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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Mine would be Curt Gowdy - but I loved Jones because you could tell he loved football and telling the story.
  2. Yeah, it's a "pissing match" when someone uses facts to point out stupidity. Now complain about how much the media sucks in some other thread.
  3. Nah, you're the one hanging off every word being reported and commenting on it ad nauseum - which further feeds the media beast and gives a misdemeanor a life of its own. The dumbass DA thanks you for your support. If this team is "distracted" or uses this as an excuse for poor performance, we may as well blow the whole thing up because there isn't a leader in the room. You want distracted? Try repairing a circuit you need to call in air support while people are launching artillery at you. Oh what I wouldn't give to be "distracted" by some assclown asking me questions about whether I was distracted from football practice.
  4. Is there anything you're not willing to look like an ass about? Or you just have a problem shutting the !@#$ up and minding your own business?
  5. Ladies and gentleman, the official bottom of the retard rollercoaster has been reached. Please depart the ride in an orderly fashion.
  6. I would bet DoD's budget could be reduced by close to half and deliver about the same effectiveness. The problem would be the massive unemployment associated. You think this is wasteful, wait until the construction of nuclear power plants start ramping up. That is going to make DoD look frugal when it's all said and done.
  7. Did you whine the same way when they made Jason Peters a tackle?
  8. I actually read the entire court transcript of the OJ case as well as Vincent Bugliosi's book, so the answer to that one would be no. Any other single points you'd like to make in the grand scheme? And your judgement of me really couldn't be more meaningless. I gave up trying to win life's popularity contest in grade school. And I'm well aware of the law providing opportunity to get away with crime. Gotta any more pearls of obviousness for us? How about "The justice system doesn't always treat young black me fairly?" You (and Dawgg for that matter) calling any quote/person pretentious is a little ironic. I apologize for not getting the reference. I have signatures turned off. I'm actually surprised that quote is still there - I changed it some time ago. I guess when the board crashed, the old one came back. You want a point for that? You got it. Big win there. I'm not defending anyone. I'm watching a guy with a lot to lose try and minimize the damage to himself and the family he is the sole supporter of. Going out and falling on your sword for another public witch hunt is rarely the best way to make that happen. And I don't blame him one bit for doing what he can to protect himself for the long term and limit his exposure to the "justice" system.
  9. Welcome to the residual effect of M.A.D.D. What was once a right of passage is now a "serve time" offense.
  10. You know, for people whose party pretends to be intellectuals you people come up with some of the dumbest comparisions. These are such vain attempts they almost don't deserve a response. Almost. Let's not use the term murder. Let's use the term "killing". Is killing someone in America completely illegal? The answer is no. Go ahead and try to debate that. Speeding? Are you really comparing a behavior to a tradeble commodity that will never be eradicated from society, ensuring that criminals will always have them? You actually believe that's a lucid argument? It has nothing to do with "laws people can get around" (unbelievably dumb). It has to do with the individual's right to protect themselves. It's fundamental. So fundamental that the Forefathers of the Country made it one of the original Amendments to the Bill of Rights (and I don't care what the goddamn hippes say) - the Second one - because it's that damn important. I believe in reasonable restrictions - which would be few.
  11. Don't know. Wasn't me. Guess how I know that? What you don't realize is every user has a profile here and that profile has a history. Go ahead and pick a moderator and ask them if I've got even one entry in your profile. You're gonna hate the answer. The one thing you're right about is the satisfaction I get from pointing out your hypocrisy. You'll get a bit more on that below. What exactly does it say? I can hardly wait for the response. While I'm waiting, I thought I'd bring up this gem again: Petrino Showing His Support for the Troops So back in 2004 it was perfectly acceptable to start a thread pretty much for the purpose of insulting Tom and me. Now you're attempting (publically anyway) to take the high road while calling me @$$hole in PMs. Guess you don't like your own medicine much. Keep pretending you're better, little man. Welcome to the real reason you hope this thread goes away.
  12. I read a story the other day about some thieves taking a statue of Jesus off the cross because it was aged and green (the color copper gets as it oxidizes). They got it somewhere and realized it was plaster.
  13. Just about anything you've ever posted?
  14. Am I the only one around here watching intently for meteors? SiC says "DC Tom is right"? Whoa. If that little weasel didn't block my PMs, this thread would never exist. The two situations aren't the same. Thanks for your input.
  15. The best part is blocking my PMs after sending that. Nice touch.
  16. You got some big brass ones... I'm really shocked that you'd choose to insult me privately while telling me not to insult you. Gee, I wonder why I called you the most hypocritical poster I've ever "met".
  17. Dude, seriously. STFU. Try and figure out which "to" he used incorrectly. There are 3 to choose from. When you finally figure it out, understand that I'm pretty much the last person around here who is going to need your help with ANYTHING. Even you aren't too dense to figure that out.
  18. It's only fun to pile on the mentally ill when they're of a certain political persuasion. Hey Debbie, chastize me again for using the term retard, you hypocrite.
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