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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You just keep repeating that to yourself and pretending you're smart. Eventually both will have to come true. That's right folks, Elliot's inability to do a simple internet search means I can't articulate my opinion. He's wicked intelligent.
  2. You're going to be waiting an awfully long time, Cletus. Good luck with that. And as for you "requiring" a substative response: I could give a flying crap what you "think".
  3. I'm not looking for stupid people to join up for some cause. That'd make me a political party or something. Lord. Do YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I'm absolutely amazed at how unbelievably lazy people are, all the while acting learned. Now call other people stupid again. I revel in the delicious irony...
  4. Really? So the statement you made about "anyone denying the existance of Global Warming is stupid" isn't open for discussion? Now c'mon, really smart guy. You can do a search. I know you can. I also find it quite funny that a "non-liberal" would use government organizations as proof for their opinion. Good job disproving me on that one.
  5. What issue? The consistant need for Liberals to pretend that Foxnews is way different and therefore worse than the garbage they watch? Like I said, soldier on and keep being part of the problem. Your masters are counting on you.
  6. So your ability to draw a conclusion is as sharp as your search acumen. Shocking, really.
  7. He did a good job but I'd venture to guess that the majority of credit should really go to the writers and the producer. One of them should have helped K.E. with his speech for the Jimmy V Award. That was brutal.
  8. So you're not smart enough to do a simple search when given all the parameters required, but I'm supposed to give a crap about your opinion on "Global Warming"? Yeah, I think not. Go away, troll.
  9. I did answer your question. I told you to search on my username and the term. It'll give you at least 5 lengthy posts worth of answers. But go ahead and pretend you're not full of crap and praying like hell that this discussion will go away quickly.
  10. Love the liberal mantra of "question nothing". You people will literally buy anything being sold to you. Al Gore and his ilk friggin' love you people. I'd venture to guess that you know virtually nothing about "Global Warming" or the "science" behind it. Do a search on my username and "global warming" on this site - you'll actually learn something. I have absolutely zero desire to waste anymore time on your particular brand of "elegance".
  11. Million dollar athlete, nickle's worth of gray matter.
  12. Of course you don't "realize" it. Because you've bought into it hook, line, and sinker. There is plenty of evidence that "Global Warming" is complete bunk but the for profit media isn't in the business of questioning things or reporting both sides of any story.
  13. The only ones who'll win this mess are the lawyers. RUN away.
  14. Sure you would. As if you'd be lucid enough to recognize it without someone explaining it to you. Now soldier on, oh really smart liberal.
  15. Been busy for a while. Nice to know you're still a B word.
  16. Pretty much the same way they watch CNN/MSNBC, etc. They turn on their blinders and see what they want to see. All of the "for profit" media sucks.
  17. That's right, IOC. Punish athletes for the transgressions of their governments. I love "organized" bodies. A-Holes.
  18. Let's just say I disagree completely. And "expectation" has to do with sensibility, which the "housing boom" ain't based on in the least. If that were the case, you wouldn't have families making under $80K qualifying for houses that cost over $500K. The "ROOT" cause of the whole thing was cheap money. There were other factors that got it steaming further and faster than it should have but without cheap money, they never come into play.
  19. You need to look up the definition of root. The housing "crisis" is a byproduct of piss poor Fed policy, which is the actual "root cause" of what is going on now. And thanks for adding yet another article pining for further government intervention. How surprising.
  20. Remember, you can't judge someone from the opinions they type on a message board. Even though he does it all the time. You know, PBills the victim act never gets tiring.
  21. Horsecrap. Both are absolute disasters for the average American. But that's the exact attitude your masters hope you'll keep because that's what it takes for them to remain power so they can continue the seemingly inevitable march toward ruin. Another gem.
  22. Can't we all just agree that both these guys are disasters and we deserve better?
  23. The problem with America is what's evident in this thread. What ails the country is the last 50 years of bipartisan "leadership". Obama will do essentially the same thing that the current President has done: make a few glaring mistakes and keep the seat warm. What is wrong in Washington is fundamental and it's not going to change until the American people wake the fug up. But you guys just keep pretending...
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