation I remember from youth football was a maximum weight limit. I know the first couple of years I played Vince Lombardi there were kids who weighed nearly double what I did. Dumbest argument ever. You let your kids ride a bike? Like I care.
  16. Don't need one. Despite the number of head shots I've taken, I'm still pretty smart. Stop giving me goals. I hate goals. You mean because you've got a good handle on who I am based on my wry sense of humor and general disdain for people who passionately use ignorance to limit things other people do?
  17. I didn't say you did. The only thing I've heard/seen so far is fear mongering based on terms like "cage matches" and "human cockfighting". As far as what you think "could" possibly happen, whoopie. MMA is never going away, it's simply the latest (and best) evolution of combat sports that have been around since 2 dudes decided to see who was toughest.
  18. Lacking tolerance for the ignorant and anger are not the same thing, grasshopper.
  19. Doubtful. I don't think cannibals tenderize before they indulge.
  20. Perhaps making it illegal will stop it from happening. Like drugs and dog fighting. That way we only punish the people actually doing it the right way. Very smart.
  21. You mean like Texas and Florida football programs?
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