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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Because you're an idiot. Jesus, nothing like comparing apples to water buffalos. Come back when you have something beyond the standard media-driven stupidity. How has outlawing drugs worked out, liberal guy? Been able to keep drugs outta the hands of anyone who wants them? Enjoy the cottage industry that cost taxpayers billions each year keeping people in jail while the very same things continue on and the associated crime escalates? Now outlaw guns and figure out how well that's going to work in the very same society. !@#$ing Canada and England. Are you kidding me? Why not Rwanda, the Congo, Burundi, Lagos, etc? Because they don't fit your convenient "intellectualness"? Why is it that you didn't use Switzerland, where virtually every household is REQUIRED to have an automatic weapon? Because that doesn't fit the continued demonizing of inanimate objects? I can't wait to see another one of your "run off at the suck" posts with a buncha stupid links. As if making them really long makes the points actually stick.
  2. That based on your "one-on-ones" with the Almighty or you just spewing hope and trying to pass it off as fact?
  3. Yeah, but you're probably the biggest hypocrite I've ever run across on the internet. So when you get to the afterlife, tell your imaginary friend I said "hey".
  4. I prefer to wait until someone is actually convicted of something to render judgement. I'm pretty consistant that way. What exactly do you mean by "moral courage"? I'm not sure I've used that phrase and that's probably for good reason, since it makes no sense.
  5. Except he didn't stop, so now he has to do WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM. That means getting a really good lawyer and letting the guy do his job while you sit at home and keep your mouth shut. That's the system, regardless of whatever perfect world you're looking for. And it's going to be really interesting to see just how far the Commissioner pushes this given the precedents set in cases like Leonard Little's.
  6. As a general rule, I live my life based on what the public thinks I should do rather than what is best for me personally.
  7. Fug Casino Drive. I hate the fact they even let horses who won't compete in all 3 races run in the Preakness and Belmont.
  8. Money is green. Hulk is green. Simple, really.
  9. I don't know anything about him being hurt in the Rangers series. Not saying it didn't happen, just that's the first time I've heard it. Pittsburgh Post Gazette Reports Kronwall broke Malone's nose in Game 2. So I was wrong about that. It was game 2.
  10. Actually, I think his nose was broken by Kronwall in the first game of the Finals.
  11. No kidding. It's gotta be the curse of Keenan.
  12. Shut up. Crosby is a floater because he doesn't play the PK.
  13. Tomato, toe-mah-to. The next time I get pissed over someone not agreeing with me on a message board will be a first. Wait, I'm supposed to be interested in how a QB, some talking head with bad lettuce, and a quasi-gay lounge singer are going to do at a game I think sucks? They'll likely look a lot better than Clyde Drexler and the other 2 assclowns on "Pros versus Joes" looked trying to shoot 5 pucks into an empty net with no time limit. I'm sure it's out there on youtube. You let me know when I can watch one of those "athletes" you call golfers performs in an actual sport, so I can be really impressed with Craig Stadler doing something besides stuffing his gullet and walking around trying not to hit the ball into 5 inches of grass and pretending that's "rough".
  14. I've been involved in professional hockey most of my adult life. I've worked for a team. Have you? Hockey players and coaches almost NEVER say anything negative to the media about their teammates. In the short term? No. At the money he's going to get from the market in the salary cap era? Absolutely. Yeah, that's what I said. Sure you don't. That's why you used it twice earlier in the thread.
  15. Because the newspaper said so. And he makes $50 million dollars.
  16. Yeah, I care about what players say about other players in the press. That's always a good indicator because hockey players don't have a code or anything. Campbell being the Sabres "best defenseman" is more an indication of the position's weakness than anything else - not that I agree with you on that point either. He'll be "just fine"? Dude, when Brian Campbell was 23 the Sabres couldn't trade him for a bag of pucks. Phaneuf is an ALL STAR. And Phaneuf not having a clue what the second round looks like has nothing to do with how good a player he is. Jesus Christ, how the hell can a BILLS' fan use that kind of "lahjik"? Some guys just take a little longer to get it. The Sabres wouldn't be a better team without Thomas Vanek and the penis envy everyone continually throws at his contract is ridiculous.
  17. It says that NFL players do really stupid things, just like everyone else.
  18. So earlier you said the West was tougher but now Campbell is comparable to those players because he plays comparable minutes? Tough to see the correlation given that defense has been the Sabres' weakness for a looooooooooong time. Campbell is a poor man's Brian Rafalski. Same type of skills, less intelligence. That's a really stupid question. Phaneuf scored as many points in the single series he played this season as Soupy has scored in ANY postSEASON. Are you actually implying that Phaneuf isn't a better defenseman than Brian Campbell? Because you'd be awfully lonely in this world if that's actually your opinion. Thomas Vanek is sorry he's not Sidney Crosby. Of course, so are all but about 5 players in the history of the NHL.
  19. There are a ton of factors that have led to the increase in the price of a barrel of oil. To include: Lack of refining capacity (from 1983-2003, the cost of oil was fairly flat and there wasn't much margin in refining - so companies didn't invest in refineries to make them more efficient or build more of them). Increase in worldwide demand (especially China and India) Government regulation of exploration, production, refining, transport, and infrastructure for the industry (not just in the United States) Hippies Speculation Geopolitical events Weather Devaluation of the Dollar Lack of infrastructure improvement in the United States (especially in regard to power production) These are just an important few. Many of them brought to you by the politicians in Washington who're more concerned about who's marrying who, whether we're going to allow prayer in school, abortion, etc. Because those are easy to get people spun up about while ignoring the things they're Constitutionally mandated to take care of.
  20. What exactly was uncivil? Me calling your opinion of the "mental" aspect of golf a "load of crap"?
  21. I wasn't talking about tennis players in the athletic sense.
  22. Except the increase in SUVs and Truck sales are a drop in the bucket when it comes to the price of a gallon of gas. But don't let the lack of factual information get in the way of hippy "lahjik".
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