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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. While I know the point is completely rhetorical, go over and read his "He couldn't screw things up response" to my post. Molson's inability to grasp even simple points never disappoints.
  2. He couldn't mess things up. He couldn't get anything he campaigned on passed. BTU Tax? Nope. Health care? Nope. Etc, etc, etc.
  3. What tax that you're paying do you think they're skipping out on? Why in the world do you think it's a good idea to raise taxes on an entity that provides jobs? What positive effect would come from it? At some point, you're going to realize that any change that results in the government seizing more money is akin to feeding an alligator with the hope that he eats you last.
  4. Global Warming is the Devil! - Frank "Bouche" Perdue
  5. Effective at being in office when virtually every economic star in the world lined up. Big Bird would have been an effective President if energy prices were cheap and stayed that way for the first 7.5 years of his administration.
  6. You're paying over 25% of your gross income? Are you retarded?
  7. Yep, candidates should go out of their way to alienate their supporters. That's how you win. I wonder why the media has dumbed everything down.
  8. No problem. Not everyone knows about BILLS' Backers clubs.
  9. Mike Williams was a great interview too. Just sayin'.
  10. Stupid is putting something out there about a virtuoso that isn't the least bit true. You obviously know nothing about EVH. But keep pretending anyone is buying your charade.
  11. Nor does repeating stupid points that have zero validity and pretending you're somehow learned. George Harrison?
  12. Anyone in uniform, brother. There are valid points about guys who push their authority or are dicks when there's little reason to be. But it's a small percentage. I'd never try to analyze this situation based on what the media has reported. I can only imagine how those assclowns would twist some of the crap I've been in. Everyone who's being critical needs to take a step back and realize how little they actually know about the situation. If you complain about the media, understand that this story is being reported this way for what is likely the reason you have that feeling.
  13. Thank you. I wasn't going to waste the key strokes.
  14. Ridiculous argument. You're pretty much stating the Washington's team is the equivalent of Montreal's. That's positively stupid. There was little reason to make that choice at this time...
  15. Another wickedly inaccurate judgement. Big surprise. If I'm such a control freak, how do you explain all the liberal/wacko righties that inhabit this board? Yeah.........
  16. Why would I care about the politics of the greatest imaginary friend ever created? Nice attempt at metaphor, though. Liberalism is simply idealism. I don't have a problem with people wanting to give away their money for the greater good and hippy programs that have an extremely low success rate versus outlay. I have a problem with them stealing MY money.
  17. 10 Day Forecast for that Pristine Wilderness Known as "ANWR" (or to certain retards: "ANWAR")
  18. I'm sure your retort would be just as genuine if the politician making the statement had an ® next to their name. [/rhetorical]
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