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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm working on increasing my exhalation as we speak. I hate people.
  2. I've never lived in a state that required a motorcycle license to operate a scooter.
  3. The size of his junk, obviously. Dude is hung like a, well...
  4. Drone won't think for himself but according to the coaches he's a dream to control.
  5. To say nothing of "concussion gate". But keep defending Belichick based on "speculation" and burying Hardy based on "fact". What a dumbass.
  6. You left out expensive. I can only imagine what this is going to cost the taxpayers when it's all finally settled...
  7. Really smart. Why put it in something that earns interest when you can leave it in a glass jar and admire its shininess? The Riddler is a gift that keeps on giving.
  8. WTF are you talking about? Do you !@#$ing kickball fans have such low self esteem that you have to invent stuff? Or did you just cite the wrong post? I don't even hate kickball itself. Just the goddamn fans. Guess why.
  9. Parrish would put up about 20 catches before he was done for the year from the hits adding up on him. Welker certainly doesn't possess the quickness or elusiveness of Roscoe but he's about a billion times tougher. Welker is a really good football player and kudos to New England for getting him from Miami for nothing AND using gameplanning to his strengths. I wish our coaches could do that. Of course, if they knew the defense the other teams were running...
  10. I hope he goes to jail for a long, long time. For the love of god, can we stop wasting time and money prosecuting people for hippy lettuce?
  11. Of course they are. Fat chics don't usually ride past a restaurant.
  12. He's a ninja. It's his job to flip out and kill people.
  13. Save your money. Buy a Yaris or something practical. Those things are pieces of crap. That transmission belongs in a soapbox derby car.
  14. Let it go? Are you kidding? You play your whole life hoping for a chance to win a Super Bowl. When you finally get a chance, 60 minutes away, you get beaten by a team that fuggin' CHEATED. I'd be friggin' livid.
  15. Phillips. If only to see Bill in NYC's head explode like "Scanners".
  16. Still waiting for you to tell me which teams have good replacements for their LTs. Obviously you do a whole lot of analysis (like Dockery doesn't sustain his blocks and the BILLS weren't consistantly able to run the ball to the left). So how come you can't answer such a simple question?
  17. The last time I looked, Lake Lanier was 15 feet below capacity and nearly halfway to empty. That was a few days ago. That seems pretty serious given the dry months are right around the corner.
  18. It's not killing me at all. I'm laughing at you, the rest of the big party lemmings, and your carpet bagger. You people deserve exactly what you get.
  19. Imagine the Electoral College doing the same thing, you fuggin' hypocrite. I can only imagine the whining you'd do based on your uninformed, infantile tirades from 8 years ago.
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