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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You're lucky. I could have spent the time quoting all your whiny bitchness and hypocrisy, just to drive the point home. Quick, make a comment on my post count.
  2. You really ought to check out the rest of his "work". Then you'll realize your assumption is dead nutz fact.
  3. I fail to see how giving terrorists more reason to recruit is good policy. Gitmo is a BAD idea. When you hold yourself up champion of freedom, it's more than a little hypocritical to lock people up for years without charges or due process.
  4. California simply grew too fast and there wasn't enough forward thinking. I think Chef's probably saying both things. I know that when they completed Highway 85 in NoCal, they said it was the last major freeway they'd build in the area. Now considering the place's population continues to expand... Is it a money issue? I'm sure at least some of it is. But California's government is a microcosm of the United States. They steal valuable infrastructure money to fund programs that are popular but incredibly inefficient and then cry poverty and continue to raise taxes. At the end something has to give. Contrary to Molson's continuing retardation, I do believe taxes are a necessary evil. The question is how much, how levied, and what it pays for. I think people would be absolutely stunned if they really knew what was going on with their money. If you think the economy sucks now, wait until the real off the books expenses come home to roost.
  5. Of course, interstate commerce and infrastructure are both Constitutionally mandated...
  6. If he plays the PP, he's gonna think the fans are just arbitrarily yelling his name...
  7. That was the other one I was going to post. Nice work.
  8. If we used that criteria, we'd be flushing all the government programs you liberals love so much...
  9. I wouldn't say many of the things done overseas are done better. Cheaper? Certainly.
  10. My company stopped doing business in California because they lost every court case on the subject, even though they followed both the letter of the law and the intent in virtually every case. Just because the law is on your side doesn't mean you win...
  11. The response was funny. The incident certainly isn't. But it does show that there are consequences to being an **** fan to someone else and people should learn that. I don't think we'll ever see the level of European/South American Kickball fan...
  12. I'm sure if they just raised taxes on the wealthy and those evil corporations, Florida would be the awesomest place in the world. Because of Bush, it's a draconian hell and his policies are going to cause kids to die. Jesus H. Christ. I don't know how much of that article is true and I certainly have no love for Jeb Bush but that entire piece smacks of typical liberal BS with just enough facts in it to spin people up.
  13. That's one of the funny things about liberals. Our Federal government gets 1/5th of every dollar in this country and has a terrible time maintaining the infrastructure because they love to spend money for votes and things like roads just ain't sexy to people with their hands out. They get more than enough to do what the Constitution mandates. They simply choose not to do it.
  14. Except 25% likely isn't their total taxation and I wouldn't be surprised if you added up everything else they're taxed on (just like we are, in most cases), if they aren't paying closer to that total. And I wasn't recasting what you said. I was looking for clarification.
  15. Ooh, got me again. In that it had no direct effect on the economy of the 1990s? No, it didn't have a major effect positively or negatively at that time. Not that you understand why or anything. Ah, so I ask for specific policies and you come with a NAFTA, a bipartisan law sent forward by President George Herbert Walker Bush (and "other free trade deals" whateverthefukk those might be) and finally signed into law by Mr. Clinton - AFTER passing both Houses with a super majority. I forgot what a savant I was dealing with. I'm surprised you left out "he expanded NATO". The irony of you not being able to spell "Constitution" ought not be lost on anyone.
  16. First time you've ever met a member of Molson's family, John?
  17. Well, I guess it's time to completely rethink everything now that you've made such an important proclamation. Love the emotion, though. How exactly does that not prove my point? I can't wait for your salon.com retort. Here's a little exercise for you: Put together 5 significant legislative accomplishments championed by the Clinton Administration and tie them into the economy of the 1990s. It should be really easy, since he was the President and that's an all powerful position here in these United States. Ooh, that stings.
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