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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The market made Campbell too expensive. He's going to get a contract on par with Phaneuf, Pronger, etc. He's not even close to that level of play. What the Sabres are paying Vanek had no impact on the decision not to pay a guy what he's asking for and will get on the open market. If I was going to blame any contracts for not keeping Campbell, it'd be Max and Connelly - but that's still not reality. If Brian Campbell was Dion Phaneuf, the Sabres woulda ponied up. He's not and they didn't. That's just ridiculous. Vanek's guilty of having a huge contract, being a young guy, and gripping his stick too tight at the beginning of the year. I love how hard everyone rides a 24 year old guy who already has over 100 NHL goals and 200 points. Like all young NHL players aren't inconsistant. So his sin is he scores more goals on a less talented team. The bastard.
  2. Let's just say I disagree. The Ducks and Wings have 2 things most teams don't: the best defensemen in the world. Anaheim has both Pronger and Neidermeyer and Detroit obviously has Lidstrom. Those guys eat half the minutes available every single night and that's huge. And I wouldn't call Detroit "safe" in their transition passing game at all. Vanek's pretty much like a more skilled, less physical version of Holmstrom. He's only going to be as effective as the teammates who surround him and it's totally unfair to compare him to guys like Crosby and Malkin who're likely Top 10 All Time in overall skill. Swap the 2 guys and Vanek is putting up stupid numbers playing with Zetterberg, PD, Lidstrom and Rafalski instead of the anemic PP cast (sans Roy) that he's "enjoying" in Buffalo. Vanek continues to get blamed for the sins of his teammates.
  3. I don't watch the NBA anymore and I hate the Celtics but if I was rooting for anything it'd be for Kevin Garnett to get a ring.
  4. That's a load of crap. Every sport is as much mental as physical. The difference is golf and tennis have always been the games of the social elite and that's why those tubesteaks can't handle the least bit of outside stimuli while they're "performing". I wouldn't watch Eldrick swing a golf club if he was in my backyard. I don't have to see the guy in person to know he's not in the same league as professional hockey players. Are you fuggin' kidding me?
  5. Tiger is a good athlete and he has a nice workout regimen. That doesn't mean he could hold his own "physically" against "just about anybody". He dominates golf because he's pretty much the only guy in any kind of shape that isn't "round". And I'm sure it takes skill and a decent amount of athleticism to "play" golf. That doesn't mean it doesn't suck or that it's a sport. Nor does the fact that ESPN has basically told the world to watch it because now a person of color dominates it. Golf sucked before, it sucks now, and it'll suck forever. I'm amazed ANYONE would sit down and watch rich guys literally walk around for 6 hours. I'm pretty sure I've seen footage of Eldrick losing his mind because someone clicked a photo while he was lining up a shot. I bet Ryan Malone wishes the sound of a shutter opening and closing was the toughest thing he had to deal with while competing in his "game", instead of fighting for position against a pair of 200+ pound men with sticks and a puck launched at his face at over 90MPH. And I'm glad ESPN published the article they did. Fugger won't say anything about anything but when he finally does open his yap it's about hockey? I'd love to see how athletic he is while George Laraque is bearing down on him in a corner. I'd care about that. Tiger should use a little lesson in golf manners. "Quiet please".
  6. Because they're all perimeter players. Vanek isn't. He scores the majority of his goals within 5 feet of the net. And it's not so much Detroit's "defense", it's Nick Lidstrom + puck possession + the trap they play.
  7. You know, I thought about saying something but to me golf will always be the game of guys who think they're at a disadvantage because they have to walk 4 miles in 6 hours and some dude with a rotten leg wanted to ride in a cart. I'd like to see Ovechkin crosscheck Tiger in the neck with a 5-iron. It'd be worth the 2 minutes.
  8. And then pissed all over them from the time he got back until he won the party's nomination. Care to guess how many Veteran-related bills Senator Ketchup sponsored or co-sponsored during his first 19 years in the Senate? Democrats just can't admit that they screwed up with their last 2 choices. Obama could very well make it 3-for-3, though the Republicans are doing their level best to nominate a really weak candidate as well.
  9. It'd take some player movement. I'd say the Sabres are more interested in Orpik right now.
  10. A lot. I doubt the Penguins will be able to afford to keep him.
  11. Yeah, but everyone else who lost hasn't already lived in the White House. Hillary Clinton is as good a candidate for President as Teresa Earnhardt is a NASCAR Team Owner.
  12. Surprise! Senator Clinton faces reality before PJ. Who had today in the AM?
  13. I would have gone with "Ramadan Inn" but maybe it's too obvious?
  14. You do realize that Joe has no ability to process actual information, right?
  15. It's a continuing theme. No reason to reinvent the wheel. We'll make them love us by planting our troops there. Soon to follow will be "Muhammed-Mart", MuhDonalds", Allahbees, etc...
  16. I think when describing George Takei the phrase "where a buncha men have gone before" is more appropriate.
  17. I'm pretty sure this has been a goal from the outset so the only surprise is how long it took the media to get real information on it.
  18. What, you don't like big government solutions to problems?
  19. It was probably for "vagina" not "victory", since Hasek's a whiny pu$$y.
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