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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. When would that be? Hockey dates back to the 1800s, indoor rinks to later that century, and the NHL back to 1917. Are you really trying to compare any era to what's going on today? The problem with what you're suggesting is it disregards the economic situation of today. The NHL makes the vast majority of their money from their gate. They need to play as many games on weekends as possible and that means extending the season's length. They also do all they can to avoid playing on Sundays during the NHL season. Cutting the season down to 70 games or so would be great but no business is going to eliminate 15% of their possible revenue events unless there's a good reason to do so.
  2. To say nothing of the NHL trying to play as many games as possible on the weekends, to make the game more family friendly. Cutting down the number of weekends would severely cut into attendance.
  3. If you can't judge when to push away from the table, you ought not be rendering decisions on other people's lives...
  4. I'm pretty sure he came back for the playoffs only. He played in the AFC playoffs against the Steelers and threw a TD pass.
  5. Not being a Patriots fan, I don't remember too well. Wasn't Bledsoe out most of the regular season after he got hit in the Jets' game? Does that mean they went the entire year with only Brady on the roster?
  6. Damon Huard, I think. I vaguely remember Michael Bishop playing for them but I think they cut him before that season.
  7. Another big mouth liberal who doesn't practice what he preaches? Shocking.
  8. Check out bankrate.com. You put in your zip code and it gives you a pretty good list to start with.
  9. All American hockey fans should be incredibly thankful that the average citizen hasn't discovered our game. It's truly one of the things that makes it great. I think the worst thing that could ever happen to the NHL is getting "regular American sport's fan" in the building on a regular basis.
  10. I'd prefer the NFL quit dicking around with a successful product.
  11. But you're not familiar with his particular situation. The last property I sold in NY I bought for below market value and sold 18 months later for a nice profit. There's virtually always value to be had.
  12. So? Some neighborhoods are appreciating.
  13. How the hell do you know? My house has appreciated at least $50K in the last 3 years. It all depends on where you live.
  14. When the BILLS play in Toronto, the terrorists win.
  15. Given your history? Probably about how "no one knows" you and how you have the right to spew your ignorance without repercussion...
  16. Knowing more than you on any particular topic isn't "being an expert". It's simply fundamental.
  17. Not a valid comparison. The terrorist recruitment angle is the smallest part of the entire issue. The fact that our government is holding people without charge or due process is contrary to the core values this country was founded on and is supposed to stand for.
  18. You need to learn the definition of free speech.
  19. My issue is not with it being in Guantanamo Bay. My issue is holding people for years without charging them and giving them their day in ANY court. That IS NOT what America is all about, regardless of the WHY these people are being held. I don't see the correlation. We're taking these people's lives away from them, for a really long time. Each of them has a family and community at home that we're basically telling to "fug off" because they're not important. That's not a very smart idea, PERIOD. We're not protecting ourselves. We're continuing the same silly pattern that gives credence to this crap in the first place. We'll win the war on drugs before we win the war on terrorism.
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