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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. We've been just as screwed by Republicans when it comes to energy. It's a sum game, really. Plenty of blame to go around. Way to miss the point, as usual. Don't know, don't remember. I certainly wouldn't have disagreed with it at the time. I do know that none of the current Presidential Candidates have EVER offered anything of substance on energy in their entire political careers... Maybe we'll get lucky and the market will finally sort it out.
  2. I think you're both right - in the short term. The problem will be when the bill for the "size and scope" of government finally comes due. Doesn't look like it's going to be long now...
  3. Yeah, let's change things because for 50 years we didn't heed any warnings and for the last 20, we've basically done nothing except dick with them. How's that working out. Try doing some research and not wasting time finding someone to blame.
  4. It's never too early to start telling our players how much they suck.
  5. Infrastructure and further development technologies. "Harvesting" oil is incredibly expensive in most places. Oh and big jets and perks for people in the industry. Because they can.
  6. How the hell was that not pinned? I miss that guy.
  7. Gee, that doesn't sound at all familiar. 2000? 2004? The best thing that could possibly happen for the Democrats is someone like Barr getting some coin to put together a campaign. That might syphon enough votes...
  8. Therein lies the rub. Either way, it sucks. In this case, we're lacking leadership and common sense.
  9. We don't live in a Democracy. We live in a Representative Republic and it was set up that way for a reason. Take a fuggin' civics class. And I'm not stressed out at all. I laugh at people like you.
  10. I'd be worried about being passed by loaded 18 wheelers. That thing has tires that look like they'd fit my Polaris Sportsman.
  11. Mentally, when I picture it getting slammed into by a normal-sized vehicle, I get the image of that thing launching into orbit like a soccer ball.
  12. There absolutely is. The fact that you don't think so... It's called leadership, hero. The masses are basically unwashed lemmings who know exactly what they're spoon fed. I guarantee 90% of the people "polled" wouldn't be able to find ANWR on a map or give even cursory information about the "pristine" "wildlife" "refuge" that didn't come directly from the for profit media, some scummer lib politico, or an enviro group. Much less make any kind of informed decision. So yes, were our elected "officials" competent they'd absolutely ignore the terminally stupid, driven mostly by ignorance and emotion opinion on just about every subject at their disposal. There's a reason Franklin said our form of government would be great until the people found out they could vote things for themselves. You've got that much going for you.
  13. You're all a buncha neocon dumbasses. [/bishopgiveshedd]
  14. Yeah, I'm sure people are gonna line up to pay $10K for a golf cart that goes 25MPH. WTG, Chrysler. Wonder why the company is in the shape it's in?
  15. Ooh, let's start governing by polls and let Frankenstien mobs take over the Justice system as well. The reason the average American is against drilling in ANWR is they are fools without a speck of information on which to base their decision. It's that same mentality that has us in today's energy crunch. For 40 years, we've ignored doing incremental things to alleviate stress on this particular part of the infrastructure. All that ignorance has added up exponentially today. People need to understand that there is no magic bullet. Just a whole buncha little common sense steps that will help a whole lot when added together. The problem is, if we start now it's still going to take 30 or more years to make serious headway - because that's how big the problem really is.
  16. This fall was inevitable in the face of the fallacious rise of the 1990s. And it's going to continue regardless of which gang of thieves gets their turn at the Executive this time around.
  17. There's no way my booty is ever joining the Browns. :FU: Toronto.
  18. Supposedly VW is in the process of "exporting" their 70+ MPG diesel car to the U.S. Will probably happen by the end of next year. Enjoy your "smart" cars...
  19. Any of you homos touches my stuff, I kill ya.
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