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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yeah, I wish I could be as smart as you. I presumed nothing about you other than you're an arrogant kid who thinks he's a hell of a lot more informed than he is. I'm really disappointed that I made that judgement. But thanks for writing one whole paper on the subject and pretending to be an expert. sh-- like than never gets old.
  2. I don't know where you're going to Law School but the Decision of (U.S. v Miller) was ambiguous at best. The key paragraph in the decision: "In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment or that its use could contribute to the common defense. Aymette v. State, 2 Humphreys (Tenn.) 154, 158" I love how stating that the Second Amendment not guaranteeing the right to keep and bear a "shotgun with a barrell less than 18 inches in length" because of judicial notice that it isn't ordinary military equipment or be used in the common defense" has been extrapolated by anti-gun weenies into something incredibly more. That paragraph meets both the Standard Model and the State's Rights "theory". If you're being taught different, then I feel sorry for you. There are more than 35 different Supreme Court instances where the justices have cited the 2nd Amendment as an individual right. Including six by the Rehnquist court. The only current judge who hasn't issued or joined an opinion on the 2nd Amendment as a distinctively individual right is Breyer (among those who've issued an opinion). Since you're on your way to being a lawyer, perhaps you can tell me which of the other Amendments in the original Bill of Rights weren't for the individual. Be specific.
  3. :lol: Maybe the funniest thing ever posted on this website.
  4. He's tried. Just can't make the math work. Keeps coming up 3.5.
  5. What a terrific show. I'm sad they ended it but I understand why...
  6. Yeah Bill. That's exactly what everyone is saying. Except that's not what anyone is saying.
  7. How many people do you know of who've smacked their "baby mommas" around and then gotten a concealed carry permit?
  8. It's called emphasis. Plus I like doing the whole "imaginary friend's name in vain" thing. You're a real perceptive guy. Especially when the tards just can't admit that they're judging completely without facts. But nice job comparing this to Pacman, etc. Way to perpetuate the stupidity. Good thing you'll never be in any position to make that happen.
  9. What if your head was as big as your front door? Would it still fit up your ass? No one has even established for certain he even pulled a gun! For all you know, the 73 year-old woman could be blind in one eye with glaucoma in the other and Hardy could have been playing lawn jarts. But that's not gonna stop you! Can you not just admit you don't have anywhere near the facts required to make such judgements? You know, our media spends the majority of their time reporting this crap for just this reason - to illicit a bunch of emotional and judgemental response and try people in the court of public opinion.
  10. And yet the police didn't charge him with anything. I don't know. I wasn't there. You're basing your entire opinion on a poorly written article devoid of fact. A 73 year-old woman said he "pulled a gun". That could mean any number of things, apparently none of which ellicited a charge despite it being where it was, committed by who it was, with the record he has, in a "zero gun tolerance" society. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  11. No one has to "press charges" in a gun crime. Jesus Christ.
  12. Really? I have a specially modified holster that allows me to carry anywhere on my waistband I choose. And you're assuming a whole lot from the account of a 73 year old woman the the term "pulled his gun".
  13. I'm not assuming anything. I have no problem with anyone carrying a concealed weapon wherever and whenever they want to. I was giving a simple, plausible explanation to the dunderheads who can't think for themselves.
  14. No. But we do KNOW it was irresponsible.
  15. Really? So all the cops you've ever talked to have walked into a domestic dispute involving 2 black men with serious records and a firearm and they give them a stern lecture and everyone goes on about their business? Yeah, I'm sure. I'm assuming NOTHING. There are virtually no facts available. But you keep going on assasinating the guy's character and recommending solutions to "help him" based on what you "know" and all the "experience" you have from the "cops you've talked to". It's no different than the idiots who said something about him carrying a weapon to his mom's house. Dude just got picked to play in the NFL and is going to be making bank. It stands to reason that someone may have threatened him and he took it as credible and wants to protect himself. Bad James. Bad.
  16. So now we're assuming... I know if it were me, someone would be leaving the scene in my car, in bracelets. Because that guarantees the situation is over for the short term. Even if no charges are filed. Yet that didn't happen either. With 2 convicts and a gun. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And we're going to keep going in that direction... I don't recall that one.
  17. You're right. Police are well known for glossing over gun crimes with famous guys who possess a record for domestic assault, then when confronted by the press say they aren't pursuing anything further. What the hell was I thinking?
  18. You keep stating the same thing but aren't doing the math. Hardy hasn't been charged with anything. Care to venture a guess as to why?
  19. I'll believe the hippy's will win the war on gun violence using laws and stupidity at about the same time they win the war on drugs using the same tools. As far as your "absolute" goes: It's a load of crap. The right to self defense is as fundamental as anything on this planet.
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