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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I probably have the most open sense of humor of anyone you've ever met. And I've probably been listening to Howard for as long as you've been alive - though not as much since he moved to satellite. So color me not sure as to why you'd say that...
  2. My wife and I both thought it was funny as hell. Irreverent? Sure. Also funny as hell.
  3. The Supreme Court of California likely just saved the taxpayers a ton of jack... Like I said, it's not for any rational reason and I'm not at all passionate about it. It just doesn't seem right.
  4. The Bears found out the same thing the Rams already knew: Archuleta can't play safety. Think Coy Wire with worse football sense. Don't know anything about the dude from the 'hawks.
  5. I think they already had the same legal rights as far as health care, etc. But they were "domestic partnerships" in California, so as not to offend the married zealots who just can't deal with the idea of gay people living the same way they do...
  6. Oooh, that's a good one. Really unexpected too. Using your ridiculous rationale: I guess that means you're a racist who would've been pro-slavery, right? I'm not gay. I just don't care if gay people get married and think people who do are friggin' idiots who don't get that freedom isn't always supposed to be about things that are palatable. It does bother me that gay couples are allowed to adopt children but not for any rational reason. It just doesn't seem right.
  7. I wouldn't say top 50 is good - I can't think of a single major retailer that isn't on that list. Being behind "Food Lion" is not a good thing. Trust me.
  8. Yeah, let's rule by "Frankenstinean Mob" rather than the Constitution. Freedom is only freedom if EVERYONE has the same rights. The Supreme Court of California actually got one right today and everyone should be happy they did so. Anyone who voted to segregate other adults over a word is an idiot. The Court didn't legislate anything. They did their job in a "Check and Balance" system, just as it was set up. Get the !@#$ over it. Oh, and Wacka: I've seen your picture. I'm not sure I'd be throwin' around the term "freak" so readily. I'm just sayin'.
  9. Wegmans is the greatest chain grocery store in the world.
  10. You got that right. Welcome to a half century of almost complete inactivity at virtually every level of government.
  11. Do you really want to protect the offspring of people who are obviously stupid?
  12. Actually, it sounds silly no matter what. But you keep pretending...
  13. I doubt it - the first $30K or so (plus a certain amount for each dependant) of your income would be income tax free.
  14. We only want short term relief from fuel prices. I do love the duality of liberals saying "we're gonna cut taxes" after spending so much time talking about how tax cuts are "irresponsible" given the current economic situation when the other side does it. What, now the government doesn't need the money?
  15. Those would be the people you vote for/worship, dumbass.
  16. No they aren't. The majority of them are just as dumb as you are and think that voting for the other big, stupid party is going to somehow change the path on the road to ruin. They're simply ignoring history and fact - the same way you do. Yeah, really interesting. I wonder what the excuses for inaction and poor foresight will be at that time?
  17. Where's your anger about all the comparisons of the current sitting President to Hitler, the Devil, et al? You got that tucked away with the common sense you lost oh so many years ago?
  18. We don't know they're random. We know they're randomly reported.
  19. Which is somehow different than the liberal mantra of "turn everything over to the government - they'll make it better"?
  20. So something that costs less than one-half of one percent of the federal budget is more wasteful than ANY social or military spending over the last 40 years? Here's just a few things for you to chew on. I'm amazed by how incredibly uninformed the average person is with all the technology available to them... 1. Satellite Television. In 1962, NASA launched the first broadcast satellite - TELSTAR I. Live television was broadcast from the US to France THAT DAY. In 1976 they launched CTS, which was the most powerful satellite ever. It allowed the creation of lower cost earth stations - which paved the way for direct broadcast television. 2. Cordless power tools and vacuum cleaners are direct results of a NASA technology partnership with Black & Decker. NASA engineers used their computer modeling expertise to design a motor small and powerful enough to run on a battery - ON THE MOON. 3. The first smoke detectors were designed in a partnership with Honeywell for Skylab. 4. The first water filters were designed in support of the Apollo missions. 5. Home insulation improvements are the direct result of NASA research on heat shields for the Apollo missions. 6. In 1992, the FDA approved the use of NASA's "cool" laser technology for use in heart surgery. It has replaced angioplasty. 7. The development of the CCD (charged coupled device) pretty much eliminated the need for scalpels in mammograms. Doctors can now use a needle to do biopsies, eliminating scars and saving patients and insurance providers over 300% on these procedures. 8. Digital Image Processing - including CATScans and MRIs are derived from NASA technology developed in the 1960s for LANDSAT. 9. Marshall Flight Center technology for making strong lightweight material that withstands propulsion tolerances is used to make prosthetic devices for amputees. 10. Those thermometers they stick in your ear? NASA Technology developed to measure the temperature of stars. 11. LEDs were developed for plant research on the Space Shuttle. They are now being used to treat SKIN CANCER. 12. X-33 composite materials were used to develop forceps to deliver babies. 13. NASA Ames developed pill sized transmitters that can be left inside the human body (to monitor astronauts). It is now being used in fetal care. 14. Technology designed to study photos sent back from space probes is now being used to detect chromosome abnormalities. 15. Those little internet cameras that are so prevelant today were designed by NASA JPL in Pasadena. 16. Scratch resistant glass was developed by NASA. Do you wear sunglasses? 17. Lightening protection technology was pioneered by NASA. Thank them everytime you fly through a storm. 18. Doppler Microwave Radar was developed in conjunction with NASA to combat windshear. 19. The material used to make moonsuits is now used for stadium and large building roofs. Ever been to the Georgia Dome or Denver Airport? 20. NASA Technology is used for padding in football helmets, chest protectors, and shin guards. 21. Golf balls fly farther because of external tank airload and slosh control technology. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg of what NASA's research has accomplished. Of all the government boondoggles, it's probably the best investment taxpayers have ever made, despite the incredibly fugged up bureaucracy at the top.
  21. You basing that on your extensive experience in training professional athletes/body dynamics or are you just talking out your ass? Guess which one everyone here's going to bet on? Wait, a professional football player who "only" has 5-7 years of productivity?
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