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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. What? You didn't know that everyone who hates liberals is automatically a Republican who voted for Bush?
  2. Nah, instead they molest children because of the "touchy feely" message. Jesus Christ, is there a limit to partisan stupidity?
  3. Doubtful. They're so disorganized it's unlikely they'll pass anything. It'll be much like the first 2 Clinton years. Doesn't really matter. There's no such thing as "fiscal responsibility" in Washington. The mandated spending is so out of hand that even cutting everything else ensures a ridiculous deficit. And we know they're not cutting everything else so let's just sit back and watch the abyss.
  4. I'm laughing at the irony of you cherry-picking one post (apparently you weren't smart enough to find the 100 or so others), which is nothing but links and then drawing ridiculous conclusions based on it. It's a real surprise you're a "Global Warming" monger.
  5. You keep telling yourself you got me. Your mirror is listening.
  6. Congrats squirrel. You finally found your nut.
  7. Keep whipping that steed. Eventually it'll come around.
  8. You are more of a lemming than I thought. Newsflash, Sparky: Scientific bodies throughout history are often wrong and generally it's ONE guy who figures it out. Ever heard the term "a person is smart, people are stupid"? Care to guess how often that particular phrase has applied throughout scientific history? It started when the earth was flat and has continued to today with Global Warming. It's unlikely to ever end. The only thing to really hope for is all the fear mongering actually leads to real, responsible environmental change. But somehow I doubt it. Now run off and give yourself another pat on the back because you think you've somehow proven something with your circular "lahjik".
  9. Who hooooooo. More pomp and circumstance from the liars. I'm so upbeat. Chuck Schumer. Are you kidding?
  10. Well, it's kinda a given that he's another spoonfed moron with the ability to regurgitate whatever the EPA and other "agencies" toss his direction. So it's not unfathomable that his "group" are people who read a summary on occasion then wax poetically with their newfound knowledge. I'm kinda glad he's here. It's always fun to tenderize fresh meat.
  11. Why do you honestly think I care what you believe? Nice narcissistic tendency there, Chief.
  12. There isn't a single LBer in the NFL that will stand out without good play in front of them. The fact that he didn't get lost on the Giants defense is a pretty good indicator of the guy's talent. Mitchell is exactly what the BILLS have been missing since Spikes got hurt. He's a willing and physical guy who'll get his nose dirty at the point of attack.
  13. Sorry, that'd be illegal and also against the terms of service for TBD.
  14. Make sure you have assistant coaches and keep the kids in small groups to keep them interested. You've got to keep the pace fast and stuff fun or you'll lose them. I echo what the others have said as well. 1. Make sure you're organized. 2. Have fundamental drills first to evaluate. 3. Don't yell if you can help it. 4. Make sure you put parents in their place quickly but try to do it in a mannerly way (not always easy). 5. Have a couple of golden rules and don't deviate.
  15. Guess God was off doing everything else at the time. Dude works in mysterious ways.
  16. Hard to give any of it credence as the effects of such things are generally not short term. At the end of the day, the government will take in far less than they spend, regardless of the promises. And eventually our standard of living will pay dearly for it. It's only just begun.
  17. Maybe because you're a simpleton. And this "forum" is used for a variety of purposes for a variety of reasons. As far as the rest of your drivel, there's little difference between me giving a few contrarian links on this website than what Al Gore and his friends did with "An Inconvenient Truth". Well, except that I didn't attempt to spin anything or use fear mongering to make myself millions of dollars. So? Generally through history when there are warming trends, they happen close together. That's why they call it a trend. Ooh, the general scientific consensus is... on a subject they have a pinhead's worth of knowledge about. I didn't draw any conclusions from an abstract. You did. Dumbass. And I've read each one of those things in their entirety. Because I can.
  18. They do it every day. They simply do it in a much more subtle manner. It's been extremely effective for a very long time and is one of the main reasons the Liberals have been able to continually push their ridiculous agenda at the poor. I'm sure you're looking for some kind of concrete example, besides what you lable as a "slipup" (labled as such because it fits your political bent). I don't have anything like that, though I'm sure I could search the internet and find a litany of examples that you'd just spin the way you did with Rather. I know it's hard for you people to realize that your entire ideology is flawed and that you've been brainwashed your entire life but try and face reality. There's a reason that liberal news spends so much time going after Fox News and it's not the conclusions you're drawing.** **I hate Fox News. And you for making me even waste a moment of time on this subject when it's so goddamn obvious what the deal is.
  19. Answer my question first. How exactly was this information presented as new?
  20. How exactly are they presented as "new research"? Or is that just another of your techniques in an attempt to win credibility? You act as though the science in this area has grown leaps and bounds in the last decade. It hasn't. Or that these studies are irrelevant because of when some were published. They aren't. There are still far more questions than answers despite the ridiculous "consensus" that "Global Warming" is at least "partially" because of human beings. Boy, that's damning.
  21. Really? Why don't you tell me a little more about my politics. Conservative blog or forum? This is gonna be a hoot. As far as the rest of it: there is plenty more where that came from and I'm quite sure I've read 100 times the information on the subject that you have. I'm not sure what posts you're referring to but when you post things on this forum, you have to consider the audience. There are not more than a handful of people here who are capable or willing to read much more than a summary. But pretend you caught me at something because you need to feel special. The fact of the matter is "Global Warming" started as junk science with the since disproven "Hockey Stick Graph" brought to you by the U.N. and it has morphed into a multi-billion dollar industry that now depends on it being "fact". It's pretty similiar to "the Earth is flat", "The Russians are coming!", "terrorists are going to kill us all", etc. Just the latest boogieman to keep you in fear. Now I won't disagree that the human race as a whole needs to do a whole lot better stewarding the environment (something I'm quite sure I've said numerous times here). That's indisputable. But we don't have to make Al Gore and other assclowns like him rich along the way.
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