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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That based on your intimate knowledge of what transpired? I had no idea how many really informed, bench qualified judges we had here at TBD. This place is loaded!
  2. So that's exactly the same as what you're inferring? Cite ONE specific example that contains anything resembling what you inferred. When else would you pull out a gun? During a game of cards? Newsflash, dumbass: It is ILLEGAL to even SHOW you are carrying a firearm if you're not in imminent danger, yet Hardy is not being charged with anything and the police are no longer investigating. Care to make an inference as to what these 3 little facts added together mean?
  3. Not really, but why let a little thing like fact get in the way of a good emotional stance like "there is never, ever a good reason to pull a gun on someone".
  4. I think the people who brought the Army the "Black Beret for Espirit De Corps" have now invaded the medal process.
  5. Is there a single post in this thread that actually states or infers this? Gee, with conclusions like this, I wonder why the media reports things the way they do? So much for waiting for the facts... You mean because the media holds themselves to such high standards, right? So despite not having facts, from what it sounds like you're ready to impose some counciling? Genius.
  6. You mean I'm the only one here who does that already?
  7. Keep in mind, the vast majority of people buying that dreck also love kickball. Coincidence? I think not.
  8. I'm pretty sure I don't know the kid and I'm pretty sure I don't have any of the facts and I'm pretty sure I've been involved in our justice "system" and not everyone who is convicted of something actually did anything. I also know there ain't too many of us who wouldn't be without a criminal record if we grew up today instead of 2 or more decades ago. Ergo, I reserve my judgement on this to "who gives a crap?" until a single actual fact is proven.
  9. When did House start using a different script?
  10. Dr. Phil wants to thank Bill for driving his profession's revenue with snap judgements based on media reports.
  11. "'Tis better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it..." "Chance favors the prepared man" "Be prepared" "Keep your powder dry" "Pass the mother!@#$ing potato salad before I put a sphincter in your forehead".
  12. Alaska's laws are pretty much identical to Vermont's. I guarantee there'd be CCW's at family gatherings here...
  13. You mean because everyone's situation is exactly the same, right? Jesus Christ, do you people every leave your !@#$ing neighborhood?
  14. It's the Retard 'Coaster. Get on board, on the big 'tard coaster, we'll explore: many kinds of fantasy...
  15. Let me try and recall all the times I've heard of charges not being filed or police dropping an investigation when a firearm was brandished without good reason. Well, that didn't take long...
  16. Yep, this definitely needed a new thread. BTW, the media thanks you for being a moron.
  17. I haven't looked at their playcalling lately so I have no idea what I'd do against them (defensively) but none of those numbers jump out at me as out of the ordinary...
  18. And unless there's a miracle, you guys should beat them in a close game. It'll probably come down to turnovers and field position but you have the better team and that's what should matter the most. I wish we could play them right now, with what we've learned since. We'd friggin' hammer their pompous asses.
  19. Get that sh-- done! Go Balls o' Meat!
  20. Yeah, it couldn't be because at the time the Republicrats controlled the Executive and Congress.
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