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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You'd think Stern would learn from the current situation with the referees and betting - but he hasn't.
  2. If we didn't eat at mob joints in WNY, that'd make at least half the restaurants off limits. Sorry, I ain't eating at chain fast food dumps to ease someone else's conscience.
  3. Actually, his entire posting history does a nice job of that. Thanks very much.
  4. Don't worry. Paparazzi everywhere are on the case. We'll have quality picks within the weeks. At that point we'll be able to rip Mutt or offer a high five.
  5. I'm sure you're not the first person to use that term to describe the Kennedy's and I'm sure you won't be the last.
  6. Don't get me wrong. I hate him - because he's a Flyer. But I don't hate him because he left. Dude played his ass off in Buffalo.
  7. Sorry. Not going through life with that mentality. I like to reserve my "assuming the dude is a scumbag" for politicians. How do you know the 73 year old lady isn't a convicted felon of some kind? Once again, you're rushing to judgement based on nothing more than speculation and a bad newpaper report. I'm not saying Hardy's not a bad guy or that he's a good one. I'm simply not jumping on the bandwagon with what I actually know. Same thing with the domestic "incident". I've been around enough women in my time to know there are some manipulative wenches out there who'd claw their own neck, tear their own shirt, and then rip the phone outta the wall after calling 911 just to "get you back" for something. I'm not saying that happened, either. Therapy is pretty much a load of crap. Dude will man up or he won't.
  8. I haven't seen a single thing where he "admitted" anything. Perhaps you have a link?
  9. Yeah, we should hate Danny because... Well, we don't really have a good reason - other than he's a Flyer.
  10. I don't disagree with any of that but each of those is just a continued progression. We lied to ourselves throughout the '90s because oil stayed about $20 a barrel despite all the warning signs that were available to us. With the exception of Iraq, there's little doubt in my mind each of the other points would be issues no matter who was in the White House. The last time I checked, Congress has the ability to bring forth whatever the hell they want. They simply continue to be an ineffective buncha blowhards because gaining control of the Whitehouse/keeping/increasing control of the Senate and House in the next election are more important than doing what is right for the country.
  11. And your "he went to a diversionary program and that's just another admission of guilt" speaks of how little experience you've ever had with a court system. It's actually people like you who make innocent guys accept stuff like that because in the "he said/she said" world, the guy ALWAYS is the loser. Add to that the fact that he's a big dude, an athlete, who doesn't come from money and you have a guaranteed conviction. I have no idea whether he's guilty or innocent of what he was accused of in either incident but apparently you do. I hope no one in your family ever has the misfortune of being around manipulative people who know how to work the system because you're going to be in for a rude awakening. Everytime this crap comes up, I think back to the Duke Lacrosse case. Hang 'em high, Dave. Hang 'em high.
  12. You know, this is the game I immediately thought of when "Spygate" details were released. Yeah, they didn't gain any advantage and they didn't process the data for use during the game. I'm amazed that there are people who think that's the case. As far as I'm concerned, they don't have a single legitimate title.
  13. That's not at all what I said. Virtually everything that's going on at this point is simply the continuation of the same failed policies by both sides of the aisle. This "crisis" is over 40 years in the making (and longer on certain points). But we can pretend differently if it makes you feel better. I'm curious what you expect the administration to do in regards to "significant reduction in demand" or "significant development of alternative fuels" as if either of those can happen in the short term with some magical policy. Quick politicians, wave your magic wand and get 300,000,000 people (plus China and India) to change overnight, then make some technology available that we've needed for 50 years!
  14. It just goes to show how effective the "for pay" media is on people.
  15. By my count, there were 6 that got away from Marty today.
  16. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Ah, so big, intrusive government sucks at prioritizing. I'm sure that's going to change when your party takes over, since they have no history...Right...
  17. That horse is special no matter who the competition is. He has that extra gear that only the great ones have. He literally ran a little over a quarter mile in that race and still won by over 5 lengths. That's legendary stuff, no matter who the competition is. I started following horse racing when I was a kid. It just so happened that the first year I knew what the Triple Crown was, Seattle Slew won it. The following year, Affirmed won it in legendary fashion. I thought: what's the big deal? I've been waiting 30 years to see it again. Big Brown is the real deal. He has the best shot to do it in 30 years. Even better than War Emblem, who I think would have won had he gotten out of the gate clean. One of my favorite horses of all time, Sunday Silence, just couldn't handle the distance at Belmont. I don't think that's gonna be a problem for Big Brown.
  18. I love the whole "let's hate an entire country based on the actions of one dumbass". That dude's superiors need to be smacked around.
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