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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yeah, she called them whores and that's a big deal. Calling Dick Cheney an anti-Semite racist who doesn't ever want to see black people is totally OK.
  2. I don't know what "having a true leader" has to do with anything. The biggest difference between the 3 largest religions is two of them no longer have complete control of entire societal infrastructures.
  3. It wasn't actually meant for you, though I did respond to your post. Fag.
  4. Absolutely. I was going to get involved in that but I just don't have the energy for such stupidity. Refution of demogoguery is becoming a full time job.
  5. You mean because over history those religions haven't committed terrible atrocities in the name of their God? The fact of the matter is ANY entity, if given such societal control, is going to create such people. Those guys have been brainwashed since they were old enough to understand anything (kinda like children of hardcore Democrats/Republicans, but I digress). Add to that the fact that there's little social mobility, opportunity, or hope in those societies, and you have a recipe to create people who ain't afraid to die for a cause BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MUCH TO LIVE FOR. Continuing to try and place blame on a single factor is retarded and VERY American. As if terrorism in human history started and ends with the Muslim religion.
  6. Dr Harrison's own research, looking at the UK only. Ain't it "Global Warming"? Nice job of limiting your data set. Now let's all pretend Dr. Harrison actually proved something.
  7. The system is setup to all but guarantee that a decent percentage are gonna get screwed outta their benefits for at least a period of time.
  8. Way to eat up the media hype. First, there were 2 bridges. One was between Anchorage and the MatSu Valley. Anchorage is basically landlocked by mountains on the North and Cook Inlet to the South. There is ONE road in and out of town to both the East and West. That bridge would have opened up millions of acres to development and cut travel time to the valley by half, and actually make housing affordable here (Not much room in Alaska's biggest city left to develop, so now old neighborhoods that were affordable are now being bought up, torn down, and rebuilt with half million dollar plus houses). It also would have made the Seward Highway (a very dangerous road in the winter) significantly safer by cutting its traffic load by about 40%. The problem is how expensive the bridge is going to end up being because of the incredible tide swings of the inlet. I'm pretty sure the money for that bridge was only about a fifth of the cost. I'm sure it would have been the most expensive bridge in US history. The second bridge was between Ketchikan and Gravina. It would have replaced a ferry system that services HALF A MILLION people a year. Yes, Gravina has a small population but the SECOND LARGEST AIRPORT in Southeast Alaska is on that island (200,000+ passengers annually). The problem with that bridge is it has to be very tall because of the hundreds of cruise ships that traverse that passage each year, making it way more expensive. The Golden Gate Bridge was a "Bridge to Nowhere" when it was built. Development follows infrastructure, not vice versa and the Federal Government has not lived up to the infrastructure promises it made to the state when the statehood deal was made. Of course, Ted Stevens has gotten the Fed to waste a ton of money on a bunch of other unneeded crap up here, so that's probably his penance. Now, I'm not arguing that either of these bridges should have been funded at that time or even that they should ever be. Only the repetition of the tired phrase based on typical media bull sh--.
  9. Give him a break. He's still clinging to the "Democrats had no say in Florida's primary date", despite the fact that they voted UNANIMOUSLY for it. He's actually more pathetic than you are.
  10. I'd say they don't stack up but the only reason is because of defensemen. The Red Wings don't play a punishing or hard hitting game but they do have Rafalski and Lidstrom. I'm curious to see if they can stand up to what has been their achillies heel in the past. I don't think they will. Kotalik has been himself - about what is expected given they generally don't give him what he needs for success. Stafford is a sophomore and has been played with about every combo - a victim of Lindy's experimentation. Max is one of my least favorite NHL players ever. Dude just frustrates me. Tallinder has all the tools but hasn't been right since the Carolina ECFs injury. He shows flashes. I wasn't worried about Spacek (I don't know what the hell happened last year but the guy is a really good player). There just aren't a ton of good defensemen in the NHL and there never has been and that fact is magnified a bunch when you try to be a transition team and win with offense. I've beaten it to death, but I doubt I'll ever forgive the front office for passing on Phaneuf. Ever. I like Campbell at between 4 and 5 per. The Sabres blew any chance at that by letting him start this season without a new deal. He's not worth anywhere near what he's going to get this offseason. He's gonna get Boyle money or better. That's just sick when you compare him to guys like Pronger, Zubov, Chara, Lidstrom, and Neidermeyer. Cool.
  11. So because he's going to do one thing that benefits the individual we should ignore pretty much ever other liberty reducing thing liberals (and the so called conservatives) do? Nothing like picking a fleck of corn outta a field full of dung and pretending you've got nourishment. Yeah, viva Barney Frank. And just because nearly all "possession" prosecutions occur at the state level doesn't mean they don't exist at the federal level. They do. It's called the Federal Controlled Substances Act.
  12. How is pointing out the obvious "making excuses"? The east isn't "pathetic", it's simply got tremendous parity. The Sabres are on the outside looking in because they've been terrible in OT and the shootout. Add losing 4 of their top 6 defensemen for significant portions of the season and it's not a surprise they're not quite there. They look a lot like they did last season (sans the 10 game win streak to start the year) except they're not getting the timely goal they got last season. The West has 4 really good teams and everyone else looks exactly like the East. Welcome to the salary cap era. I won't be surprised at all if NONE of the 4 really good teams ends up in the Cup finals. Interestingly, 3 of the 4 teams have ALL of the elite defensemen currently in the NHL not named Chara. Sorry you took it so personally.
  13. Federal Law trumps all. Sincerely, Hippie Lettuce Lovers in states with a clue
  14. They made a ton more changes than just Briere. Jason Smith has been a bigger reason for their better play than any other single factor. To say nothing of all the injuries and strife they went through last season. And FU for making me say nice things about the Flyers!
  15. I think he probably is worth the $5 millionish he was seeking before the season but I'll be stunned if he's not one of the top 3 or 4 D-men in the NHL after this season and he's just not that guy. I've got plenty of heartburn with the Sabres not ponying up for all 3 of those players when their value was lower, but I understand letting both Campbell and Briere go when they did. The Drury thing pisses me off to no end because his account of them not sending him the deal they agreed on sounds like something fuggin' Quinn would do. I was referring to Briere, not Drury. I don't look at Drury as a little guy. I'm under the impression that the Sabres offered to match Drury's deal with the Rangers, which is probably all they could really do because they screwed up so royally in his FA season.
  16. Schobel is the Evans of the defense. They have had a terrible time finding guys to occupy blockers, so they can shift 2 guys to him every pass play without much difficulty. I've seen him eat Ogden alive so many times it's almost not even fair. Last season they asked him to change his style because we had no linebacker behind him, so that hurt his stats, but he played his ass off. I sincerely hope that the additions this offseason allow him to play to his full potential and that the beatings he's taken over the year because guys like Tripplett can't get off the ball haven't added up too much. And the BILLS don't have any problems with money as far as the cap is concerned...
  17. There is no such thing as a scheme that doesn't require good players. The Cover 2 doesn't require ELITE corners but there isn't a scheme that truly does because you can count the number of elite corners in NFL history without removing your second shoe. The problem with our defense has been the same for a decade: We don't have more than ONE consistant pass rush threat, which makes us very easy to dictate to between the 20s. Add a couple of guys who can actually make an offense scheme for them and all of the sudden everything changes. I think McCargo will look a ton better now that we added another tackle who can actually cross the line of scrimmage on occasion (thanks for not much, Mr. Tripplett). Posluzny is a pretty good blitzer who'll also benefit from McCargo but I don't see him as a real factor either. It's going to be interesting to see whether Crowell/Denney/Kelsay can step up another level in their pass rush now that the talent around them has increased.
  18. Which side of the ball doesn't suck?
  19. Sounds like a teenager to me. Don't fret, soon he'll be asking you to co-sign for college loans. You'll look back on this with much fonder memories, trust me.
  20. Don't buy tickets at all. If everyone stayed home, the system would get fixed.
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