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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The Pittsburgh Tribune Review is a "screwy little paper" but you decide to link to a Salon.com comic? Delicious irony, that.
  2. My last one took 8 days from click to delivery and I took the free "by mule" shipping option.
  3. WTF does any of that mean? Anchorage is a vibrant, growing city that is a major transportation hub. Aircraft that leave our airport can reach any destination in the world in 12 hours. It has nothing to do with moving where the food is. There's plenty of food and jobs here. Once again, you'll note that I didn't state support for either bridge - especially at the projected costs. I simply stated that development follows infrastructure and the U.S. government hasn't delivered on the promises to enhance Alaska's infrastructure. Yeah, because a city the size of San Francisco in a state that covers over half the surface area of the contiguous U.S. would absolutely ruin everything else great about Alaska.
  4. Really, it's not about power and money. The libs are totally in it for the good of the people.
  5. Nah. Let's just kill us some more brown people. Eventually the ones we leave alone will get the message. I mean, who doesn't just shut up and color when someone in their family gets murdered by invading foriegners? I know I would.
  6. How many times you expecting him to take one for the team? More importantly, why you so stoked to see dude's junk?
  7. If I was the judge, he'd get a tube a vagisil for his pain and suffering and NOTHING else.
  8. This, ladies and gentlemen, is an attempt to use big words to appear intelligent. Someone look up the word "illiterate" and give us the definition, please. Another funny thing about you self-annointed "progressives". You vainly attempt to do the same thing over-and-over again. Then when called in it, resort to word play like this. "But I didn't say 'exactly' that, so you've completely misread me!" The best part of it is, you think you're unique - just like all the other "progressive" lemmings.
  9. Apparently the first one didn't suck enough.
  10. Nope. Yet I'm not surprised someone with your delicate brain is having such a hard time figuring that out.
  11. So when you said the following: No one was supposed to figure out that where you were going? BTW, I think it's pretty awesome that you progressives actually spend time watching Fox News. Idiots. So YOU were actually part of his tiny share? Imus is an idiot. He should have stood up for himself instead of apologizing and told everyone to get the fukk over it. So only the "right wing" media (well, and me) is pathetic? But you weren't making a comparison... You win again.
  12. And you immediately go back to your confused self...
  13. Which once again proves the adage "Every squirrel (you) occasionally finds a nut (in this case, pearl of wisdom)". WTG man. There may be some hope.
  14. Big surprise that you're playing the "we're bad but they're worse" card. Now keep acting surprised you're getting what you're getting.
  15. I addressed that without your detail earlier. Nice job.
  16. You're not wrong. The funny part is how hard other people argue to the contrary, which is what they've done throughout history. Leading to cool things like the Salem Witch "Trials". Look at the bright side: Now we have Pay-Per-View.
  17. Nope. That's certainly one part of it. There are many factors that lead to terrorism. It's of no surprise to me that organized "religion" is one of them. It's the foundation in this instance.
  18. Except there is no interpretation of the Qu'ran because unlike the Torah or Bible, it's considered to be THE SPOKEN WORD of God.
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