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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You mean right after they called the ridiculous penalty on Maltby's dive that ended up giving Detroit the big early PP that took the Penguins' crowd outta the game. The officials in this series can kiss my ass. They sucked. As usual.
  2. If the most productive player you lose in an offseason is Michael Gaines, you're on the right track...
  3. Whaaaaaaaaaa! The lefty media isn't picking my candidate. It's OK when they're not objective on things I agree with... Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  4. You know, it never gets old hearing Gary Betteman get booed. Back to your office, Lawn Gnome.
  5. The best part of this whole thing is you think you're helping yourself. Tell everyone you're a charter member of the "party of inclusion" while using racist terms like "Soul Train" to describe the followers of the nominee. Awesome.
  6. Did they use terms like "Soul Train" too, ya fuggin' hypocrite?
  7. They say 8 now, just like they said $6 billion a year ago and now it's $17B. The last one completed took 23. I'd bet the over.
  8. Wait, there's a butterfly effect at play? Who knew? (rhetorical - obviously not Debbie). And I can guarantee that even if they approved nuclear power plants that it'll be 25 years before the first one is able to produce a single watt.
  9. Fescue goes dormant when the temperatures go up unless you water the crap out of it.
  10. Bull. There are a ton of venture capitalists out there looking for places to invest their money, especially in this economy and companies like GE who're looking for new avenues to replace lines that are closing. If I had a nickle for everytime someone said they needed "just a little backing" to solve this problem, I'd make Bill Gates look like an Ethiopian refugee. The reality is these people are talking a much bigger game than they're likely able to support in hopes that they'll get enough backing from the populous to get some of that "free" taxpayer money. You know, the kind everyone calls "pork" unless it's a project they think is cool.
  11. Clearly? You mean like VCRs, DVD players, Plasma screens, long lasting automobiles, etc? Yeah, that's not ignoring history or anything.
  12. Cool. I'll be able to catch 2 naps.
  13. I'm not sure which is the bigger load of horsecrap: 1. Giving the Clinton Administration credit for doing virtually nothing. or; 2. The belief that the budget was actually balanced.
  14. Ah, Global Warming. The Nuclear Winter, Breast Implants, and "The Russians Are Coming" all rolled into one. Never gonna get tired of "Global Warming". Preserving Alaska? ANWR is the size of SOUTH CAROLINA. The pad to drill for oil is about 2000 acres - or the size of a small airport. Would South Carolina be ruined if they put a gravel pad and ice roads in? Yeah, didn't think so. And the notion of "saving oil for a rainy day" is ludicrous considering the largest known oil reserve in the world is in Colorado. It's only a matter of time before that comes into play in a serious way. The problem is a whole buncha people keep buying what those in charge are selling. Al "Occidental Petroleum/Elk Hills" Gore is selling Global Warming and you're buying. And there isn't going to be a "Manhattan Project" - that's the equivalent of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. There's no easy answer Not drilling in ANWR is BAD FOR AMERICA. It costs us jobs and countless revenue and gives more money to people like Chavez and the House of Saud. Bad business. And everyday we wait means 10 more years without oil. Mother earth can take care of herself. She'll be more than happy to put us in our place. I love my SUV. Big, roomy enough to take my family (including dogs), my stuff, and excellent in the winter. Of course, I carpool and have for a long time.
  15. Except it's not pristine and it's "wilderness" only in the sense that nothing can live there about 10 months a year. There won't be a single species wiped out by drilling in ANWR. That's the ridiculous fear mongering that put us in this hole in the first place. I'm as "environmental" as all but the hippies out there but not drilling ANWR ain't based on environmental fact. It kills me that people think it's smarter to drill offshore in "asssmashistan" or in the rain forests then bring oil across the ocean from places that don't have a single enviromental control in place rather than drill in the most controlled oil producing country in the history of the world. Very enlightened. Oil bad. America bad.
  16. Why do you think states with Capital Punishment laws require "CORROBORATION"?
  17. It's only fuzzy math when Republicans or candidates I don't support do it. Sincerely, Pasta Joe.
  18. The sun doesn't move much at the top of the world this time of year.
  19. Just in case anyone was wondering what the "pristine" Coastal Plain is looking like weather wise. You know, in June. Come on up, ton's to do. Getting close to summer!
  20. Shhhh. It's way more fun to watch him make an ass of himself, ala RCow.
  21. Why would there be pushback? You can't stop ANY coach from interviewing for a higher level position. And there isn't a single coach in the NFL who wins without good players, so that point is incredibly stupid.
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