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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. And in a draft that didn't have a first round pick at the position, which guy are you targeting as quality depth? Nice thinking there.
  2. We should draft lineman with every pick, just to watch the same people whine about not filling needs like CB, TE, and WR. Same crap, different year. Miserable buncha fukks.
  3. You mean because we didn't get 2 DLineman in the offseason named Stroud and Johnson and didn't select another one plus an OT today? And we didn't spend oodles of cash on 2 FA OLineman last season plus extend our All Pro LT?
  4. We've got a BILLS' fan down! BILLS' fan down! BillinNYC, can you hear me? Bill? Someone call EMS.
  5. I recommend a fiberglass pool with a Pentair Intellichlor Chlorine generator and an Aquabot Robotic Pool Cleaner.
  6. It was excellent and the subject (Jake LaMotta) was an intriguing man. He was the chief foil of my favorite boxer of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson.
  7. I see your point and agree that it's a "thin line" to tread but when looking at it from a management perspective, it makes a hell of a lot of sense financially to send the message to one well known person to keep a whole bunch of sheep in line. In this case, the government spent money wisely. Snipes has paid them at least $15 million to date and I doubt the prosecution cost that much. Compare that to going after a whole buncha Cletus P. Rutherford's for $20-$30K at a loss of prosecution capital per. I'm more disturbed that they're wasting jail space on a non-violent offender. I think it'd have been smarter to give the guy 6000 hours of community service, a long probation, and house arrest.
  8. The dude from 300 is available? No questioning that guy's leadership.
  9. I used to love the draft before it became big business. I still look forward to draft day but I don't pay any attention to anything anyone says leading up to it. Nor do I care about the evaluations post-draft on who did great or poorly. I think the best thing about it is going back 4 or 5 years later and watching how "off" all the pundits are.
  10. He's never been the same since he married that fat witch Roseanne. Pass.
  11. StuckinCincy finally got that thing to market, huh?
  12. About the same pace as your ability to post a cognizant thought. You know, since "abolishing the federal government" has NEVER been under consideration. Love the attempted strawman. No one's buying the deflection from the original point. Try the next page in the retarded liberal playbook.
  13. HFB and way to keep stuff that shouldn't belong to you for another year. Hard to believe that charade continues. Yeah, let's follow Charles and Camilla around and pretend they're better.
  14. I'm not sure it makes sense - unless he's head and shoulders rated above whoever's left on the board. I'm not against it mind you, but for it to make sense the guy would have to be a center or Butler would have to move. I'm not informed enough to know if either is even possible. Butler would be quality depth - which we are sorely lacking at this point. I'm also not enamored with any of the corners who currently have first round grades. I have NO idea what the hell the BILLS are gonna do. I do KNOW that whoever they pick, I'm going to be happy and root for the kid to do great. Because what the hell else can I do?
  15. I think KC's move is prudent and Peterson isn't known for being stupid (though in the short term, he did hire Herm "Friggin" Edwards"). It's not a terrible or great trade for either team. It's simply a balancing act between risk and reward. KC is betting that they couldn't resign Allen to a contract that would balance out his issue and Minnesota is betting they can. Gonna be interesting to see which of them is correct.
  16. There is scuttlebutt that the Rams are considering moving Carriker back outside to RDE because Haslett absolutely loves Dorsey. It's probably the smart thing for them to do, rather than continuing to play Carriker out of position.
  17. Welcome to the party, pal. Molson is the only one here who doesn't know Molson's an idiot. The coolest thing is when he calls someone else an idiot for making a lucid point, all the while puffing his chest out. High comedy.
  18. Why dis the guy? He probably found out the same thing that EVERYONE who's worked in the Front Office at OBD in a football capacity has and walked away...
  19. Probably the same things you ignore about our big, corrupted government that you love so much. Let's pretend that the military is somehow different than the rest of it. Hypocrite.
  20. The military has LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG been a tool the courts use to turn around wayward youth. The Army and Marines are at the top of the list of places where judges give the option to kids who've "gone wrong". As in "you're either going to jail or enlisting, take your pick". The Air Force generally doesn't play along with this kind of stuff, for whatever reason. This ain't news to anyone with half a clue. When recruiting is down, the services adapt their entry qualifications. Been that way forever.
  21. Duh. Now apply the same principles to the big dollar programs you love so much.
  22. It's funny that you can't get the simple point. At the end of the day, the parties are almost completely alike. The only difference is who their "master's" are. Neither is "fixing" a damn thing, simply spending money we don't have on things we don't need. Try applying that logic equally to the rest of the pet programs you love so much. Then you'll be getting somewhere. No difference.
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