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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Obviously, certain coordinators need to be reigned in by a strong head coach. Mularkey was effective under Cowher and KG under Coughlin. We weren't so fortunate, since Mularkey was the HC - and there was no way he was gonna B word himself out in an effective manner. Perhaps the new Falcons HC believes he can control Mularkey's tendency to step all over his dick.
  2. Maybe Senator Hillary will be able to "re-enfranchise" these people with another program that won't work. Ever wonder why this predominantly Democratic block feels the way they do? Or is it too hard to actually look at the product of all the failing social experiments you assclowns are so proud of? Probably in the same place the Muslim Imams are. Hanging out, staying above the utter fuggin' stupidity that you and your ilk continue to spew in hopes of getting something that only exists in fantasyland. I can't tell you how much enjoyment I'm getting out of your continuing meltdown. Thanks for that.
  3. All of which was incited by some dumbass standing up on a pulpit getting other dumbasses to act. One begats the other. C'mon. You're smarter than that. Racism is racism. Every fire starts with a spark.
  4. Not really. Jesus Pete. God has turned into quite the idiot rallying point. I'm sure he's pleased.
  5. So some dude said something stupid and now we're supposed to get all up in arms about it. Hey Joe, ever turn that eye towards some of the incredible losers associated with the Clintons over the course of their public lives? Yeah, ol' Senator Clinton has quite a track record of low life amigos. Just when you think the bar for patheticness has been lowered to it's absolute pit, PJ shows up with a backhoe to clear some more ground. Good job.
  6. I know all that - pretty much the reason I was trying to throw some karma that way.
  7. How the fug did I get roped into this?
  8. You get the effort from me you deserve. Gee, thanks for explaining it to me - except I wasn't referring to that one at all. What club? Those who're able to separate the BS you try and pass off? Surely you know you're full of it.
  9. I'm not disputing any of that. Of course, the FED isn't a government institution. You can certainly recall me bashing VABills about the housing "bubble" 2 years before it burst, right? Pretty much based on the artificial lowering of interest rates... If we're oversimplifying, sure. I'm solely taking issue with his "more government involvement = Good" stance. Big surprise there, huh? Colin isn't incorrect either if we're using TPS as a measure.
  10. I wouldn't say the NHL playoffs haven't been exciting but the Finals have been a bit of a downer. The early rounds were pretty good. Game 2 wasn't boring but it wasn't exciting, either. I think this series would have been totally different had it opened in Pittsburgh because the Penguins' youth really showed on the road. They finally got their legs under them last night. Obviously Game 4 is a must win for them. I haven't watched more than 5 minutes of the NBA playoffs since Jordan retired.
  11. Horsehockey. At one time in human history, the majority of one profession accepted that the earth was flat. Currently, the majority of "scientists" are pushing Global Warming. Try and figure out where I'm going. I'm sure if you asked Tom, he'd still think you're an idiot. In other words, you're overvalueing the single complement he's ever given you. I sense a pattern...
  12. I'd be happier with the correct one. He's just so much damn smarter than me. I mean imagine being able to reduce something as complex as the U.S. economy down to: we have smaller, shorter recessions mostly because we have way more government involvement. As if that's not just one piece of the equation. Nope, not to TPS. But I need it simplified.
  13. We've been kicking around the numbers at work and the max price based on market conditions is about $75 a barrel. The minimum is $55. So it sounds like they're done gouging the crap out of us to send their message...
  14. You're missing one whale of a sporting event. The NFL wishes teams played this hard with their backs to the wall. Brooks Orpik can play on my team any day.
  15. So you recognize Lincoln as a great leader. Great enough to quote him. A man who went against the will of the people because it was the right thing for the country in the long run. I knew if I pushed the right buttons you'd step all over your dick. Thanks for playing.
  16. Brought to you by the people who won't open ANWR.
  17. Drugs don't get to vote or lobby - and let's face it even the Congresscritters who snort on occasion ain't gonna go public with that behavior. Yet we have Barney Frank, Hillary Clinton, et al...
  18. No, it isn't. You should learn what the difference is so you don't look silly defending an indefensible position with soundbytes. Uhm, thanks? I wasn't aware I needed your permission but I'm certainly glad I have it. I'm not old or angry. But I wouldn't expect you to get that since you're obviously ignorant and inexperienced. I see that you somehow have derived that I "blame Washington for my problems". Good job on that one, Beavis.
  19. It's nice to know something as complex as the economy can be explained in such simple terms.
  20. So you're not wrong about everything. WTG, man!
  21. I've never changed my views. And if you're talking about ANWR, it's mostly about Democrats and environmentalists (though John McCain and a few other choice Republicrats can certainly be looped in with the other retards). Perhaps that's where you're confused. Energy policy is a hell of a lot bigger than just ANWR... Tough to argue with that, especially in the short term.
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